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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?  (Read 12245 times)


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Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« on: May 22, 2017, 03:21:00 PM »

I'm approaching 51, have been on 0.05 Minivelle patch w/200 mg natural progesterone 12-14 days every 6 weeks.  I feel okay with the patch but the progesterone part just wrecks me: bloating, food cravings, lethargic, no motivation, etc. Yes, it's only 12-14 days every 6 weeks, but I dread them.   I've never been wild about being on HRT.  In truth, have mostly done it because I've read about its protective effects for bone health, cardiovascular, etc. 

I want to be free of it! Others on here who have stopped....can you advise and comment?  I should mention that when I started HRTI was only having very mild hot flashes even though I was measured with a very high FSH and estradiol at <10.   At the time I started HRT, I had not yet gone 12 months w/out a period. 

For what it's worth, I'm fit, appropriate weight for height, exercise vigorously and regularly (have for decades) and eat fairly cleanly, don't drink, don't smoke.  I'm hoping I can go without HRT and pass through this okay.  I think I made the mistake of reading way too many horror stories  :o about menopause and now fear all the horrible symptoms that may occur without HRT.

Just looking for some kindred spirtis, some advice or any ideas.....thanks! ;)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2017, 01:32:31 AM by TovahFell »


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 03:39:17 PM »

Hi just wanted to wish you luck :) I don't really have advice as I'm still on HRT, I have been off it for past few weeks and did feel my flushes slowly coming back but I've really got to take as still only 43, one positive off it was I slept better.
Anyway good luck you may be fine, I'm the same though read things about HRT I'm starting ect and scares you haha.
Everyone is different though my mum sailed through the menopause so keep positive xxx


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2017, 03:49:35 PM »

Lil22, thank you for responding. I am hoping to hear more from those who went through sans HRT.

 I hope you feel better when you get back on it! And yes of course, at 43, you would definitely need something. Thanks for the helpful info in mentioning your mom-I'm glad to hear she did well.  :). Good luck to you as well.  ;)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2017, 04:14:50 PM »

Hi TovaFell
I an 59 and had the menopause at 54.  I started using the Evorel conti patch 2 years ago.
For many years I tried everything possible in Holland and Barrett, used to cost me a fortune!  Nothing worked for me.  I did special diets, even though I always eat good all the time.  I had so many symptoms with the menopause - never wanted to use HRT.  The bladder problems were really bad, I was in bad burning pain all the time and bleeding.  I've always exercised every day, running, swimming and yoga, it never made any difference either.  I saw a professor in Harley St when I was 57 and he said the only thing that would help is estrogen HRT.   So although I was scared to use it, I didn't have much choice in the end.  It has helped me so much. 
I wish you luck and hope you find something that helps.
Vicky xx


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2017, 04:23:08 PM »

Vickypk, I'm glad you landed on what works for you as really that's all that matters.  :)
I think I need to go without for a while and see what comes.  One thing I have seen is that every woman is SO different in how symptoms hit and how bad they are.
I will give my body the time it needs to tell me whether I truly need it or not.   
One good thing:  I have an identical twin who is a year and a half post-meno and she has had absolutely no troubles at all. 
I'm hoping our genetic makeup will speak for my experience as well. 
Thanks for replying and I'm glad you are feeling better!  :)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2017, 05:01:35 PM »

I stopped hrt as couldn't find one that suited me.
All you can do really is try being without it. Keep being active,eating healthy ,he as upbeat and positive as possible ,in other words get on with living the best you can. ;)
Remember to put things into prospective,we are only a tiny portion of society on MM !  :)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 05:57:44 PM by dazned »


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2017, 05:10:29 PM »

Thank you dazned!  :) Yes, that's what I'm planning to do.  Just see how I get on without it and take it from there.  My life is very busy, full work load, etc and I try to just keep moving forward and not dwell too much about the 'what ifs' of stopping it.  I guess I can go back to it if I truly need it. 

I think I did myself almost a disservice having read everything I could get my hands on (mostly medical studies and reports) about HRT and convinced myself I 'needed' it or I'd shrivel up.   Yet most of the women in my life who are older than me have never used HRT, and they seem to be getting on just fine.  I guess we each just do what works for us!  Thank you for responding!  :)


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2017, 06:00:16 PM »

As I suggested if that was the case there would be millions of wizzened up women in the world !


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2017, 06:19:26 PM »

Hello and welcome

I made the choice not to use HRT and I haven't.   I don't know when my meno started as I had a hysterectomy in 1995 so I had no periods to work from.  I remember my first hot flush and night sweat, we were on holiday in 2008 and I thought I had wet the bed (I was 51 then too)!

I do use Vagifem topical oestrogen for vaginal atrophy and I have had no trouble with thrush or cystitis since using it, 6 years now.  I dealt with the flushes as they happened and a product called Magicool became my new best friend.  For a time I could only wear cotton but I can wear man made fibres again now.  I used St John's Wort for my moods.  It wasn't an easy time and the worst bit was the insomnia, but from what I have read on this forum HRT is sometimes no picnic until you find one that suits.

I am 60 now and everything has calmed down and become much more stable.  It was a bit of a bumpy ride but I am ok and better now and sleeping through most nights.  Oh, and I don't have osteoporosis, and if I develop it I will deal with it then, and my ECG is perfectly normal  :)

This is only my experience and we are all different but if you really don't want to use HRT and can manage the symptoms then you don't have to use it, it is your choice.  It is great that we all have a choice  :)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 06:21:01 PM by babyjane »


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2017, 07:21:53 PM »

babyjane, thank you!  I appreciate you commenting and telling of your experience.  I have always been a 'less is more' person and have generally preferred to let my body sort things out on its own.  Our bodies have such a sophisticated hormonal system (the feedback loop and how complex it is) and I've heard of many women having such difficulty finding a dose/type of HRT that works for them - long term.  Lots of back and forth and tweaking and adjusting.  I have never been fully comfortable using HRT. 

I think on some forums and in some articles I've read, I let it get into my head that HRT is necessary to stay healthy after menopause, but I'm not sure I'm buying it.  I once asked a well-respected GYN/menopause doctor if she had to choose between prescribing diet and exercise or HRT (but not both!) to keep patients healthy, which would she choose: and she said it would be diet and exercise without hesitation.  Although I understand they are not mutually exclusive.

I will see where this path leads for me. I also have a history of endometriosis (not severe, but have had several surgeries) and that has factored into my desire to approach menopause naturally.  I am glad you are well.  And it is very heartening to hear that you are not suffering from osteoporosis or cardiac issues.  I understand and am in agreement about the use of a vaginal (local) estrogen.  I will do that if/when it's necessary as I don't want to suffer atrophy/tearing and pain. :(

Again, thank you!   :thankyou:


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2017, 07:57:26 PM »

Oh wow thanks Babyjane - I hadn't heard your story before (unless I'm doing my goldfish impression again... This is me at work: what's that? I said that 4 mins ago... yes of course I realised that... I was just checking you were listening, you looked a bit vacant, frankly... ;D)

So pleased you've got through OK babyjane and now you're feel better. Blummin' brilliant. There is hope then... even though I'm weird and extreme maybe I can get there too. 9 years tho... arrgghhh can't they just knock me out like an induced coma and wake me up when I'm better/they've found a cure for basket cases like me? I'd pay handsomely for such a service. I wonder if there's anyone who'd do it? Could I D.I.Y it?... ::) Seriously these are the things I think about...

TovahFell how great you don't get yucky symptoms. I can't even begin to imagine that, but good for you, and long may it continue. If you did have problems and you don't want the progesterone that troubles you there's non-progest HRT called Duavive.
Haven't tried it myself, and know nothing else about it... but when did that ever stop me sticking my oar in  ;D

Obviously I am not a doctor and I am not giving medical advice, just letting you know this exists.

Good luck to all! Just 8 years and 7 months to go for me  :o xxx


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2017, 08:05:43 PM »

I'm cheering all you lovely ladies on, and welcome TovahFell! :)

Seriously - HRT is a choice for all women in natural menopause. It's totally up to you what you feel comfortable with. Lifestyle plays a HUGE part in how you stay healthy as you age, and most women who have experienced a natural menopause do just fine.

Babyjane has kindly shared her story and its truly inspiring - way to go, BJ! I know you've said it was rocky at times, but you seem very much to be in a good place now.

Much love to you all! xxxxx
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 08:08:02 PM by Tempest »


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2017, 08:11:39 PM »

P.S. How's the Toblerone going btw, Edelweiss? Have you titrated up to a full bar yet? I hope you're remembering to add the gin in every 12 - 14 days - very important!  ;) ;D  xxxxx


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2017, 08:49:33 PM »

Dearest Tempest re Toblerone - start low, go slow is my guide. I'm adding a quarter of a chunk a day.

24hr gin is still an option, though another member said she can recommend Cab Sauv and if given intravenously it has added advantage of looking like a unit of blood! Priceless. ;D

OK is it time to knock myself out yet? Cos my head's banging, my ears are ringing, and my fanny is on fire and I'd prefer to be unconscious.

Bit of a catch me...  ;D


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Re: Want to stop HRT and do this naturally....advice?
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2017, 09:05:31 PM »

Hi TovahFell


Sorry to hear about your problems with HRT and especially the progesterone part. I sympathise with that! I try to take it as little as possible and on a long cycle.

I am guessing you are in Aus or NZ as I don't recognise the oestrogen patch?

The guidance is that women should take HRT at least until the natural average age of menopause which is 51/52 if possible - to help protect as you say - against osteoporosis and cardiac problems. You have almost reached there so you will now be on a par with women who reach menopause naturally on average. The stats seem to point out the long term benefits of HRT and that many diseases and conditions can be minimised or prevented if HRT is taken. There is a paper you may have seen  called The Prevention of diseases after menopause or something similar which discussed it all ( sorry a bit tired to look it out but you could google it). Came out in  2014 or 2015 for World Menopause Day.  Many conditions don't become apparent until much older age than 60 so the longer you can take HRT for can lead to greater protection provided you are not medically ill-advised to do so ( eg endometriosis?).

The current thinking is that the benefits exceed the risks for women under 60 who are experiencing symptoms so if you fall into this category perhaps try not to worry. Nevertheless I totally agree that diet and exercise and lifestyle are equally as important for health - it would be not point taking HRT if one is overweight, a couch potato drinking a couple of glasses of wine a night and eating lots of sugar and processed foods!!

Anyway as has been said the decision is yours. I take my progesterone vaginally on a long cycle with the sanction of my doc to minimise the negative side effects of the prog. Perhaps this is something you might like to consider?

If you do decide to stop and symptoms come back - well you are young enough to restart again quit easily. Do let us know what you decide :)

Hurdity x

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