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Author Topic: The Road Less Travelled  (Read 78969 times)


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #255 on: May 23, 2017, 09:52:35 AM »

BJ, you've contributed a lot! You've had so many kind and inspiring words for us. :thankyou: xxxxx

Thank you, Lil! Off to see GP later to talk about my HRT (or lack of) after lovely psych. phoned them yesterday. Taking Hubby with me for extra 'elbow'.

How are you today, troops? How were the sweats last night and moods, Annie? And dear Edelweiss - how are you feeling? xxxxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #256 on: May 23, 2017, 10:13:48 AM »

Ah that's good, yes I always think it's good to have someone with you, I'm ok I keeping getting weird pain down there if you no what I mean, it's like top inside of your leg in the middle, I had it a few years ago and had a laporscopy but said could be the endrometrosis, but then had a camera put through a tiny hole in my neck and they clamped my veins (which the metal showed up in the bone scan the other week) they kept saying can you move your bra up, is there metal in your skirt 😂Then it clicked the clamps 😳
But the last few days have this throbbing constant pain back 😩Xxxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #257 on: May 23, 2017, 10:19:28 AM »

It's time......for another one of Tempest's Tidbits! (Don't groan - honestly)!  ;D

Ok, here's a study showing that during hot flushes, your blood pressure drops and heart rate goes up. For some women (me included) it can take a good while to recover (who the hell  knows why)! I've further researched and these peaks and troughs can greatly add to changes in mood - panicky feelings at the drops, and a lift in mood (but sometimes tears) when it goes up again. I'll fudge that info. out later (fairly dramatic changes in BP mess with the brain and central nervous system).

Some folk don't actually get the sweating - it's true! Or only a slight feeling of warmth but the CNS changes can still be present. No wonder we're all over the place and knackered at the end of each day and night! Oh, and you also have a drop in blood sugar at these times too. Great, innit?  :o

I hope this helps - it's pretty basic stuff for all of you who are into your science but I try to keep it simple. No one wants to be bogged down with gobbledygook when we've got enough to deal with already!



(And don't chain yourself to your BP monitors, but if you have one check it out. It's true, I've measured mine)!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 10:24:49 AM by Tempest »


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #258 on: May 23, 2017, 10:31:10 AM »

Bless your heart, Lil! I always have a 2 week rule (well did - until I started avoiding my GP. Long story) that if it's still there after 2 weeks, go and see the GP. I didn't have Endo. but have a mass of adhesions - sometimes these give me real grief.

Do get it checked out if it's giving you trouble,  m'kay?

Sending you comforting hugs - and we're here for you!



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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #259 on: May 23, 2017, 10:36:23 AM »

Ah bless you, good idea with the two week rule, I was at doctors yesterday but thought I'm not even going to mention it, I will give it a couple of weeks, I'm thinking may be as not had HRT hopefully will start to settle, you just worry don't you. Xxxxxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #260 on: May 23, 2017, 11:18:03 AM »

Yes I perked up last night

Ah maybe I'm having the symptoms without the flush just the night sweats ?

Good luck today Tempest xxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #261 on: May 23, 2017, 12:19:42 PM »

It's time......for another one of Tempest's Tidbits! (Don't groan - honestly)!  ;D

Ok, here's a study showing that during hot flushes, your blood pressure drops and heart rate goes up. For some women (me included) it can take a good while to recover (who the hell  knows why)! I've further researched and these peaks and troughs can greatly add to changes in mood - panicky feelings at the drops, and a lift in mood (but sometimes tears) when it goes up again. I'll fudge that info. out later (fairly dramatic changes in BP mess with the brain and central nervous system).

Some folk don't actually get the sweating - it's true! Or only a slight feeling of warmth but the CNS changes can still be present. No wonder we're all over the place and knackered at the end of each day and night! Oh, and you also have a drop in blood sugar at these times too. Great, innit?  :o

I hope this helps - it's pretty basic stuff for all of you who are into your science but I try to keep it simple. No one wants to be bogged down with gobbledygook when we've got enough to deal with already!



(And don't chain yourself to your BP monitors, but if you have one check it out. It's true, I've measured mine)!

Hi ladies,

Just wanted to chip in, further to Tempest's post: I had to have a series of heart checks recently and experienced flushes whilst on the various monitors. Heart rate increased every time. One nurse asked me to stop jiggling when I hadn't moved at all. When I told her I was having a hot flush she noted that my heart rate had increased fairly dramatically then fell away.

Tempest you and I discussed this a while ago, do you remember? Could it be the adrenaline surge pre flush that causes that? It causes a tightness in my chest. I suffer with the physical symptoms but thankfully not with the anxiety that so often accompanies the flushes.

Ladies, I love the way you are all so supportive of each other on this thread, it's brilliant. It very much reminds me of Machair's Mucus and Staining thread. No matter how dreadful we feel, if someone can make us smile or better still laugh, it warms the soul and makes us feel a million times better. It's also wonderful to be able to share the load on this site, it makes us feel better able to manage the garbage that peri and meno can dump on us.

Hope you all have a lovely day xx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #262 on: May 23, 2017, 02:15:12 PM »

This makes sense.  My HFs were decreasing in intensity anyway however since I have been taking betablockers they have decreased even more.  Could it be down to the BBs regulating my heartbeat?  Interesting thought  :)


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #263 on: May 23, 2017, 04:40:33 PM »

I was diagnosed with Arrythmia following the 24hr monitor, they called me back for a scan as the heart was jumping about 40-140bpm even when asleep

You see I never know whether the heart beats cause some anxiety or the anxiety causes the heart beats or the silent ' non hot ' hot flush is causing the heart to jump about, whatever it is I damn well don't like it !!!


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #264 on: May 23, 2017, 04:54:14 PM »

Ladies, thank you for this thread. It's literally made me laugh out loud at times and want to reach out and hug you at others.

I've nothing to contribute thus far but I'm having my hysterectomy this Friday. Uterus, cervix definitely going but there is adenomyosis in there too and my consultant fears endometriosis. If that's the case my ovaries and tubes will be taken too.

So plump those comfy cushions and budge up on the sofa. Room for a little one xxx ?


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #265 on: May 23, 2017, 05:51:48 PM »

Yep claireylou put your feet up and join us and make sure you take it easy after the op,


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #266 on: May 23, 2017, 05:54:32 PM »

Will do Annie and thank you.

I'll even bring some chocolate to munch with you all  ;)


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #267 on: May 23, 2017, 06:36:42 PM »

Ah claireylou hope it all goes ok for you sending hugs and positive vibes xxxx


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #268 on: May 23, 2017, 06:45:35 PM »

All the best for Friday and that it goes well.  I had a great time when I had mine.  There were 5 of us in the ward and we got on really well.  We had some real belly laughs at times, we had to hold our stitches when we laughed (I suspect it was hysteria really) and when our families came at visiting time it was like a party.  Even the menfolk got on well. We all remained friends after we were discharged too. x


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Re: The Road Less Travelled
« Reply #269 on: May 23, 2017, 07:02:26 PM »

Thank you Lil22, positive vibes definitely needed xxx

Babyjane thank you for your kind words. How wonderful that you had a positive experience and remained friends, I hope I'm that lucky too  :)

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