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Author Topic: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim  (Read 9074 times)


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Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:52:56 AM »

I started this medication on Thursday I previously had had a course of nitrofurantoin due to a positive result on a urine test  but as was so frightened of the side effects only took 2 a day instead of 4 but did complete the course on Monday there by Wednesday was feeling 'fluey' slight shivers and a temp climbing to 38.1 called my doc who arranged to have a sample done and set off and put me on Trimethoprim just in case until we get the results back (who knows when that might be with this cyber attack thing) when picked up prescription from chemist was advised to leave 12 hours between each 200mg dose at the time I explained to him about the Nitrofurantoin and how I had taken it but he didn't seem to think taking less over a ,longer period would have made a difference as I had completed the course. Took the first Tri yesterday evening at 6.30pm and was ok took the second at 7.30 Friday morninghad a bit of toast but never ate anything else as was feeling yucky temp still fluctuating so was taking 1.5 paracetamol to control temp. Since I have taken the third dose at 7.30pm last night I feel really ill so nauseous and was trying to be sick but nothing came up as haven't eaten all day bowel seems to be a bit irritated as well. I'm climbing the walls cannot get to sleep as feel so awful temp is fluctuating again took last dose of paracetamol at 6.30pm last night but too scared to take any more in case it makes me even worse, I've got a dry mouth with horrible taste and sweaty palms but don't know if this is anxiety as well as pulse is about 90. I feel so awful I don't know what to do and have convinced myself that it must be something more serious like my liver or something although a complete set of blood tests last month were normal I cannot believe how ill I feel I've never had this on an antibiotic  and I've had my fare share due to my Spina Bifida. Obviously with it being Saturday now my GP will be closed so I don't know what to do whether to stop the Tri and manage the fever symptoms till Monday or call NHS 24 and get some advice from them but with all this cyber stuff don't even know if they are operating.

I'm really really scared and don't know what to do for the best  :'( I know CLKD has had issues with this AB has anyone else and what did you do


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Re: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2017, 11:17:09 AM »

I think that the side effects of nausea etc. you are mentioning are common when first starting this antibiotic. It helps if you drink a whole glass of water with the tablet. I'm not sure about food? It should state on the label as to whether they are to be taken on an empty stomach or not.

It sounds as if you are suffering really badly from anxiety which will give you the sweaty palms and faster pulse rate. If you can I think you should continue with them as you do need to get this infection under control. Have you any pain in your back or tenderness there? Have you still got the cystitis symptoms or have they gone now?

Go easy on yourself and do ring NHS Direct if you feel that you are getting worse. Drink lots of water throughout the day by the way and try to eat small amounts.

Taz x  :bighug:


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Re: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2017, 04:47:19 PM »

Hi thanks for you're replies

I ended up at the out of hours as I had a wee bit of chest pain as usual my blood pressure was high first time 174/90 and apparently worse the second time pulse high but everything else ok they took some bloods all the blood results came back clear I think she said the white blood one was elevated but not enough to concern her they took a urine sample and it was definitely showing infection but because all their systems are down they couldn't run any tests to match a specific antibiotic she (understandably) was reluctant to prescribe a third antibiotic but I just couldnt face taking the  Trimethoprim as I was feeling so ill.

We decided to back to the Nitrofurantoin as I had taken that one before the first time round she did say (unlike the chemist) that I should have taken it as prescribed even though I finished the course and they gave me a wee pill to stop me feeling so seedy. Came home and managed to eat a bit of toast and have one of those probiotic drinks and take my 2 paracetamol at 12.15 and the first of the Nitrofurantoin at 1.45 have been sleeping on and off most of the day but when I woke up there felt incredibly sick and was sitting in the bathroom throwing up but nothing came up, I feel so ill the thought of having to take these paracetamol again at around 6.15pm and the antibiotic at 7.45 fills me with dread I thought this antibiotic would be ok as I'm sure it didn't make me nauseous when I took it originally and of course to cap it all my temp is up again 38.3 and racing pulse again.

I know they've done all the tests but the way I am you just feel they are missing something my dad is getting completely fed up with me (who can blame him) and says I need to eat something and the sickness will slowly pass but I'm terrified of being sick I'm so pathetic  :'(


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Re: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2017, 05:03:56 PM »

Its a bit of a catch 22, as you need to eat in order to speed up the process of the medication and also prevent irritation to your stomach, but if you are nauseous and not eating then taking the tablets will be upsetting you, and making you feel sick.  I have never had a problem with Trimethoprim either and sympathise with you.  In order to reduce your pyrexia you def need to take the Paracetamol , or , ibroprofen but if you cant stomach the Paracetamol cant see how you could manage anything else.  Seven days is quite long to be on a course of antibiotics, its usually three days now , though the jury is out as to whether or not thats long enough , so if you have had seven days,even at a reduced dosage , then that should be adequate to deal with the infection.  If you can, hold off until Monday and you can discuss it more fully with your own GP but try and eat enough to be able to take your Paracetamol meantime .


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Re: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2017, 05:45:21 PM »

Hi Eveylyn

The doc decide the lesser of the two evils was to put me back on the Nirtofurantoin that was the one I had taken first time around that had come back as sensitive to whatever bug I appear to have thing was because I was so afraid of the side effects I didn't take it until the following Monday (it was passed to the chemist the Friday before) and when I took the course I only took two a day instead of four as thought that would be ok but doc advised should have taken the 4 a day and then my local GP I didn't see him sent away another urine sample on Friday there but gave me the trimethoprim to tie me over don't know why they just didn't give me the first one again.

The doctor I saw in the A&E did recommend I contact my GP on Monday and explain the situation I just could not tolerate the trimethoprim but now it looks as if I'm not tolerating the Nirtofurantoin either whereas I was ok with that previously. When I was taking the paracetamol previously they were lasting up to 8 hours before the chills temp was coming back but over the last couple of days they are just not lasting as long and are only taking my temp down to 37.7 whereas before they were taking it back to virtually normal I'm also getting pains all over now but I guess that's the infection.

As I said my dad is just completely fed up with me I saw that ginger can be helpful when your feeling sick so my son has gone to get me some which I will put in some water and see if that helps if I can keep the pills down long enough to be absorbed then that's the best thing and just try and make sure I have plenty sips of water I also have bought some probiotic pills to take so maybe I could take those with some dry crackers or some plain rice this evening

As you can see I'm the worst patient ever most people just get on with it whereas I'm constantly looking for some other more serious reason that I'm so ill right time to try and take the paracetamol thanks for getting back  :)


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Re: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2017, 09:22:47 PM »

I really think you need to throw your thermometer in the bin to be honest. It's only increasing your anxiety and have you any idea if is accurate. The only time I ever used one was when my kids were very small and even then they weren't that accurate.
I understand that ABs can cause nausea but if you can bring yourself to nibble dry crackers or toast then it will take the sick feelings away.
A good pro biotic is helpful too. You can get some specific ones to take alongside a course of ABs.

You have had a good check over at A&E so there is nothing really life threatening going on. Have a cuppa and some toast. Take your paracetamol every four hours as per pack instructions. Get a hot water bottle and climb into bed and read or watch some TV to distract yourself.

Please try and calm down. I know it's easy for me to say but getting in such a state really won't help at all.

Sending you a  :bighug:

Try and get some sleep. That will help so much.

Mrs Brown


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Re: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2017, 10:24:10 PM »



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Re: Feeling so ill on Trimethoprim
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2017, 11:15:46 PM »

Thank you all as ever you are always so kind  :bighug: