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Author Topic: Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus  (Read 7893 times)

Julia Going Peculiar

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Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus
« on: May 02, 2017, 02:38:49 PM »

 ;D >:( :'(

Hello Ladies,

Have just logged on here for the first time and am looking forward to having a good look around and getting to know you all.

Firstly though, does anyone have any information to share about the taking of agnus castus for the symptoms of PMS whilst perimenopausal please?  A reputable national magazine recommended this for my symptoms, which include periods generally every 5 weeks for the last 2 years, instead of the previously right-on-time 28 days; hot sweats, looking older all of a sudden, slight hair loss etc. 

So I started taking 1000mg of the AC four weeks ago, about 2 and a half weeks after my last period.  It's now been six and a half weeks since my last period, which has been the longest time in-between periods to date.  I'm putting 2-and-2 together and assuming it must be because of the new supplement, however I'm having the usual PMS symptoms (you know - irrational anger, irritability, crying a lot but then getting night sweats and sometimes going slightly hysterical and giddy!).

I'm beginning to get concerned that, instead of the AG helping to ease my PMS/perimenopausal symptoms, it might actually be prolonging them and causing even more distress than usual!

Help!   8)

ancient runner

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Re: Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2017, 03:37:04 PM »

Hello Julia (bet you're no more peculiar than the rest of us)
I'd lay money that you're blaming the AC for what would have happened anyway. Peri menopause does weird things and varying gaps between periods and dire PMT kind of go with the territory. But of course you can't prove that either way.
You could try stopping it and see what happens as it doesn't seem to be achieving what you want anyway?
Best of luck. There's a board somewhere on here which does look at complementary therapies and someone may be along soon who knows a lot more about AC than I do (which won't be hard!!)

Julia Going Peculiar

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Re: Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2017, 04:16:25 PM »

Dear Ancient (and very wise too by the sound of it),

Thank you so much for your reply, I found it really helpful.

Good idea re: perhaps stopping taking it, but then some of my friends have recommended that I stay on it because it takes around 3 months for things to settle in.  Oh what a hormonal lottery, ay?!

Have been in PMT tears for much of the day but because the periods are no longer regular it probably is perimenopause as you say. 

I shall take a look at that 'complimentary section', and thanks again - you've soothed my tears for the time being!  :-*



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Re: Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2017, 07:16:55 PM »

Hello Peculiar Julia- great name. You should give it at least 3 months to see if it helps but your symptoms are typical of peri I'm afraid.

Don't know enough about complementary side of things. I tried black cohosh for 6 months. Helped for a time then didn't so I've been on the HRT merry go round for 18 months though and still not found a suitable regime. If I do come off ( and I'm leaning that way) I'd certainly give AC a chance!
Hope you find some relief soon. keep us posted, have a browse and ask away. This is a fabulous site full of great wit and wisdom ( although you might have to dig deep for it! ) ONLY JOSHING GIRLS!



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Re: Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2017, 10:15:43 PM »

Hello PJ and welcome ;)  I'm a newbie also and this site has literally saved me! I can only tell you that I have spent most of my life browsing and buying from health shops - I have tried and tested most herbs - usually opting for those that are adaptogenic rather than phytoestrogen types. I am def not an expert but can tell you that by the time I got to a qualified gynae last month she warned me to stop wasting my time and money and that it wouldn't 'cut the mustard' anymore! I still have a line of supplements daily from pre and probiotics to rhodiola for anxiety and olive leaf for the immune system, to name but a few  ;) but I have finally accepted that it wasn't working for me and I had only been prolonging my misery. I would also add that I was prolonging proper treatment and diagnosis. That said this is an individual journey in many ways and we each must listen to our bodies when it comes what is needed. I wish you well and hope you get as much comfort from this forum as I do ::)


Julia Going Peculiar

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Re: Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2017, 08:49:59 PM »

Hello again girls, and thank you so very much for your welcome comments.  Just to let you know that I have literally just started my period, now, after just over 2 months.  I was umming and aahing about whether to carry on taking the agnus castus, and last night I felt that suicidal (you know what I mean...PMS but I didn't realise that at the time) that I decided to stop taking it.  Which I did.  Today.  And hey presto, I've just been to the loo and the lovely red paint was included in the loo paper after the pee.  So yes, please be very careful about that herb.  In my ignorance I assumed it might just help with some of the pms/peri-menopausal symptoms but alas, it really did bugger up my cycle.  Have never, ever gone a whole 2 months without a period before taking this so we can only put 2-and-2 together?

Honestly, I was scared for my sanity for a while, because at least when I used to have PMS I used to know what is was.  This time was different. Think I'll go and speak to my gp before doing anything like that again.

I do hope you're doing alright, everyone.  So grateful to be part of this forum.  Lots of love, and no, we are NOT going's just our blooming hormones doing their thing! xxx  :D


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Re: Peri-Menopausal And Have Just Started Taking Agnus Castus
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2017, 10:49:27 AM »

Hi Julia Going Peculiar

I am sure that taking the Agnus Cactus would not have affected your periods! It is not strong enough for that. It is normal for you to start skipping periods when you are peri-menopausal so this is what has happened. As your periods come and go so do your symptoms. For example when I started having bigger gaps between periods,  hot flushes and sweats would appear ( I was taking Black Cohosh) and then the symptoms disappeared and I thought this was due to the Cohosh - but then I had another period so my oestrogen levels had risen. Once I had gone without a period for sometime the flushes and sweats returned and showed no sign of stopping which is when I started HRT.

There is a great article about peri-menopause on this website which might be of interest?

There probably is no need to consult your GP as this is normal (unless there is something specific re symptoms/bleeding?) - only if you are worried or if you think you might like HRT or maybe local oestrogen? Also you haven't said how old you are so if you are under 40 or early 40's then it is important to have a blood test to determine if you might be heading for an early/premature menopause?

Hurdity x