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Author Topic: Shaky  (Read 9019 times)


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2017, 08:06:00 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Yep, still a bit shaky but improving. My shakes never affect my limbs it's always internal and located in my chest/stomach. I used to have horrible palpitations which have eased but the shakes/quivering/jitters remain.
As I have previously mentioned my trusty meno book talks about women experiencing a subtle fluttering and sense of unease, well there's nothing subtle about it from where I'm sitting!

Oh well ladies onwards and upwards for us all!

Take care all and wishing everyone well.



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Re: Shaky
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2017, 08:23:30 PM »

I've identified what these 'episodes' are as I get a nasty couple of them each day.  :o

They are DEFINITELY adrenal surges, and when this happens stress hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol and ACTH are released by the adrenal glands. This in turn causes a dip in blood sugar, which is why it feels like a hypoglycemic episode but your body will usually recover ok if you chose to ride it out.

Spiking with sugar to counteract some of the discomfort can be counterproductive as it creates blood sugar imbalance, and excess sugar can lead to insulin resistance.

I hope this doesn't sound preachy, but I've invested a LOT of research into this as it's one of my most challenging symptoms (so much so that it sent me to an Endocrinologist to get my adrenal function tested - it was fine by the way)! xxxxx


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2017, 09:27:34 PM »

Tempest good to hear from you  :)  I had a health screen at my local health store yesterday- really interesting. I'm shaky again tonight. Inside it's all jittery right through to my teeth. It does seem to effect my hands and legs though as well. Anyway eerily accurate and gave me lots to think about. She said that my adrenals are the biggest problem as well as estrogen imbalance - even though I'm on estrogel and Mirena. She said my blood sugar is spiking and cortisol was too high. She also said I am low in choline and tryptophan. Both would impact on nerve function - there was loads of info - my appetite has been non existent recently and IBS flaring up.

She said all of this would contribute to increased panic as well as low B vitamins. Said the liver processes excess estrogen and that if it was struggling that would also cause surges.

Upshot was I am now taking lecithin - for liver and nerve function, B vitamins - for nerve function , magnesium citrate, chromium ( to stabilise blood sugar), milk thistle - to cleanse liver, vitamin C,  extra B12, nuts and seeds for tryptophan.

I have to eliminate grapes, sit products,bananas and wine as they contribute to sugar spikes and yeast overgrowth.

I also started omega 7 for dryness down below , ginkgo for libido and milkosan for feeding good bacteria!!!

And I don't like taking tablets  ;D

She felt that I needed to increase estrogen, feed gut bacteria and support the adrenals - she said the thyroid might be a red herring!

Needless to say I spoke to private GP right afterwards and she barley commented - think I am officially labelled by her now as the crazy woman ;)
That said I did go today to have B12 tested - just incase

I also started legal CBD oil on Monday for anxiety - am updating alternative therapies thread on any progress.
Hope you are doing ok and getting the most out of the support down there

DaisyB x


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2017, 10:05:27 PM »

Goodness Daisy. How much did all that cost you? Sounds like a way of getting people to buy all their products!



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Re: Shaky
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2017, 06:39:47 AM »

£60 megamind and most of her recommendations were around d food! Supplements weren't actually that expensive but she knew her stuff!! I have been using this shop for over 20 years. Jan de Vries had a clinic once a month in it - until he passed away. It's a machine that uses energy and vibration. The same one that they use for food allergies etc. Seriously it was like sitting in front of a fortune teller!!! ( not that I've ever sat in front of one  ;D )


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2017, 01:15:15 PM »

That's not too expensive then. I would be interested in having one of those tests. I'll have to see if my Health Food shops do them.


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2017, 01:30:11 PM »

I found it helpful - it's called a health screening.

DaisyB x


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2017, 01:59:41 PM »

What were the tests though DaisyB? Were they carried out by a doctor and eg blood tests for your blood sugar, oestrogen, vitamin levels etc?

Hurdity x


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2017, 02:20:50 PM »

Nope - a machine that uses vibration or something  ;)  I took my daughter years ago as GP was useless and they correctly identified lactose sensitivity- so although I don't know how it works - and to many it may sound like quackery - it was strangely accurate - she emphasised b12 - which I've had to fight for testing even with private GP -

That all said - when your ill you are in a very vulnerable state and such an easy target for those wanting your money - I've been there believe me! What I liked about this was she advised on food 'let food be thy medicine'  :)
and quite unusual supplements but not expensive. I asked if I should come back and she said only if you have removed/added certain foods to your diet - and boosted with the supplement and you are still feeling same way in 4/5 months. She said it takes a long time for certain foods to have a damaging effect and when reversing it won't be an instant result. It felt right for me. But maybe not everybody's cup of tea  ;)  she also wisely said the hormones are influenced by food but that won't correct the imbalance you have at the moment. She thought the meno clinic was a good idea for support around tweaking hrt.

DaisyB x


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2017, 02:26:56 PM »

How do they test for all those things in the health
store DaisyB?  Glad to hear your B12 is being tested, it will be interesting to see if that comes back low. 

Not tried those Yorkshire , will keep an eye out for them. :)

S x

a nutritionist sparkle - she's been there over 20 years and wealth of experience in food/mood/ etc
I forgot to mention she was really specific about things like stopping bananas, raisins, dried fruit and sugar - said my blood sugar was likely spiking given my eating habits. Now I am totally into my health foods/ alternative treatments etc but I never would have thought to eliminate these! Will suck it and see🙃


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2017, 08:04:03 PM »

I know what you mean ???  i keep green and blacks mint chocolate in fridge - if I'm being good couple squares does the trick. Problem is I don't like being good  ;D


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Re: Shaky
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2017, 08:14:53 AM »

Actually the sugar carvings seem to disappear once you eat less or none of it, because you don't get the insulin spikes and blood sugar levels stabilise. However there is a cyclical hormonal component to this so you women in peri-menopause may still get these episodes (of craving!).

Hurdity x
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