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Author Topic: Change of HRT  (Read 5612 times)


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2017, 07:06:34 PM »

I've been interested to see how you were getting on- my doctor said by three months you'll pretty much know if it's going to work for you and likely it'll be as good as it gets by then. This is my benchmark for saying yes or no to something, although you might remember I switched from tabs to patches and only managed a week and a half. My skin could not cope with them constant itching under the patch, that's if they stuck, and it was a constant reminder of my menopause so moved back to tablets.
What is the progesterone in the tablets you are using? Am guessing it's estradiol with a prog? Maybe another progesterone will be better in a different prep. What other tablets have you tried and did you have success with any?
SQ xxx


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2017, 07:57:13 PM »

Shoppingqueen thanks for taking an interest :), I am on not on progesterone as I had a total hysterectomy at 2012, I thought by now I would see some sort of improvement but this last week feeling blurrrr, I am also on Prozac and using testosterone but not every day maybe every other, was wondering if it could be the testosterone thats causing the mood swings, just so fed up want to be or feel normal, tired of feeling irritable, moody, fed up of feeling sick and this week feeling bloaty and god tired I could sleep all the time, I dont want to go back to my GP cause I am convinced she thinks I am being a bit of a hypochondriac, dont want to mess around with stuff all the time either :'( :'(


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2017, 08:30:23 PM »

Hi moonbeam,
Of course, sorry I think you'd said! So, you only on the estradiol is it the higher 2mg?? It's just that this would be in most preparations so I can imagine only alternative is to try gel maybe? Could be absorption? I've no experience of testosterone gel but hopefully someone with experience will be along- could you drop it then review in a couple of weeks?
I totally relate to how you are feeling about wanting to feel normal, or at least close to normal and about sticking to something. I've been sick of it all to my back teeth in my recent blip- and blip is a bit of a euphemism for being in the pit of despair and thus jumping from one thing to another too quickly and being thoroughly impatient with it all! Desperate even. However, I've realised I need time to adjust or I'll run out of options if I keep burning things off too quickly. It'll be a no to patches for me but I'm not ruling out gel in future.
Be interesting to see what other members suggest!
Ps yes, I also know what you mean re doctors- in my last consultation I could hear her sigh as she said 'and is there anything else we can help you with?' With 'that tone' of voice and the stress on 'else' Gulp. I was bloody mortified and have vowed to try and stay away from the doctors for as long as humanly possible. I was so embarrassed 😩 felt a right hypochondriac! Awful. And what made it worse is she's a fantastic GP... been a patient there a long time.
SQ xx
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 08:36:43 PM by shoppingqueen »


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2017, 08:50:58 PM »

I think I've finally found my regime

Oestrogel and Tostran gel (daily)
Amitriptyline for my back (daily)

I don't want this phase to end, it's probably the best I've felt in 5 years.  Not perfect but almost as I used to be


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2017, 08:19:45 AM »

Hi moonbeam - I remember that you came off tablets before because of stomach problems and therefore this  (stomach/digestive problems) can result in variability in absorption which could lead to some variation in dosage and if you are especially sensitive to this might account for some side effects.

What dosage of testosterone are you taking and which brand - and also how long have you been taking it?

It is important to be consistent in whichever regime you are using.

If you have bad dizzy spells that are not due to low blood sugar or similar (that you can recognise) I would keep a diary ( of food, symptoms and medications) for a while to see if there is a pattern, and if necessary visit your doc. Don't be fobbed off with hypochondria- you are still trying to achieve the best hormonal solution after your hysterectomy and ovary removal and it is important for you to get this right - and also to distnguish betweemn other possible health problems too.

Hurdity x


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2017, 06:57:15 PM »

thanks for replying yes I did come off the pills cause of my stomach but the patches just was not sticking at all even by using surgical spirits ,  I was using a pea size blob of testigel every other day  but I stopped the testosterone a few days ago but still about 3/4 of the way through the day I get really moody headaches and extremely tired, do I need to give time for the Testigel to get out of my system but I do think the 2mg pill is not enough for me especially as I was using 100mcg patch for years, I am so confused, all I want is to feel sort of normal again, have a GP appointment tomorrow but dont hold much hope, wish I could afford to go private but cant, sick of messing around can you please help


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2017, 04:03:38 PM »

Well went to GP and she wont swap me back to the patch she said she only prescribe  them to fat ladies, she has referred me back to meno clinic , I asked to come off Prozac as it doesnt help my headaches or neck pain, she believes my symptoms have nothing to do with my HRT or hormones , I said to her I am not stressed or nothing just cheesed off about my neck pain and headaches but more so how I cant get the HRT right, so now I have got to wait till I see them again  >:( :( >:( :( :'(


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Re: Change of HRT
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2017, 09:37:04 PM »

Hi everyone

I have been on the pills now for nearly 3 months and being honest feeling pretty good, have come off Prozac as well, I am on Amitrypline instead of hopeful touch wood they will help, stop coco cola for a month and it has helped my stomach alot not drinking it, I dont eat butter no more, feeling good, the only issue I have is the weight I dont diet but dont eat alot of rubbish but still feel fat, cant seemed to loss weight just feel I am gaining it, any advice plz ;D
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