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Author Topic: Pelvic scan info.  (Read 2992 times)


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Pelvic scan info.
« on: July 08, 2017, 12:26:47 PM »

Hi all, I am 52 been post meno for 4 years, have been taking conti hrt for 18 months. I had an episode of spotting back I. January, somwas advised to stop the hrt. Things settled down so I started back on the same hrt. All had been well until I had another episode of spotting, just the once when wiping. The doctor has referred me for a scan. Obv I'm very anxious and googling things really makes it worse.  I'm hoping that just the two episodes of spotting and no other symptoms mean all is ok, but I am a bit of a headache is a brain tumour type person! Will I get the results straight away, can they tell cancer from the scan, or not by just looking at it? Tia


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2017, 12:31:50 PM »

Hi I'm peri stage just been for pelvic scan and internal they picked up burst cysts but confirmed they can't pick up anything cancerous on an ultrasound only a ct scan. You don't get results that day they refer back to your gp she only confirmed burst cyst because of my severe pain and swelling ...hopefully it'll all go well try not to worry..I've got to be re scanned in 5 weeks then biopsy on the cyst. Good luck


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2017, 02:48:22 PM »

an ultrasound scan will pick up thickening of the womb lining but not always- a hysterscope is usually offered to check the inside of womb- US would pick up any fibroids that might be causing spotting or troubling bleeds. TBH only a biopsy can confirm cancer- I had radical hysterectomy last year for ovarian cancer and even though womb looked fine on US and CT scan, the biopsy revealed stage one low grade uterine cancer so nothing is 100% from scanning alone. Womb cancer if caught early ( and most are) is treatable with a hysterectomy so try not to worry too much.


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2017, 09:45:40 PM »

Thanks for the info. I know I am just a born worrier. Can I ask what your symptoms were, and why you were referred. So if the us shows anything abnormal, is the next stage a hysterscope and biopsy?  I did have a routine smear a few months back and that was normal, but now I've read that cancer may not be picked up if it was already there. I did have a us about two years ago as I had a pain in my left side, this was to check for ovarian cancer. The us showed everything as normal, so now I'm worried that something was missed.


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2017, 11:20:20 PM »

Try not to worry Nickyp. I am 59 & have had 2 episodes of spotting over the last 5 years. Panic set in both times like you but it was nothing to worry about.
Having an ultrasound will show what needs to be done next if anything.
I had to have a hysteroscopy & a D&C just to give everything a good old clear out on one occasion. But it was nothing serious.
It is a good thing that you are having it checked out but I'm sure you will be ok with the outcome.
Cazi x


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2017, 10:35:19 AM »

Thanks for the info. I know I am just a born worrier. Can I ask what your symptoms were, and why you were referred. So if the us shows anything abnormal, is the next stage a hysterscope and biopsy?  I did have a routine smear a few months back and that was normal, but now I've read that cancer may not be picked up if it was already there. I did have a us about two years ago as I had a pain in my left side, this was to check for ovarian cancer. The us showed everything as normal, so now I'm worried that something was missed.

I would think that if they don't find any obvious reason on US that they might decide on hysterscope- also you could ask for a CA125 blood test which can indicate if there is a problem although it does throw false negatives and positives re cancer. I didn't really have the classic symptoms of ovarian cancer but the spotting would happen after my normal period or at ovulation time- it had stopped by time I even saw my own GP but I still mentioned it and glad I did as it threw up the ovarian mass. The bleeding was most likely the early womb cancer according to my oncologist and having it as well probably saved my life.


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2017, 10:48:20 AM »

Thanks for sharing the info with me. I am pleased to hear you have come through this and are ok. The doctor says the most likely cause of the spotting which had been on two occasions over the last year is down to hrt. Did you have the spotting every month or just on the odd occasion. It's scary to think just odd spotting can be something serious, then again big bleeds can be nothing! Our bodies are weird and I suppose until I have the scan I won't know either way, if it is something more serious then as it's only odd spotting then hoping its been caught early as your was. Just want the next few weeks to be over, then I'm on holiday so can then hopefully relax and enjoy


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2017, 05:05:44 PM »

I wasn't on HRT or post meno so my bleeds were just odd for me- like my period would be really light , stop then restart for days or I'd bleed mid cycle- nothing heavy just spotting or when I wiped. My womb cancer was very early and sorted by the hysterectomy I was already having for the ovarian c. Fingers crossed your bleeding is nothing sinister and sorted quickly so you can enjoy your break.


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2017, 03:53:05 PM »

Thanks Codethyl for the info. I have my appointment for next Tuesday. Do they give you the results there and then? Also what made them refer you for further tests if the US was clear? I really don't know how I'm going to get through the next week, I'm a jobberimg wreck already. I know I shouldn't worry as I don't know if I have anything to worry about and it is a comfort to know you've been through it and have come out the other side.


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Re: Pelvic scan info.
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2017, 10:22:47 PM »

Thanks Codethyl for the info. I have my appointment for next Tuesday. Do they give you the results there and then? Also what made them refer you for further tests if the US was clear? I really don't know how I'm going to get through the next week, I'm a jobberimg wreck already. I know I shouldn't worry as I don't know if I have anything to worry about and it is a comfort to know you've been through it and have come out the other side.
My ultrasound wasn't clear in sense womb etc looked fine but I had a 15cm mass on one ovary - I was told this there and then as I'd gone through the out of hrs day before scan as I felt I couldn't empty bladder so ended up being seen on surgical ward that night - normally they don't tell you anything at scan and would write to Gp - no scan is infallible so they referred me for ct scan and I had ca125 test which was very high - mine was  endometriosis cysts that had become malignant - I won't say don't worry as obviously you will just that if caught early womb cancer is very easily treatable and your Gp is doing all the right things x