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Author Topic: Coming off hrt  (Read 18598 times)


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2017, 08:50:15 AM »

Hi Tempest, I had the same problems with patches they kept coming off no matter what I did. If I had to say 1 HRT that helped a bit I would have to say it was taking it transbuccally (between gum & cheek) Yes having support is so important & message me any time you want if you are feeling bad & we can help each other. Xx


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2017, 11:16:09 AM »

I'd like that Paisley, thank you! :)

I spotted your post too over at HS - I hang out there too. Did you get the transbuccal idea from there? It only works with micronised though, doesn't it?

I really feel we oopherectomy ladies are poorly treated and understood here in the UK - our sisters in the States seem to have more options and subsequently do much better!

Hugs. xxxxx


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2017, 12:14:25 PM »

Hello, hyster as well in July 2016, have stopped Estrogel in April and had hormonal crash.  This was not good for me at all.  I also thought I would do better without HRT, I was so wrong... now still living with withdrawal symptoms.  I started Estradot .25 in May and gradually going up (I am now at .31).  I just can't function without estradiol and need to accept side effects.  I am doing some test with Prometrium but I do not change my estradiol level (or very slowly).  My menopause symptoms have subsided but I still have light head and ear ringing, coming from HRT, I do not know which one.  Maybe its from low E... still don't know, its very complicated.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 12:17:03 PM by Julation »


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2017, 05:37:36 PM »

Hello Tempest and all you lovely ladies- hope you start to feel better soon and get into something that makes things better.
Tempest- have PM'd you- not sure if you've got the message? X


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2017, 05:51:58 PM »

Tempest yes the tablets have to be dissolvable. I was taking zumenon. I just think if you aren't the norm then the doctors aren't really interested. They don't know what to do if it doesn't involve HRT or ADs. That's my experience. I would like to know why some women can just take HRT & others can't. Is it genetics but there has to be a reason & until we find that answer we will suffer with HRTs. My body thinks it is something alien sort of when you have a cold & you produce antibodies to fight it off. Wish I had been a scientist now.
Julation if HRT helps you even slightly then you should take it. If it helped me even 20% I would take it & if this doesn't work out I might have to


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2017, 08:23:03 PM »

It helps but I am not someone who will tolerate big dosage.  I think .37 or .5 will be enough for me.  I continue to have dizziness, nausea and ear ringing  and after 5 weeks, I am 99% sure its coming from hrt.  But my heart does not like it when I stop estradiol so I think I will have to suffer side effect.  I SO understand what you are going through... I would like to be one of those ladies who can take anything without any problem.  Or going through menopause without any symptoms....


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2017, 10:32:04 PM »

Paisley, I'm in EXACTLY the same position as you. After about 8 weeks or so, my body can't tolerate it and I've tried a few! It's a pretty violent reaction that I get.

I kidded myself that I could handle it long enough this time, but didn't even get that far as it happens as the patches were hopeless! :-\

The way im seeing this is this. I've spent time over at Ovacome, the site to support ladies with ovarian cancer and there are many there who have 'come through' surgical menopause without HRT because they have to. No one has shriveled up and died, even though God love them the cancer has tried to take them!

Many are leading active lives - one lady who is my age and had the surgery 3 years ago has visited Disneyland Paris and Amsterdam just recently - and this is between chemo maintenance too!

Similarly, there are women over at Hystersisters who came back to offer support 6 and 12 years following their surgeries and no HRT. Their symptoms are now gone. They don't  have flushes, have good energy and haven't aged prematurely. I am even in touch with another lady on FB from Hystersisters who had her surgery 8 years ago, no HRT and today she is a lay preacher and spends lots of time on the beach enjoying life with her family.

I've asked her what the secret was -and she said TIME. That and good nutrition, stress reduction and being kind to yourself.

In my real life I also know a lady who is now many years post surgery, took HRT for 5 years but stopped due to severe migraines.

She now works a demanding job, and looks wonderful for her age with lovely skin and a head of beautiful hair. She had her surgery at 39 and is now coming up to 60. So I KNOW for sure that this surgery and no HRT doesn't kill you, but it sure feels like it will at first!

This lady told me it took approximately 18 months after stopping HRT for everything to settle down, but after this she definitely felt better off it! The migraines were stopping her from working and happened even on low doses in the end.

18 months sound like ages, doesn't it? But it does get easier with time. I just wanted to share this in case it's some comfort, as I'm at a crossroads now myself too and weary of trying with HRT now. I've recently spent a lot of money on a private consultant, but pretty much I'm just back to the same things I tried and failed with previously via the NHS. There is no 'magic bullet' for me.

I hope some of this helps, and I'm sending you hugs as I know how tough it is. xxxxx

P.S. Sharing this with you, as this is just one of several similar posts I've seen over at HS. I hope it cheers you!'t=416637
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 10:35:30 PM by Tempest »


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2017, 12:14:01 PM »

This is what I've heard too.  That in time, symptoms do dissipate.  I used to work with  woman who had a complete hysterectomy in her late 30's.  Never did HRT.  She is 70 now and fit, far more active than me, etc.  She is doing fine, traveling and loving life.  Most post-meno women I know in my life are not/have not been on HRT and are doing well and have active, full lives.  This tells me that time is, indeed, the key.  Getting through the worst symptoms to see it to the other side. Taking care of yourself and eating well, etc.   To be honest, I never knew that menopause caused such big issues until I started looking online  :-\  I never heard any post-meno women in my life talk about it as being a horrible transition.  Either they were not speaking about it purposefully, or they passed through to the other side of it and just moved on.  I don't know.

Tempest, if you are using generic patches that may explain them not adhering.  I used brand-name and gladly paid the extra for it for the adhesion.  I used alcohol on the area, applied the patch and never have/had issues with them coming off.  Brand can make a huge difference.  My prescribing doctor told me that most of his patients prefer to use the brand-name patches for this reason, despite the extra cost.

Good luck ladies and hang in there!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 12:19:00 PM by TovahFell »


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2017, 03:17:59 PM »

Ah, dear Tovahfell! It's so lovely to hear about the lady you worked with. So encouraging, and this mirrors the experience of the lady I know who I mentioned.  :)

I also dislike the patches for another reason - I seem to sap the life out of them on the first day, and get a huge surge when first applying them and then......nothing. I know Dancinggirl had this experience too. Same with estrogel, I'd have to bathe in it constantly to keep levels stable! I tried split dosing, even that didn't keep things stable. It was taking over my whole life...... :-\

My Mum who had TAH/BSO  aged 42 was on the highest dose of Premarin. She was on this about 4 years, and then developed DVT so came off it. I remember her being a lot more 'mellow' once she was off it mood wise, bless her......but still lots of energy considering she was battling cancer. xxxxx


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2017, 03:22:02 PM »

Oops - just spotted your post Michele! Yes, I can see I have a wee message but can't access it via my phone, dammit!

I'll swipe my I pad back from my DS and reply to you just as soon as I can. :)

Hope you're doing ok off the HRT at the moment. It's flippin' humid here at the moment, innit? :o xxxxx


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2017, 03:37:23 PM »

Tempest, this is such an underrepresented, or underappreciated concept - that women metabolize and absorb topicals differently!  You mention the surge. I do not experience that but I have indeed heard others say this.  Also that the patch distribution of hormone isn't even or doesn't last (even though meant for 3-4 day wear).  No wonder women have so much back and forth and trial and error.  Infuriating!  I hope you find something that helps......and if not, you should take heart that there are many women who have had complete hysterectomies your age (and younger) who are doing quite well on the 'other side'. 

Good luck to you Paisley and hope you get to a good place with all of this! I would think you'd need to be off the HRT for some time before things settle.  Unfortunately, it is to be expected that some symptoms return - it seems to have happened with all of us who stopped HRT at one time or another.  And summer is a crap time to have to deal with it. :(  But you will get though it!  I wish the best for you going forward!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 03:43:56 PM by TovahFell »


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2017, 03:58:59 PM »

No problem Tempest- just when you've got a chance...
Pretty mixed so far. Sweats/ flushes and lots of muscle pain. Mood seemed to be a bit lighter but I've crashed today- might be to do with telephone interview with occupational health nurse today- I was crying by the end of it. No empathy and clearly no understanding of the issues and treatment options. As ignorant as some GPs. I told her I wasn't happy with her but I've been blubbering like a big baby all day. Her time will come...
It's horrible when you feel so vulnerable and fragile and someone comes along who dehumanises you. :'(


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2017, 09:33:42 PM »

Tempest thanks so much for your post. It really is heartening & uplifting to read about other ladies who have come out of this the other side. I can't remember if you said or not (sorry brain not with it) if you had ever stopped HRT or not. But you seem like me in that our bodies just don't like HRT. I don't think I metabolize it properly into my system & maybe it is the same with you too. I just find most Drs rubbish & aren't trained sufficiently in this especially for women like us who aren't the norm where HRT is concerned. We shouldn't have to pay to go private. I paid to see DR Studd 7 years ago & that was a waste of money because his regime didn't work & he had nothing else to offer me & his attitude was abrupt. Actually we should get our money back if they can't help us. You are right about TIME being a great healer, even though it is awful waiting. I sometimes find myself wishing my life away. Hugs to you Xx
Tovahfell thank you very much for your kind words. Are you on HRT & how are you doing?
Michelemabelle that nurse sounds awful & obviously has never felt like that or she would have had more empathy. Hope you feel better tomorrow


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #28 on: June 21, 2017, 09:36:45 PM »

Thanks Paisley - hang on in there! X


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2017, 10:06:19 AM »

I am trying to come off Hrt as I dont think its working now I am so fed up with it all after five years.When I first started it was great but thinking back it dident last long I have tried them all tablets first then patch ,gel and now patch again I at the moment am using 75mcg estrodot but a whole patch makes my anxiety go through the roof so I have been cutting a small bit off to see how I feel but last night was one of the worst for years surges and flushes all night long when will it bloody end !!!
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