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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: The Road Less Travelled  (Read 78925 times)


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2017, 04:47:03 PM »

Exactly the same reaction here, Lizab! I literally go crazy on it over time, as well as other bizarre reactions which seem to mimic allergy - increased inflammatory markers at least for sure, which have been proven by blood tests - this happens for me when my histamine levels are raised for some reason usually. I also had chronically elevated eosinophils during perimenopause without contact to an allergy trigger. I was even tested for Lyme's disease at this time as the rheumatologist just couldn't understand it.

I have lots of phone calls to make on Monday to immunology etc. This is all so exhausting when you're exhausted already!

Edelweiss, I'm fascinated by what the Profesor had to say about inflammation! :o


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2017, 04:47:38 PM »

Oh forgot to add I am still using Oestrogel but it's having a strange effect on me I think. One GP gave me Femseven 50 patches to try but after a week of feeling sick and spaced out another GP told me to go back on Oestrogel but lower dose to 1 pump as she thinks I may not need as much due to weight loss and age.

I did this last week and have felt worse as the week went on so have upped to 1.5 pumps ... I'm so confused by it all I don't know what I'm doing half the time!

Love xxx



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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #47 on: May 13, 2017, 04:57:08 PM »

Dearest Alesia!! I also have all of those except the weight loss and upper and lower gastro. symptoms, tinnitus and strange minty taste. The whole lot hit after I had the ACTH test - I had some symptoms but not as many as I have now! I'm hoping it's just a coincidence - which it must be as my adrenal function was fine.

Gosh - there HAS to be some answers out there and if it's HRT, how on earth can we get your poor body to recognise it and mine to accept it? xxxxx
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 05:51:27 PM by Tempest »


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2017, 05:00:53 PM »

"I've gone from being a happy confident creative person to a jibbering wreck, I barely recognise myself, I'm afraid to be left on my own for any length of time, I can't drive my car or go anywhere on my own"

Alesia we are twins. This is me to a tee. I feel like I'm dying every day too. I keep trying to fight it but it's like trying to climb our of quicksand.

And every symptom except the taste in my mouth is more metallic than minty. And the roof of my mouth is both sore and numb (how could it be, but it is).

Took me a ages to realise was meno too. But then we were on HRT, and consultants were denying it, so why would we think that? xxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #49 on: May 13, 2017, 05:07:43 PM »

Tempest darling yes the Prof was very interesting, and the closest to an explanation I've had from ANYONE. And I've emailed THE WORLD believe me. He doesn't have a simple solution though. xxx



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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2017, 05:13:05 PM »

Edelweiss I too have had the sores on my mouth with metallic taste.  One time coincided with a dental appointment, she said it's almost certainly Burning Mouth Syndrome and referred me to a Maxillo Facial specialist (think that's him).  This wasn't long after the double vision started and the specialist was lovely, he said he can't explain why these mouth episodes are happening and took photos but asked if I was aware I had lid lag ? I said weird you say that as eye clinic are dismissing everything about my eyes and can't give me a diagnosis but my gp butted in and I'm seeing a neurologist , he said he'd document it but no one followed it up.  The lid lag was only in one eye.  So I definitely have nerve and muscle problems going on and still undiagnosed, then I have this Raynauds, severe foot and toe cramps, locking index finger, ongoing late afternoon through to morning dry eyes and mouth, mouth gets so dry the gums hurt x


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2017, 05:48:09 PM »

Dearest Edelweiss

We can only take comfort in knowing we are not alone! We have to keep fighting and hoping for an answer and you will be my first thought if I find one!

So are you not on any HRT now?

My kinesiologist has been through this herself with ovarian failure, she uses oestrogel 1 pump every other day and drinks soy protein shakes every morning, I think she uses Maca as well. It took her 6 years to get better  :-\ but having said that we are all different!

Love & hugs xxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2017, 06:03:45 PM »

Sorry, Alesia! I posted my reply to Edelweiss by mistake. I was somewhat distracted by 'other things' elsewhere on the forum...... :o

6 years seems to be the magic number. I know of a lady on Hystersisters who did HRT for 6 months post oopherectomy  and then quit. She ran the full gamut of all symptoms and 6 years later was as happy as a clam, only remaining issues (and I mean ONLY) were dry skin which is difficult to moisturise. I've been in touch with her recently and she's still out playing golf, taking holidays etc.

Ditto a lady I've befriended locally. Surgery at 42, quit HRT 5 years later as it started to make her feel odd (her words), she said about 5 years later all was good, apart from some joint stiffness in the morning. She works a demanding job with irregular shift patterns now.

So please don't shoot yourself, Edelweiss! No matter what, ovaries or no, we can get through this - TOGETHER. xxxxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2017, 06:06:50 PM »

It is tough, when you are dealing with long term or chronic health issues.  It is normal to want answers, reasons, solutions, we would not be human if we didn't.  I have done my fair share of railing against things and spent a lot of money searching for answers to health issues over the years.  I made myself more ill with the stress of this searching and fighting.  Eventually I reached a point of acceptance, acceptance than no one had an answer, a reason or a solution;  that this was now and how it was.   I had to learn to take it at face value and go with it instead of fighting it, and hope that better times could be ahead.  In relaxing into my situation and reaching a point of acceptance I could let go of the stress and the fight and concentrate on the life I had.

since then things have gradually improved and I wish I had not spent so much time fighting and railing against things that I could not change.  We are not promised an easy path all the way, all the time but it's what we do with it that counts.  I learned the hard way.


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #54 on: May 13, 2017, 06:32:43 PM »

Sorry I shouldn't have said that. I was joking, but I can see that in my current frame of mind it wouldn't seem like it. I humbly apologise to all my dear friends here. And the fact is Alesia kinesiologist did recover and that's good. 

Thank you so much Tempest I like the stories from HysterSisters they are great and very inspiring.

And Babyjane you are SO right. Thank you for those wise words. They are absolutely true. I confess I've always had a massive problem with acceptance, in every area of life. It was part of what made me good in my work because I just wouldn't give up. I think I'd better start practicing acceptance now though.

A Sheepish Edelweiss xxx
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 06:37:49 PM by edelweiss »


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2017, 06:38:31 PM »

I've always said that I felt much better once I'd stopped chasing here,there and everywhere,looking for some magical potion. Acceptance was hard won but boy did it feel much calmer. I wasted time in my precious life searching and that's time I won't get back  ::)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 07:25:36 PM by dazned »


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #56 on: May 13, 2017, 06:46:37 PM »

Yes you also mentioned that to me Dazned and you're right too. And you've found a way to health and fulfilment again too. It's just when I feel unbelievably ill all day every day the only thing I can think to do is chase and search and  question. My problem I know. I'm the only one who can work it through, but I am truly grateful for your advice (and patience) xxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #57 on: May 13, 2017, 07:24:49 PM »

Thank you SO much, Baby Jane and Dazned!

I alternate at the moment between fighting and acceptance. On the days that I accept, I have better days. The days that are not so good are when I read posts from a certain poster here on MM and believe that I must be some kind of freak and that I am doomed to die a horribly freakish early death, riddled with heart disease and osteoporosis unless I FORCE my poor body and mind to accept something which clearly it doesnt like.

That's how it's been the last couple of days (and on and off the past year). And the more I read, the more I take these things on board, the more like a freak I feel - subsequently, the more ill I get.

I love MM for the many ladies here who are warm and kind and genuine. Annie for being my dear friend, Edelweiss who is a new friend and so kind and comforting despite her struggles. You Babyjane, who has shared your struggles and found a way through for yourself as well as tackling thyroid issues. And dear Dazned who forever has a gentle manner and kindness, and not forgetting Alesia and Lizab who share so many symptoms in common with mine.

I find it is those that have struggled the most who have the most kindness, empathy and compassion for others. And for you ladies, I am truly, truly grateful. Thank you!! xxxxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #58 on: May 13, 2017, 07:38:27 PM »

I've been where you are so I can sincerely empathise with you all. I HAVE walked in your shoes to a certain extent!  ::)
You,yourself wrote " on the days I accept I have better days ! "    ( if I was cleverer I could have highlighted that bit from your text !!! )   ;D
So maybe listen to yourself  ;)

I'm sure that you will be just great even if you can't find a hrt to suit you else there would be millions of women out there not on hrt keeling over !
Remember MM ladies represent a snapshot on life. :hug:


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #59 on: May 13, 2017, 08:02:29 PM »

I can't remember which of the girls on this forum tried to tell me to accept what was happening. It may have been you, dazned.
It was when things first took a bad turn, before hrt, with all sorts of weird feelings and extreme hot flashes. I was not functioning. At the time the advice seemed cruel because my life was turned upside down seemingly overnight. I couldn't drive, couldn't shop, could hardly join my family at the table for meals. And with two young children, I couldn't grasp how to accept my inability to function. I didn't have a few weeks or a few months or a few years to wait for all to pass. Now, over a year later, I see that I didn't have a choice but to accept. I would have preferred to continue my roles as before, but it didn't work out that way. I have a few good friends and neighbors and family that helped take on things I couldn't manage. My children have grown to take on more at home. I still have days when I get down and feel heavy guilt that I'm not pulling my share and feel like a burden to everyone around me, but I am coming to accept and it feels so much better, and I'm gradually taking on my ld roles again. Some days I still really don't get anything done, but even as I say that, I realize it's not ot true. Now I may say I didn't do anything all day, but I actually did dishes, laundry, showered, maybe played outside with the kids, and I'm learning to give myself credit for every little thing and acknowledge my health is improving, because those ordinary tasks are more than I could do at my worst.

Pardon my rambling, I was reflecting on how crazy this transition has been. Thank heavens its getting better to the point that when I do have a spell I don't feel like it's permanent.
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