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Author Topic: Coming off hrt  (Read 18600 times)


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Coming off hrt
« on: June 16, 2017, 06:54:10 PM »

Hi I haven't been on here for a long time. Quick history. I started Perimenopause Feb 2009, didn't get symptoms until Oct 2009 & when I got them I really did. I didn't get really bad flashes I got more the mental symptoms. In May 2011 I had a full hysterectomy. So from 2009 until May 2017 I have tried every type & make of HRT there is to try. I have given them all a fair trial & not one of them has helped in any way, in fact some of them only made me worse so I have decided enough is enough & 5 weeks ago stopped my HRT abruptly which is probably the wrong thing to do. After 4 weeks I am starting to get the withdrawal symptoms, ie anxiety, dizziness, hot flashes etc. Lots of people have probably asked this before but has anyone else been in a similar situation to mine & stopped HRT & felt better. I am hoping that these are only withdrawal symptoms from being on HRT for a long time. I live in Spain so the heat does not help the flashes & come back on to chat to like minded ladies as here in Spain it is ver hard to discuss. Thanks


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 09:02:42 PM »

I think Taz stopped HRT suddenly so she may be more helpful. I stopped it slowly and it took about a couple of months to settle down. It messed with my sleeping pattern totally and I did have a few very warm moments. Stopping it did not improve or make worse my anxiety which continued as normal!


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2017, 09:30:46 PM »

Hi Paisley- I've been off it 6 days now. I halved my oestrogel dose for a week then just stopped. I was on utrogestan too and I thought this would really work as I had been on 4 regimes previously- none have worked and I've felt increasingly unwell on HRT for the 19 months I've been taking it.

Mentally I seem lighter and more like myself- I'm actually sleeping a bit better and feel cheerier than I have for ages.
Early days  I know- downsides are feeling a bit hot, the odd low grade headache but I'm getting quite a lot of muscle pain/ weakness. I'm going to persevere though. Bought myself some menopausal support supplements and a can of Magicool spray.

Keep posting and hope it settles soon x


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2017, 10:21:28 PM »

Hi thank you very much for your replies. It helps so much to talk to others in the same situation & have really missed that over the years. Bramble hope you are doing well of HRT & Michelemabelle I hope you continue to do well off HRT. I am really hoping that after I have got over the withdrawal symptoms I will feel better, well praying actually


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2017, 11:25:10 PM »

Hi paisley - I have tried both ways. I have found that it makes no difference to me whether I stop cold turkey or gradually taper it off over a six month period. I felt ok for the first month but after that I found that by the end the third month without HRT my symptoms were at the same level as they were before I started HRT. I have not had the patience to persevere for longer than six months off it to see whether the symptoms will go away.

I am 63 now and have been on HRT for almost ten years. I intend to stay on it for as long as I can but I hope that you will find any symptoms you have resolve themselves quickly.

Are you still going to use a topical HRT for any vaginal symptoms?

Taz x  :)


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2017, 07:04:14 AM »

Hello paisley.

We sound similar. My first hint of the meno was in 2008 but it wasn't until 2010 when my periods suddenly stopped that I was hit by a whole range of symptoms. Naively I believed that the process could only take a few years so I struggled on but after three years things were getting worse so I asked for HRT. For the past four years I have been using various forms of HRT but nothing has really done the trick. Even the basics like flushing and sweating have continued!  I am seriously thinking of giving up again and seeing how I feel.

Whatever I decide to do I will update the forum so that we can help and support each other.

Take care.



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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2017, 08:02:36 AM »

Thanks. Yes Taz 2 I agree if I found a HRT that worked for me I would never come off it but seeing as I haven't I might as well not be on it. I don't take anything for vaginal atrophy & to be fair it isn't really really dry down there. I can cope with that.
Yes Kathleen you sound like me. I would love to know why HRT works for some & not others. Yes that's why I think these forums are good so we can post our different experiences. I hope to report back here as a new woman in a couple of months 


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2017, 08:20:51 AM »

Looking forward to hearing from you Paisley- goodness knows why it doesn't seem to agree with some of us. We are all different but it's good to know how others are doing.x


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2017, 10:19:17 AM »

Dear Paisley! I'm a surgical menopause lady too and wondered how you were doing nowadays as you hadn't posted for quote some time.

I'm so sorry that you've never found an HRT to suit you. I'm really struggling too and my surgery was over 2 years ago now.

What was the last HRT you used? I read in one of your old posts that you also added Testosterone at one point - how long did you use it for?

Off HRT I feel more like 'myself' with more energy but get awful adrenal surges, panic attacks and crying jags with almost total insomnia, hot flushes and night sweats. On it I feel flat, depressed, grinding anxiety and mood swings. And bloated.

I feel your pain - I really do! I'm just starting back on a 25mcg patch under Dr.Newson and increasing gradually, adding testosterone in when I have been on the patch a while and possibly adding progesterone in later if the anxiety shows up again. I'm not looking forward to all this, if I'm honest! If I had the choice to go without I probably would and will again if this all falls apart - I've put my body and mind through so much already!

Sending biggest hugs your way.


Tempest xxxxx


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2017, 10:23:35 AM »

Hey, Michele! {{{Waves}}}

So you're feeling better? I'm so glad, hun!

Hugs!!! xxxxx


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2017, 10:29:40 AM »

Hello again paisley.

I've just seen your reply to Taz2 and realised that we have yet another thing in common because I don't have VA either. Obviously the nether regions are not what they were but I have never had the difficulties some ladies report and never needed topical oestrogen, my bladder is okay as well.  As  Michelemabelle says we are all different but it is good to talk.

Take care.



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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2017, 10:52:47 AM »

Big hugs too Tempest x :bighug:


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2017, 12:10:02 PM »

Thanks again for your replies. It is much better talking with other women who understand. My friends try but they don't really understand & my husband is good but doesn't understand properly either.
Kathleen I wonder if there is a clue in the fact we don't have VA. Does that mean we have enough oestrogen? Just a thought.
Tempest I stopped testogel about 4 months ago as it didn't do much good. The last method of HRT I tried was zumenon 3/4 of tablet dissolved in mouth between gums as this was the only delivery system that I hadn't tried. Before this I had done patches, gels & tablets.  I cannot tolerate progesterone of any type, made me crazy. I really hope this new regime works for you. I can really understand your dilemma from having HRT to not having it. X


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2017, 09:44:57 PM »

Well week 6 of no HRT & wish I could say I felt good but I don't. The awful symptoms didn't start until week 4 of no HRT & are still awful. Bad anxiety in morning, very irritable off & on throughout the day with down feelings. On a positive note the dizziness & feeling like I am going to pass out is not as frequent as it was.  The warm moments aren't as bad. No achey legs & no dry nether regions. So at moment mostly nasty mental symptoms. See how next week goes. I can't wait  :(


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Re: Coming off hrt
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2017, 10:27:59 PM »

I know how you're feeling Paisley - truly! I've fell at the first hurdle going back on HRT as the flippin' patches absolutely refused to stay stuck despite prepping with alcohol wipes, doing nothing to the skin first, applying whilst lying flat etc. etc......

To say I'm completely fed up with this HRT fiasco is an understatement. So I'm right there in the same boat beside you again, on nothing at all.

We'll prop each other up, shall we? The mental stuff is the worst of all.......anything else I can handle.  :'( xxxxx
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