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Author Topic: Struggling with intense anxiety and reflux problems, amongst many other things.  (Read 10140 times)


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Hi everyone, I havent posted on here for a while and had a damn good go at beating my anxiety with hypnotherapy mindfulness even back on 10 mg amitriptyline again, but I am still fighting a bit of a losing battle.  I am focussing on my stomach currently.  I guess its my health anxiety's flavour of the month so to speak.  Have suffered since teens with acid tummy, a hereditary thing I think.  My dad had ulcers and acid reflux all his life and I am no stranger to it.  I currently take 10mg omeprazole and 75 ranitidine at night which is sort of controlling it.  Gaviscon when needed too but less often taking the two meds.  The main problem is I dwell on it too much and fear it happening ALL day!  I was reading through some old acid reflux posts on here which really do help me feel less alone and was reading one about morning dread.  I suffer with this myself terribly and as one poster said its a chemical thing for relaxation or anything can break through it, it literally is like I am going to my death!!  Its a horrible feeling and does usually ease as the day goes on although sometimes lasts until evening.  I try to keep busy and distracted but am rarely ever relaxed.  I just wanted to see if there is anyone else around with similar feelings?  Its nice to speak to others because right now I feel pretty much like a basket case.  The doctors smiles and tells me Im not going mad, its just anxiety, yet I feel exactly that.  I am going mad, I mean I am totally losing a grasp on normality.  I feel like I really should see a psychiatrist maybe, but no one seems to want to refer me.  I also have some hormone issues but thats not being addressed really either.  So anyone suffering these problems who fancies a moan......feel free to join me!  :'(


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I'm with you on the anxiety it's a nightmare. Been on and off HRT for months and it's only in the last 6 months that I've experienced the anxiety and low mood. Had last period 5 years ago and only now is this rearing its ugly head.
I've had no problems with my stomach touch wood but I know that anxiety can cause stomach problems.
I get palpitations and worry it's a heart problem but deep down know it's a common menopause symptom but that's the thing with anxiety every new symptom gets magnified, it's truly horrible.
I've been prescribed Valium which I take now and again, it helps but can be addictive so I'm very careful with it.
I really wish doctors would take the menopause seriously mines lovely but hasn't come up with any solutions really just to try an anti depressant which I'm now seriously thinking about although it's not what I want I can't think of anything else that will help doctor thinks that the HRT won't help with the anxiety so I'll have a think.
Hope you feel better soon, we all need a good moan now and then.


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10mg omeprazole - over-all this should be a short-term medication, have a look-see at Dr James le Fanu's articles in The Telegraph!

I take Rennies as necessary, sometimes having to chew 2 immediately reflux starts then another 1 later.   I try not to eat/drink too close to laying down at night. 

I think you need to bite the bullet and ask for 6-9 months treatment with an anti-depressant that eases anxiety or an 'as necessary' drug such as Valium.  Constant anxiety feeds on itself which can feed the cortisol in the mornings.  My worst time! 

Nothing is 'just' or 'only'  >:(.  There is always a reason.  Sometimes that reason requires chemical intervention regardless of whether it's hormone driven.  [despite what some on here might believe]. 

Adrenaline for me feels like hot water coursing through my veins, horrid.


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Thanks ladies for the replies.  I have seen some of your posts Sparkle and you clearly share some of my issues.  Its is really hard.  The mornings are killers and sometimes I sleep ok and sometimes not.  Either way I wake early with increasing fear coursing through me.  I did try to stop the omeprazole a few months ago but had to relent and go back on it as I was just getting myself into such a state worrying about the acid all day.  It was becoming an obsession and feeding my anxiety.  The omeorazole definitely helps but doesnt resolve it completely.  Some days, like today are bad, no matter what I  take.  If I only had rennie to rely on i would be taking dozens a day as they just have no long term relief for me.  I dont eat close to bedtime and actually the worst time for my acid is before i get up in the morning, when my stomach is empty. I think I may have to consider medication but i have a phobia of vomiting and already have digestive issues so taking anything that can worsen these symptoms makes my anxiety worse.  No easy answers when you have so many issues I guess. I dont think I will ever be able to come off the PPI, my gut obviously cannot cope without and to be honest the longterm effects of omeprazole are probably a lot less harmful than the longterm effects of anxiety.  It surely cannot be good to have such high levels of stress hormones coursing through continuously.  :( Its a truly miserable time right now.


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Join The Club jessieblue  :'(.  - we have a thread 'emitophobia' here ......... at times I can't eat because of it.

Have you tried sleeping with the head of the bed raised, i.e. legs propped up so that your body is more up-right?  Also, if you get out of bed in the night have a ginger biscuit B4 going back to sleep.  Will line the gut. 

How is your diet over-all?  4 years I ate enough to remain up-right  :-\ ..... strangely I didn't have reflux in those days  ::). I still have safe foods and foods that I know will help .........

Relaxation therapy helped me for a while.  As does having a deep bubble bath at night so that I can relax. 


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 :thankyou:  I've had anxiety since age 3  :-\ ........ I am thinking a lot about my early years most of which I can't remember.  It's such a learned pattern of behaviour for me that certain noises, situations set up the automatic responses.  Which is when medication helps ;-).


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Hi Jessie- like you I have acid reflux ( hiatus hernia) brought on just before peri symptoms started by food poisoning! I am off meds and also take rennies or baking soda to neutralise. Because PPI's effect guy absorption long term - and mostly acid reflux is due to relaxed sphincter and not actually too much - in fact most of us have too little acid!! Cider vinegar ( with the mother) is also good for it.  My anxiety (focused on health) hits me hardest in middle of night - I truly can't manage it when it is so bad. Am trying CBD oil for one month - but also have Valium here for emergency. It's horrible - worse than any other symptom - I've diagnosed myself with so many diseases this week - and the energy that uses up leaves me exhausted. I will keep everyone posted on progress or not ! A tip for acid at night ! I raised the top of my bed 5/6 inches off floor when it was severe. (Throat specialist advised that) OH did slide down the bed - but that was a bonus ;D 
Hang in there

DaisyB x


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Ha ha Daisy, that made me laugh about your husband sliding down the bed being a bonus!!  :rofl:

I never used to suffer from indigestion but do now in peri. Yet another bloody symptom!


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Just wanted to send you a sympathetic hug; acid reflux has been my worst complaint about peri so far.  Yes I have occasional night sweats, a period that can't make up its mind, changes in bowel habits, increased PMS symptoms, but nothing has ratcheted my HA like the reflux.

The relief I felt reading these boards to find others had these similar complaints; just immensely thankful to those who share their stories.  Just wanted to let you know you're not alone.  Also I take paroxetine for my anxiety. I needed to help myself and I'm so glad I did.  Best wishes!!

Susan MacKenzie

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Hi, I know exactly where you are coming from, with your various symptoms.  I was in the same place several months ago. The acid reflux can actually be made worse by the remedies you are using. It is anxiety causing your symptoms, and it is all a really vicious circle, but hormonal. Read up on the effect omeprazole works. Antacids actually can cause your stomach to create more acid to fight the medication.  Ranitidine is the same. At one point I was prescribed  beta blockers to slow the palpitations and given ranitidine in the same prescription.  I queried this, and was told the beta blocker relaxes the must at the top of your stomach, and causes reflux, so to take the ranitidine  to counteract the reflux. I thought it was nuts  so explored other solutions. I started using Magnesium  cell salts for the anxiety and magnesium night spray before bed. The reflux went, and I began to sleep again.  I still use the cell salts when I feel edgy. But from being suicidal,  and I don't say that lightly, to where I am now is night and day. I have come out the other side with no dependancies although I was prescribed sleeping tablets, anti depressants and the beta blockers, none of which I use. Just hrt and the occasional  magnesium. I am fairly nearly back to myself . So......I hope some of this is helpful to you. By the way,  bananas are a good natural antacid, although I really have sickened myself of them now, but they really can help!


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Susan MacKenzie - so good to hear of your success despite what sounds like being over-prescribed with meds! I have in the past been prescribed with and given Omep.. Ranitidine, and also Amitriptyline none of which I took as I have an aversion to unnecessary meds. Sometimes docs seem to dish out the standard stuff on hearing symptoms when there are other ways of dealing with the same problem.

Hurdity x


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More than one way to peel an orange Hurdity  ;)



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 :welcomemm:  Susan McK!  browse round.

It really is Trial and Error!


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What did we say B4 'catch 22'  ???  :-\


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Thanks for all these replies everyone! :) I came back today to check and it was a real help to have some replies to make me feel less alien.  I am really grateful for the support.  I too have suffered anxiety and emetophobia since as early as I can remember.  I always had the fear and was nervous and sick whenever I had to do anything.  I can remember the fear at my birthday party age 5!  So I guess it is my wiring and not just hormones but seems to get triggered at times and be off the scale.  I would love to be med free, it scares me everyday about the ppi.  Trouble is I guess I am addicted, I mean maybe not to the medication but to the need for it.  My health anxiety will just ramp up the symptoms and so on.......

I am really interested in the comments about magnesium and cell salts?  I will look into this too.  I guess it makes sense that magnesium could ease both anxiety and stomach issues......worth a try for sure.  I totally understand your comments about being suicidal......Totally.  Im so pleased to hear you have managed to heal yourself and get your life back.  I dont really have a life as such at the moment.  I mean I am here mainly to facillitate the lives of my family.  I love them dearly or course but it is a thankless job really.  The things I spend all day doing are barely noticed.  I dont have a job, couldnt keep a job down atm, so I dont get to create anything or earn money or justify my worth in any way.  It makes everything seem so pointless and when just getting from the morning to the night is such a struggle......I wont lie, its tough. 

I know people often say there is a lot of help out there, but I am not finding that so.  My trips to the doctor are a waste of time.  I come out with various new prescriptions, most of which i never take and very little else.  I had my acid problems investigated 6 years ago with endoscopy and biopsies but nothing much was found, just gastritis which is pretty common amongst anxiety sufferers and why ppi works because with anxiety there is an over production of acid which irritates the lining.  The ppi does help.  I only take the lowest dose but it does ease the symptoms and make me able to eat.  I certainly wont be able to come off them until my anxiety is controlled which isnt looking promising at the moment.  I do sleep with the bed raised, I also slip down the bed during the night LOL.  I have 3 pillows too and am constantly waking up to pull myself back into the propped position.  I also get wicked hot sweats followed by freezing cold etc, so night times are a joy!  I have the braggs apple cider vinegar and also tried kefir and sauer kraut but sauerkraut made my acid worse.  I settled on eating probiotics and coconut organic live yoghurt daily with flax seed and chia seeds.  I think that helps a little....well with the other end of the tract it does at least! :o

I contacted MIND this week.  To see what they can recommend.  I was feeling pretty desperate and not sure how long I can go on like this.  Havent heard back yet but maybe they will suggest a different type of therapy?  I have had hypnotherapy cbt counselling cranio sacral reiki acupuncture and some medications.  Not sure if there is a lot left I havent tried. :'(
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