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Author Topic: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)  (Read 1557 times)


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Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« on: November 11, 2021, 11:26:08 AM »

Hi lovely members,

I was on 2mg estrogen only tablet, felt great then post jab all went haywire.  My specialist said affected my estrogen so upped my tablet to 5mg (only on 5mg 10 days) I felt so low and exhausted so I went to 4mg for 1 week then 3.5 1 week and now 3mg this past 4 weeks and want to stabilise on this before going back to 2mg.

My question is could this be causing tiredness, shakiness in legs, jittery and fast heart rate, tearful & hot flushes late evening? Perhaps I decreased a little too quickly but I was feeling so wretched I had to do something and couldn’t get urgent apt with specialist!

Yesterday evening was my best Iv felt since reducing but had other stuff this morning again.

Would be so grateful if anyone has any experience of reducing and more so too quickly??

Thanks as always ST xx


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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2021, 12:40:34 PM »

Hi ST - I don't take oral Estrogen I use Lenzetto, but I have terrible problems when it comes to reducing the dose, despite it currently being too high. I am extremely sensitive to reductions in estrogen (whether natural or HRT). I've resorted to taping over my Lenzetto dispenser to try to taper the dose slowly, and I'm literally having to tape over mm at a time (once a month) in order to not be hit with unbearable side effects similar to those you describe.

However this might not be the case for you - it could be a bit more complex and just the case that all the changes you've made (the quick increase to over double your dose and also then a quick decrease) has just thrown everything out of kilter for you. I know that's probably not helpful as it doesn't give you any pointers of what to actually do about it to feel better, but my experience is that my body complains pretty quickly and very loudly if I do anything too quickly. If it were me I would probably stick to what you're doing and try to ride things out and stabilise on the 3mg. Hopefully your body will get used it and stabilise soon. Did you feel this bad when you were on 3.5? If not that's your other alternative - to try to go back to that and then stabilise - but it's a risk either way  :-\

Sorry if this isn't very helpful xx


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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2021, 08:17:48 PM »

Thank you Gilla, you too are extremely sensitive to the changes and it’s v hard indeed to navigate a way to where you want to be!!

How did yours become too high and what are your symptoms of too high?

When you are reducing what way are u affected please?

Sorry for all the questions!

I have had 2 reasonable better days and I’m praying if I stay on this dose for a while until I stabilise then I can fine tune safely again🤞🤞

Thank you for your kind reply xxx


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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2021, 05:54:51 PM »

If you've had two better days then I would definitely be tempted to stick with what you're on for now and try to stabilise. I really do think if you are super sensitive to changes like we are that slow is the only way to go, as frustrating as it is.

It became too high because i started my HRT on too high a dose (2 sprays). I was mistakenly under the belief that I needed it primarily because I was still having so many problems before starting HRT on Zoely contraceptive which is roughly the equivalent Estrogen dose of 1 spray of Lenzetto. I sort of put myself on HRT because i was getting zero help from doctors and only retrospectively had my blood test results confirmed as low enough to start HRT by a meno specialist. So I guessed the dose of 2 sprays!

My symptoms of too high have primarily been extreme weight gain (1.5 stone very rapidly after starting Lenzetto) very chronic constipation during the luteal phase (I'm still having periods) and anxiety, jitters and a general wired feeling around ovulation when my E hit its peak.

I'm reducing by a tiny amount every month (by taping over my Lenzetto dispenser a tiny bit more each month) and timing it with when my own E is not at its lowest, in order to minimize side effects. Sometimes it's gone ok, sometimes I've pushed it to much and got side effects and needed to go back up a bit. I realise it probably sounds mad to most people, but I know through my own trial and error that it is 100% the act of reducing that causes the issues, it's not that I'm lowering it to "too low" a dose. I have a theory that it's because Estrogen is so tightly connected to serotonin and some people are more sensitive than others to changes to that, but there is very little information out there, except for some studies that were done on ladies with Estrogen implants that experienced what I go through...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2021, 05:57:47 PM by Gilla999 »


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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2021, 11:09:54 AM »

Gilla, I’m sorry you are similar as it’s not easy finding a balance.

My evenings are ok but mornings are racing heart and adrenaline.  Also Jittery as you have said!  Think my body still adapting, it’s frustrating as I need my dose lowered.

Sounds as though you have found a way forward.  Thank you for your support x


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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2021, 12:07:02 PM »

Hello ladies.

I just wanted to say that I have also reduced my Oestrogen recently whilst waiting for a clinic appointment.

I was using 3 sachets of Sandrena gel and Utrogestan 100mg vaginally every other night. I forgot to use the Utro one night and then had a bleed. The clinic advised going back to every night but that didn't really help. After further discussion I am now using 2 and a quarter sachets and Utro orally.

I know it isn't wise to chop and change but sometimes we have to if problems arise! I will mention all this at my next scheduled appointment in December.

Since reducing the gel my constant breast tenderness has resolved and all bleeding has stopped. Unfortunately my moods are still all over the place and I swing from okay and calm to low mood and tears all through the day. It's exhausting!

I just wanted to add my twopenneth worth and say that you have my sympathy.  Trying to feel better is so frustrating.

Take care.



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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2021, 07:57:45 PM »

Kathleen how long since you reduced the gel?  Sometimes it can take few weeks to settle!

Are u post Meno please? X


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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2021, 10:33:33 AM »

Hello sweettooth.

I am post meno and began reducing the gel in mid September. I am now down to two and a quarter sachets instead of three.

I still struggle with daily episodes of anxiety, low mood and tearfulness but I also have times when I feel much better and sometimes even calm!

I have a meno clinic appointment next month and I will keep the forum updated.

Thank you for your post and take care.




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Re: Reducing Estrogen (SYMPTOMS)
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2021, 07:05:41 PM »

Hopefully Kathleen your moods etc will stabilise with time.  Were your bloods high on 3 sachets? X
