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Author Topic: Specialist a trip report - not very positive  (Read 6785 times)


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Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« on: June 22, 2017, 02:03:20 PM »

This is my second visit to my local menopause clinic, the first visit being 3 months ago Where I felt  she didn't accept some of my symptoms were due to low oestrogen when I'm sure (knowing my own body) they are. It's taken years and lots of tests to find this out -it's not something I just came up with. Any time I mentioned a related symptom like hair loss, ulcers, insomnia, aching bones - it felt like she said 'it could be your diet though anything can cause those things you need to speak to your GP'. It seems the only symptom accepted is hot flushes. I do have strong evidence that these are related to low oestrogen as they improve when I take enough oestrogen plus I eat a really healthy diet, plus Ive had endless batteries of tests as my GP bless him is always offering them!

On this second visit I was greeted by a different doctor who said she was taking the appointment and my usual specialist was sitting in and was that ok. I try to support training but it actually wasn't ok today as I feel my situation has got a bit complicated but I didn't feel able to say so -I know that's poor and I have been much more assertive lately, but I had got all ready to fess up to the specialist that I haven't been using the utrogestan as prescribed and wasn't expecting this.
The new doctor started taking my history again and asking when my last period was which I don't know (because is years) and didn't know on the last visit. She then asked me what I was taking - (did she read my notes!!) Anyway I kind of interrupted and cut to the chase because I didn't want my whole appointment being taken up with history/note-taking as it was last time, and said 'my life has been so much better on this regime, better than for years but 6 weeks in hair loss started up again and I don't know if i'm willing to go bald and is there another progesterone I can try?' I then has to sit through a lecture which I've heard 4 times already on male pattern hair loss. So then the observing specialist says 'I'd be very surprised if it's the utrogestan as that's rare'.  The trainee then asks me again about dosage and I explain I've been taking it every other day and why and she says 'that's not ok'. I say 'but what about if I have scans - i'll pay for them myself'  and she says 'they don't work because they don't detect endometriosis'. She asks me 'are hot flushes the only symptoms you had?' and I'm thinking again 'did you read my notes???' So I list them again and the observer specialist intervenes again with 'there are many things which can cause mouth ulcers you need to speak to your G.P.' (I've spoken to him many times and had several blood tests)

Sorry this is so long and ranty and angry (i'm so frustrated) the main problems are;

Not feeling treated like and adult and not being listed too.
Feeling a lack of continuity, like they hadn't read my notes.
Going over and over the same ground but not wanting to hear about my actual experience.
Treating menopause as if it's unconnected to anything else in the body - i.e. 'you need to see your GP about that'.
Having to have a 3-way conversation because the trainee was very inexperienced and kept having to ask which normally I wouldn't mind.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 05:33:10 AM by Peacegirl »


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 02:42:18 PM »

Shortie, thank you for replying and giving a positive suggestion. I think I will go see him. Once I've seen him do I have to pay private prescription charges or can I take the script to my gp?


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 03:25:35 PM »

Peacegirl, just be aware before you shell out big money on Prof. Studd that he can be rather abrupt to deal with, so if you're looking for an attentive, sympathetic ear he probably isn't the best choice although of course he's been marvellous for some women here.

I wish you the very best of luck. xxxxx


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2017, 03:26:59 PM »

Peacegirl, just be aware before you shell out big money on Prof. Studd that he can be rather abrupt to deal with, so if you're looking for an attentive, sympathetic ear he probably isn't the best choice although of course he's been marvellous for some women here.

I wish you the very best of luck. xxxxx

Hi, thanks that's good to know. I can indeed be a bit sensitive round this issue.  :-\


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2017, 03:44:46 PM »

Of course you are sensitive, you have been to a 'menopause' clinic where 'they' appear to believe that if a woman has flushes then she is menopausal: without taking into account the many other symptoms which lowering oestrogen may cause.  I have never had hot flushes but do have other symptoms which are intermittent. 

Give Professor Studd's Secretary a ring and ask what the waiting list is likely to be and take a list of your main symptoms to the appt..  The Secretary should be able to tell you if able to get any suggestions via the NHS. 

Let us know how you get on!  Where is your GP in all this ? (sorry if I've missed something  ::))


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2017, 03:55:53 PM »

Of course you are sensitive, you have been to a 'menopause' clinic where 'they' appear to believe that if a woman has flushes then she is menopausal: without taking into account the many other symptoms which lowering oestrogen may cause.  I have never had hot flushes but do have other symptoms which are intermittent. 

Give Professor Studd's Secretary a ring and ask what the waiting list is likely to be and take a list of your main symptoms to the appt..  The Secretary should be able to tell you if able to get any suggestions via the NHS. 

Let us know how you get on!  Where is your GP in all this ? (sorry if I've missed something  ::))

Thank you, my gp is lovely but he suggested a specialist referral after I had hair loss from evorel conti and then severe insomnia from Premarin and though femoston was great in many ways, I got low estrogen side effects. Think he ran out of ideas and of course I'm still learning about it all.


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2017, 04:00:15 PM »

Aren't we all learning  :( ...........

The body drops oestrogen levels 'naturally'  :-\ ......... fortunately I had few of the 'real' menopause symptoms other than periods gradually disappearing and flushing after evening bath for several months but that could have been my medication.  I also itch: insteps, across my shoulders/back ....... not continually but very annoying!

Insteps start itching as I take off socks and step into the bath.  Add to that VA  ::) ..........

Why don't people at a Clinic, supposedly in the know about menopause, actually know  :-\ - what are their Qualifications and how much do they get paid to tell ladies that without flushes they can't be in menopause! 


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2017, 04:09:18 PM »

Peacegirl I don't think Meno doctors are specialized enough in the menopause. I think ladies on these sorts of sites know more. I saw Prof Studd & yes he is very abrupt & because his regime of oestrogel & utrogestan didn't work for me he wasn't really interested anymore. I saw DR Panay as well & found him much better to get on with but I must emphasize that these are only my personal views & others probably think differently. Menopause Doctors aren't gods & just because they haven't heard of a side effect from HRT it doesn't mean it doesn't exist for you. I hope things improve for you. Xx


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2017, 04:13:35 PM »

If only they would listen though  :-\ - that way we all learn.


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2017, 04:23:41 PM »

Having been to the menopause seminar last night , I REALLY feel Dr Louise Newson would be great to see , going through meno herself and on HRT....very kind and compassionate a breath of fresh air.

I also have to go private , we shouldn't however 😏.


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2017, 04:30:18 PM »

She's my private consultant, MJ. xxxxx

Ju Ju

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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2017, 06:26:03 PM »

I see a gynaecologist privately and I am able to get my prescriptions via my surgery. She always sends my GP a follow up letter expressing her recommendations and I go for a follow up appointment with the GP to ensure my repeat prescription list is kept up to date. If you live in the south of England, I can recommend my gynaecologist who is lovely, kind and sees the whole picture.


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2017, 06:34:03 PM »

I know this is probably a bit contentious but can I ask a question.

I have read so many times on the forum what the private doctors prescribe. And it's exactly the same time after time.
Gel or a patch.....Utrogestan for so many days a month...,some that have trouble with progesterone on a longer cycle and a dab of testosterone.

If I know this then so does everyone else that reads the forum.

Why then spend hundreds of pounds for what will just be the same recipe.

I may be thick here but if it was a tailored prescription then I could understand. Made to measure stuff after extensive blood tests. Compounded maybe.

Can I say I am not against anyone going privately as I have done it myself over the years but not for meno stuff.

This is a genuine question as I really don't understand.

Mrs Brown



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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2017, 06:53:20 PM »

For me Mrs. B it was just to get to try  Testosterone as I couldn't get it via my NHS consultant even though I'm indicated for it with no ovaries.

As it turns out, I've fell at the 'estrogen hurdle' again as patches won't stick no matter what and estrogel is too up and down despite split dosing. So I'm pretty much back to square one again. :(

Its true what you say - there is nothing 'magical' about what private Consultant's prescribe. The only exceptions I can see are private Consultant's who will prescribe long cycle progesterone for those who are Prog. intolerant or those who would like to try testosterone and can't get it via the NHS. Everyone else can pretty much get what they need from their GP and save their money. It's just trial and error to find an HRT which offers benefits and with side effects you can tolerate (if you're VERY lucky you might experience none).  xxxxx


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Re: Specialist a trip report - not very positive
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2017, 07:03:59 PM »

So difficult Tempest.

It's just that I read over and over the self same thing. It's very sad really.

Mrs Brown
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