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Author Topic: second dose of nitrofuantoin and week later urine test back still infection  (Read 8872 times)


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As some of you may know I've been having UTI issues over the last six weeks or so anyway to cut a long story short finished second course of nitrofurantoin last Sunday was advised to wait a week and hand in another urine sample which I did. I had a rough time on nitrofurantoin but stuck to it to finish course I had a really upset gut yellowish stools with mucus but doc seemed to think it was just having a lot of AB over a relatively short period of time. Things stil hadn't really settled gut wise and has been taking a while to settle saw doc on Tuesday who got me to send in stool sample and has taken some more blood tests.

Anyway upshot is phoned today as hadn't heard anything regarding urine that went out on Tuesday there when I got through was advised had come back still showing Ecoli and another 7 day course of nitrofurantion had been left at chemist to say I was upset was putting it mildly managed to speak to one of the docs who more or less advised that bug is only sensitive to either nitrofurantoin or ciproflaoxin (don't know if I've spelt that correctly) so it was up to me to decide which one to take or not take anything but she advised that she would recommend to take another course I tried to ask her if taking the cipro would be better and also advised that I'm still suffering from gut issues and waiting on a test result and is taking another course not going to make things worse but she didn't seem that bothered about that. Checked the Cipro which is another cracker from the side effect and also it has a warning regarding if you develop diarreah to stop immediately as it can be life threatening!!!! So as I've been advised that both antibiotics are shown to be sensitive to the infection I guess it might make more sense for me to take the nitrofurantoin again as at least (hopefully) I kinda know what to expect although I'm not relishing the next week of feeling like crap with all the side effects I had on it and obviously I'm worried it's going to make the gut issues worse again plus there is still all the awful other potential side effects.

Has anyone else had an issue like this with a UTI where it seems that you have to have several doses of the same AB to get rid of it? since finishing the last dose apart from the ongoing gut issues I wasn't feeling too bad no tempreture issues temp has been normal unlike previously I did however notice urine had been a bit strong smelling again as due to my Spina Bifida I don't get the normal UTI symptoms i.e. pain when passing urine etc.

So will need to start all over again from tomorrow at 6am as these things have to be taken 4 times a day every 6 hours  :(


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Ecoli is a very nasty infection and this will cause gut problems and could well be the cause of the ongoing uti. You do need to clear this infection and thought ABs make the diarrhoea worse it may be a necessary evil.
I recently had a nasty bout of gut problems and was adviced to do a low residue/ low fibre diet to help calm things down - look up on the net to get info on this. I got Complan to drink once or twice a day as this helps to give you the nutrients you need. Also avoid caffeine but drink plenty of water. I've switched to soya milk instead of dairy milk as well.
You poor thing - this type of infection can have a horrid effect on your health. Keep us posted. DG x


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Thanks Dancingirl

I know this whole thing seemed to have been going on forever! I guess I'm just worried that as well as having to go through all the side effects again for another week I'm worried about the impact on my bowel/ gut as it will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I had the last dose and things hadn't really settled which was why my GP sent off a stool sample and took some more blood tests. I guess if that side of things had been fine I wouldn't be nearly so anxious about taking them again. As I said my medical condition can make me prone to UTI's I had a lot as a child but I've had no issues whatsoever for YEARS this has come completely out of the blue and previously when I've had an AB I've taken it with relatively few issues certainly no where near the issues I've had on the nitrofurantoin.


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Ecoli is a very nasty infection and this will cause gut problems and could well be the cause of the ongoing uti. You do need to clear this infection and thought ABs make the diarrhoea worse it may be a necessary evil.
I recently had a nasty bout of gut problems and was adviced to do a low residue/ low fibre diet to help calm things down - look up on the net to get info on this. I got Complan to drink once or twice a day as this helps to give you the nutrients you need. Also avoid caffeine but drink plenty of water. I've switched to soya milk instead of dairy milk as well.
You poor thing - this type of infection can have a horrid effect on your health. Keep us posted. DG x

Just to clarify that E.Coli in the urinary tract is not like having it in the stomach. Most UTI's are caused by E.Coli (found naturally in our stools) getting into the urinary tract. It is the commonest cause and this type of E.Coli infection is not to be mixed up with the food poisoning caused by E.Coli. Most of us have E.Coli in our intestinal tract and it is perfectly harmless but when it gets transferred somewhere else, as onto food if we don't wash our hands when we've been to the loo or if we forget to wipe from "front to back" after a bowel movement, it can cause a problem.

I found Ciprofloaxicin (sp?) to be the only one that ridded me of my repeated infections. The diarrhoea comment is to make sure you are not suffering from C.Diff which can happen when you have had too many antibiotics. I used to rely on Cephalaxin but this is one of the ones most likely to trigger C.Diff so my doc has stopped prescribing it unless absolutely necessary. It is good that you have had a stool sample tested - shows your doc is aware of possible problems from repeated antibiotics.

I have found this which may be of interest/help

Taz x


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Thanks again for getting back you're all a great support! I don't feel as much on my own I know it's silly as I have my dad and my son but it can be kinda hard to talk to Men about stuff like this especially an 84 year old and a 19 year old 😄

I guess with one thing and another it's just all been getting to me as it's been such a while since I've been this poorly and then when I found out I had to take another course my heart just sank as this will be technically the third course of nitrofurantoin although in all honesty I don't think I took the first course correctly because I was so scared of the potential side effects I only took two a day instead of four but I did complete the course but I did start to feel unwell again within a few days of finishing it. I did wonder whether to try the Cipro but on balance as I was told they were both still effective on the result of the last test I decided to stick with the nitro better the devil you know I suppose I think I just need to be a bit more positive and believe I will get better.

I have been taking a probiotic pill with several helpful bacteria in it every day this wouldn't interfere with the antibiotic would it it does recommend to take while your taking antibiotics

Thanks again all  :thankyou:


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Bottom hygiene is important as Taz explains.  Also, do eat LIVE yoghurt - large amounts from a spoon every hour to clear the gut and help encourage good bacteria.  I buy pots of the Greek plain yoghurt with LIVE cultures.  If you have itchiness around the anus/vagina apply there too, as high up the vagina as possible. 

Well done on completing the Course but it obviously ain't worked!  Ask for an appt. with an appropriate Consultant.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 07:10:05 PM by CLKD »


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Thanks guys

Well started the next course of Nitrofurantoin and it looks like my temp which has been fine for the last two weeks is starting to climb again!  I just don't get this I haven't had any issues apart from the upset gut since I finished the last course nearly 2 weeks ago  and wasn't aware that I still had any infection until I called the doc on Friday to get my results why wouldn't I have had a temp over the last two weeks Ive been trying to be positive all day been cleaning my room and keeping busy to keep my mind off things but it's so hard when I stop and I don't want to have to start and take paracetamol again to control my temperature on top of the antibiotics with this gut aaargh!!!!!

I'm taking a probiotic in pill form with several different kinds would you still take a yoghurt based live one as well. I don't get the itchiness because of the Spina Bifida I don't get any of the 'classic' UTI symptoms probably because of the damage to my lower spine region


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Hi!  if you are taking probiotics and it works then maybe not the yoghurt?  E.coli maybe showing but are there any other bugs 'growing'? 

Taz has posted a Link .......


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Doc just  mentioned the Ecoli


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How R U this evening?


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Doc just  mentioned the Ecoli

That's the normal cause for UTI greenELECtus28. Hope you beat this soon.

Taz x


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Would IV-ABs be quicker?


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Thanks for getting back ladies  :) trying to be positive temp seems to be sitting at 37.4 so hopefully if it stays around that then I can avoid taking any painkillers on top of the AB feeling a bit 'yucky' but I'm hoping things won't get as bad as previously as I'm taking the probiotic as well now and trying my best to eat, next dose is due at 1am my time is currently 12.50 then will have to set my alarm for 7 pm for next dose as appears these have to be taken exactly 6 hours apart!

As I'm not remotely tired sitting watching the telly and my heart going out again to those poor victims of what appears to be another terrorist event in London.

Thanks again for all your support it really helps x

Docs have never suggested IV antibiotics geez hope it wouldn't get to that stage 😄 had those once when I was pregnant with my son and got a bone infection in my leg it was a nightmare I was so ill and all my veins were collapsing as this is apparently what they can do when they are so strong hopefully I won't get to that stage! 


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How has today been?


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Hi thanks for asking  :)

Been up and down didn't get much sleep last night and the nausea has set in a bit but taking the anti sickness pills Doc gave me so hopefully that will help and have forced myself to at least eat something  temp has stayed around 37.37.5 average to highest yesterday evening was 37.7 but so far have managed to not have to take any paracetamol so keeping my fingers crossed that we'll be 'third time lucky' but my experience with these AB is don't count your chickens! So just trying to be positive! And pray everything will be ok this time and rest of test will come back ok. Will keep you all posted x
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