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Author Topic: HRT advice please  (Read 2379 times)


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HRT advice please
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:19:19 PM »

Dear MM members, I am new to the website and it seems that like many of you here I am also really struggling with peri menopause symptoms including hot flushes, low mood, brain fog, dreadful anxiety and very poor sleep.

I have been in peri for about 2-3 years and have only had a few periods in the last year. I have migraines with aura and am on thyroxine for hypothyroidism.

I have just finished week 4 of HRT (Evorel 25 patches plus Utrogestan 200mg for 14 days) which seems to be causing a bit of headache and nausea as a side effect. On this dose the hot flushes have diminished in frequency and intensity (which is great) but all of the other symptoms are still in place.

I know that it is very early days on HRT but should some of the other symptoms be starting to improve by now? Does lack of improvement indicate that the low oestrogen patch is not strong enough? I feel as though every day is such a struggle and I just want to feel better.

How long did it take HRT to work for you? Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


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Re: HRT advice please
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2017, 03:12:30 PM »

Hi Sue52, sorry that you have not yet had any replies.  I suspect members are out in the sun and will see your post later on.

Welcome to the MM forum  :welcomemm:

I'm sorry I can't answer your question because I have not used HRT but hopefully members who have used it will be along before too long to chat to you  :)


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Re: HRT advice please
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2017, 03:18:18 PM »

Helloooo and welcome to you Sue

You could have been describing me!  I am 50 and have been taking HRT for just over 2 years.  The hot sweats seemed to be the first thing to get under control - within a matter of days/a week.  The other bits take longer unfortunately.  They do suggest taking each different type for 3 months so it gives it a chance to work (or not) so if its not too onerous, keep with it?  I started on Elleste Duet 1mg and then last autumn went to 2mg as the night sweats were returning along with anxiety (although I put it down to my job at the time).  The brain fog seems to come occasionally when I am tired or stressed but other times is not a problem at all.  I also take AD's to help with the anxiety.  I have never really day hot flushes in the day, only in middle of the night so I guess I have been lucky from that viewpoint.

Unfortunately they don't call it the change for nothing - it IS a huge change to the body, the mind, the psyche - am not sure what I would have done without this forum.  Even though I don't post as often as some, just reading other peoples issues and responses helps a great deal.

If you can bear it, give it a bit longer and then see your GP if its not improving at all - but good luck, you're in safe hands here ...

SP x


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Re: HRT advice please
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2017, 03:19:23 PM »

Hi Sue52-  :welcomemm:
I've been on HRT for 19 months now and still struggling with a regime that works. They do say that 3 months should be given to see if the regime works for you.
I do know that progesterone can cause problems and if you have any sensitivity to it ( and a lot of us do) it can cause digestive issues, headaches and low mood. Too much can cause depression. So, whilst I'm no expert, I would suspect that it's the utrogestan causing the issues. You don't mention, but are you taking it orally or vaginally? The latter has fewer side effects and in my case, I'm still not tolerating it very well.

You could ask your GP to try you on Oestrogel and that way you can tweak your own dose. I wish I could say to you" try this and you'll feel better" but it's no magic bullet and it's trial and error.

I would try and give it another few weeks to see how you get on and keep a mood/ symptom diet.

Hope it settles soon x


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Re: HRT advice please
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2017, 08:45:05 PM »

Hi Sue52

 :welcomemm: from me too.

You haven't said how old you are - but that is quite a low dose of oestrogen as you suggested, with the standard licensed dose of progesterone and that could make your sensitivity to the progesterone worse. If you have only had a few periods in the past year then you sound like you are well on into the peri-menopausal transition. You could increase your oestrogen dose to 37.5 mcg and eventually to 50 mcg - which is the standard post-menopausal dose and is protective against osteoporosis (well this is the licensed dose anyway).

As Michelemabelle says using utro vaginally has fewer side effects. There can be an interaction with thyroid medication too so this might also need reviewing after a few months.

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT advice please
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2017, 09:17:36 AM »

Many thanks for your replies. I do so appreciate your thoughtful comments and support.

To answer some questions I am 52 years old and am taking the Utrogestan by mouth. I don't seem to have had any adverse reaction to the Utrogestan so far (but have only used it for one 14 day session).

I am now in week six of starting HRT and the hot flushes are under control but I still can't sleep, feel low, tearful, anxious, etc.

Is there any chance that these symptoms could still improve whilst taking my current dose? Has anyone experienced improvements after 6 weeks or so?

I guess I am looking for a little light at the end of this long, dark tunnel!
Very best wishes, Sue 52 x