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Author Topic: Left sided weakness - terrified  (Read 13020 times)


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2017, 11:20:14 AM »

Thank you girls - I am terrified something neurological is goin on. I have so much in my plate right now with parents and health I just don't know where to turn. Just out of new holistic dentist appointment. He was great. Said that in his opinion I need to go back to gynae - since I had reached a good place weeks back - also said that structurally there's a problem with my neck spine and jaw and that it will def explain my symptoms- he said that if I didn't have those issues I should be asking to be tested for MS. But you know how anxiety works...... I have my wee dad with me and I told him I can't burden them with my worries. They've been through enough. He is giving me the name of a psychotherapist. Says anxiety needs to be tackled as a separate and debilitating issue.  Thank you so much I really appreciate your kind words xxx


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2017, 12:21:18 PM »

My thoughts exactly - you have cervical spine problems which can cause referred symptoms.  I think I posted how/what in another thread  :-\

These symptoms would be considered neurological but can be controlled with gentle exercise, posture control and if necessary, pain relief.  Of course you've had parents with heart problems so your stress levels will be up especially at the worst time, the early hours. 

What is a holistic dentist  :-\ - mine has done a Psychologiy Degree which really helps and we have an agreement when I'm in that chair, i.e. lift your little finger if you need me to stop  ::)


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2017, 03:10:13 PM »

Thank you girls - sitting with my mum in cardiac unit - can't eat - private GP rang - B12 normal. She says for what it's worth it sounds like a neck/nerve issue - but that for peace of mind I should have MRI to test and hopefully rule out MS. I'm just exhausted hands shaking - thumbs not working - head in a bad place. She also asked for permission to refer me to psychiatrist- I told her I am not opposed - at this stage I just want to sleep and pretend this isn't happening to me.
Thank you all kindly xx


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2017, 10:14:33 PM »

i don't know sparkle - i was so distressed i took the call in the toilets in hospital and stood crying  - shes calling me tomorrow to see if i'm happy to go ahead with MRI  - I've 3 diazapam in me and am now thinking that MRI is going to add to anxiety at the moment - when i was first diagnosed with ME i had many of the same symptoms  - i was also extremely intolerant to alcohol as well - so after some thought i am going to ask for the neck problems to be investigated first - and give them the x-rays the chiropractor took -  i am also going to halt any further chiro treatments just in case that has aggravated neck problems (i had a minor car accident about three to four weeks before i started noticing the funny sensation in arm and leg  this coincided with hormones taking a nose dive in january - so hormones are being monitored and hopefully wont be long until i get to meno clinic to review - if i now look at something which i had thought was connected to hormones as a separate issue  - i have also decided to keep a daily record ( as suggested by CKLD - i hadn't really committed to yet) i did this when i was very ill with ME and it was the first thing to help me see progress and track cause and effect.
i've decided to stay in bed mostly over next week to see if i can see progress with strict rest, if after this if things are worsening i will go for MRI  as important as all of this i def need to look at managing anxiety - so am likely going to accept medication x and consider appt with psychiatrist - ill ask for test details to be emailed to me tomorrow. 

thank you girls




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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2017, 10:21:13 PM »

Staying in bed is unlikely to help!  Get the MRI done, there are long waiting lists for these machines.  Once the report is back the GP can advise on what treatment is suitable.  Certainly one shouldn't have anything done on the spine without recent X-rays.  Your GP should be able to advise if this is separate to the hormonal upheavals.

...... and breath!


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2017, 08:45:22 AM »

DaisyB you have given me a lightbulb moment.  I was diagnosed with ME (now called CFS) in 2004. Numbness, pins and needles and intolerance to alcohol and extreme sensitivity to medication and other chemicals (toiletries, household products) is very common with the condition.  I was diagnosed at the National ME Centre in Romford and the consultant advised me of these things.

Some years ago, when I attended a local ME/CFS clinic I had a bout of numbness and pins and needles and weakness in my legs and also in my hands.  I was given an MRI and also nerve conduction tests which ruled out any other problem.  I was referred to the CFS clinic physio where I was taught about pacing (which I am not very good at).  Also the chronic illness psychologist who was brilliant.

When I hit the menopause I started getting symptoms similar to before I was diagnosed and I think hormonal fluctuations throw other body issues into confusion.  it also sent my thyroid levels unstable (I also have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism).

I have shared this to offer you a little support and, perhaps, a ray of hope that your worrying symptoms are not anything more sinister and, CLKD, I have to disagree in light of the ME.  Perhaps not stay in bed all day every day DaisyB but certainly be mindful of rest and pacing in light of the ME/CFS and to fight it only aggravates it as does stress and nervous tension.  Best of luck and a gentle hug x

Suzi Q

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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2017, 09:08:40 AM »

Girls I'm absolutely terrified. Middle of the night and my arm and leg don't feel like my own. They are not responding at the same rate as the rest of my body. I have just left my mum this evening in the cardiac unit - following a heart attack- my dad is still in recovery - my OH just wants me back to normal - and I know this couldn't be estrogen related. It started with a slight weakness and feeling of heaviness in arm and leg back in January. It has definitely progressed - I feel sick lying here. CBD has gotten me so far - and I am thankful it seems to be controlling the pure terror I am feeling. Chiropractor said today he was almost sure it is nerve compression in neck. But I feel that if that was the case it wouldn't be getting steadily worse. My fingers and hand are clumsy and the muscles in my leg feel heavy and stiff. Pins and needles are almost constant in parts of the muscles.  I am so frightened girls.
I know that every time I have mentioned it to GP, Gynae and chiropractor I have been focusing more on meno related symptoms - hoping it would go away.
I spent almost two weeks visiting my dad in the neurological ward and it terrifies me.
Sorry to unburden but I've nowhere else to go with this.

DaisyB xx

Id say bloody stress your bodies has had enough. But to be sure see the Doctors
If only to put your mind at ease xxxxxxx


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2017, 04:32:43 PM »

Thank you BJ and girls. Yes I had felt a relapse of ME and I fact that's what I have been recording on sick certs for employer. But I'm not good or patient at accepting that as I thought it was well managed. First diagnosed in 2008 and unfortunately we do t have a clinic in NI so it was GP and referral to specialist OT for support on pacing. 

Sparkle car accident was relatively minor - I reversed into another car with neck twisted looking over shoulder. The occupants surrounded my car and threatened me and I was stuck for approx 40 mins waiting on police with doors locked. Holistic dentist says for sure that would have caused major stress and possibly injury to neck.
I am treating this now as a relapse  which needs loads of rest with short bursts of activity throughout the day.
I am having the MRI ( thank you BJ) because I need answers one way or the other. I will also ask for nerve conduction.
It's such a shame that we don't have a dedicated ME clinic here in NI. I don't even bother discussing anymore with GP's - I usually feel embarrassed to talk about it so I manage myself.
Thank you girls
DaisyB xx


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2017, 08:50:43 AM »

Lovely weekend away with my sis and parents. Started journal (as suggested ages ago by CKLD ::) ) nice and relaxed now - panic all settled. So I want to throw this out to you girls as a matter of interest. Symptoms that have caused most anxiety is feeling of heaviness and pins/ needles of left  leg and arm. I also mentioned a clumsiness with fingers etc well over the weekend i barely noticed it - until I skipped lunch (which is usual these days) and by the afternoon I could feel the difference in my left arm and leg. I ate handful of almonds and then I didn't notice as much.  Overnight I woke to use loo and same again with pins and needles etc I know I sound crazy :-\  but I started to think has my blood sugar levels something to do with this?? And as I haven't had the call - which was promised by private GP last Tuesday! Re MRI and psychiatrist ( she obviously thinks I'm crazy) I am wondering if I should buy kit in boots and test levels myself?
For the past 4/5 years I have gotten used to eating breakfast at lunchtime and tea at 6ish in evening. Often long stretches of the day with no food - hands getting shaky etc. I could be totally off with this - but having an MRI and other tests is another expense and worry - I'm so reluctant to go down this route of testing again!
Do any of you know if a link between blood sugar and hormones??


Ju Ju

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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2017, 09:06:25 AM »

(She obviously thinks I'm crazy). Daisy, that's just a thought caused by low self esteem. Just remember that you are the harshest judge of yourself! No one else thinks like that. If they did, it's caused by issues that have nothing to do with you. Just felt I needed to respond to that aside. I wish you well in sourcing help. Ju Ju xx


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2017, 09:22:55 AM »

Hi Daisy,

I think that low blood sugar will certainly contribute to your problems.  Whether it is the core problem only a doctor can work that one out.

Have you considered that other dietary factors might be making it worse, such a caffeine.  This has definite neurological affects and also can hype up anxiety. 

It might be worth taking your food intake back to wholefood basics and cut out any stimulants.

Good luck 


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2017, 09:59:22 AM »

Thanks girls - GP advised psychiatrist referral - I can see why because I was so anxious and I keep hitting panic highs - but it's because I am having physical feelings that are frightening me. Haven't cut out caffeine completely but not getting loads of it and diet is pretty good. Although I am finding it hard to get loads of veggies in???


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2017, 11:30:41 AM »

If you go to your appt.s in that frame of mind you won't get the assistance you are entitled to !  Maybe make a list for a few days of what you actually eat and when in the day?  :-\ - guessing ain't helpful to you right now.

Pins and needles can be caused by problems in the cervical spine - this has been discussed here recently, don't know if it was your thread  :-\ [I'm too tired to keep reading backwards and forwards].

Be thankful that your GP has funds in order to refer you ........  :-\ it is a process of elimination to see what can be ruled out, the medical profession isn't in the job of guessing!  If you take a list of symptoms to your appt. it will help you not to miss anything, when we feel 'better' we can forget  ::)


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2017, 04:43:32 PM »

Sparkle - that's the first in a long time I have ate 3 square meals with snacks in between - def felt less anxious and didn't notice symptoms as much - but anxiety has a way of putting me on high alert anyways :-\


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Re: Left sided weakness - terrified
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2017, 09:10:56 PM »

If you have been through a spell of not eating properly you could be low on all sorts of vitamins and minerals. One in particular is magnesium.  Being low on this also can be a factor in depression and anxiety.

Extreme deficitcy can also cause numbness and tingling.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 09:21:47 PM by breeze »
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