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Author Topic: Unbearable fatigue?  (Read 4796 times)


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Unbearable fatigue?
« on: May 07, 2017, 09:11:24 AM »

The past two days I've literally felt like I'm scraping around, as if I can hardly stand. It's bizarre. It's like a fatigue in my bones. I'm resting as much as I can but I do have a young son.

I'm on mirena coil and one pump of estrogel - I have asked for testosterone.

Is this to do with not getting the HRT right or just another glorious symptom of menopause that I have to ride out?



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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2017, 10:37:46 AM »

Definitely a meno symptom but can't say if it's because your hrt needs tweaking or not

I go through flares of crippling crushing fatigue where I just can't get my act together, I function for the must dos, like work and babysitting but cannot think beyond that.  I live for the moment I can rest again.  I did change hrt and have to say things are really improved, I still get tired but seem to have to ability to push myself now.  So I guess in a way your regime may need a tweak.

Incidentally, my new hrt converts whatever ratio it desires to oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone so the added benefit of testosterone properties could well be what is helping me x


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2017, 12:11:52 PM »

I also get extreme exhaustion, my doc did blood tests and said my B12 is very low and has started me on injections she reckons being vitamin B deficent  will cause such tiredness, but the meno can also cause it so a double whammy :P  might be worth checking it out


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2017, 01:16:19 PM »

Its called 'crashing fatigue' and is a known meno symptom.  I prefer to call it 'wading through treacle'.

It does get better I have found but I can still have days of it from time to time but not every day now.


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2017, 02:17:42 PM »

Thank you all. Annie, what did you change your HRT to?


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2017, 02:36:44 PM »

I went from oestrogen only to oestrogen plus testosterone to Tibolone 2.5mg and since end march I have been in 1.25mg Tibolone

Tibolone is for post meno x


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2017, 02:45:36 PM »

Marks out of 10 how did you feel on:
e only
e + t

Thanks Annie x


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2017, 04:14:41 PM »

Sorry to others for repetition but it's hard for members to keep looking up old posts

E only - 2
E&T - 4/5
Tib - 8

I have aches, I have stiff joints, my lower back is dreadful, it's got to the stage I really can't do much other than rest.  Simplest tasks are setting me off in pain and unable to move easily, and although my social anxiety is still there I still score myself 8 as there's improvement in that area


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2017, 04:37:54 PM »

Bless you, Annie! I'm just about where you are when I'm not on HRT. Can I ask if you don't mind what your skin is like? The skin on my palms and soles of feet have thinned considerably! My social anxiety got a bit better off HRT too - I was able to go to my Endocrinology appointment by myself at a hospital a distance away, which is something I couldn't have done last year. xxxxxx


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2017, 04:50:35 PM »

8 out of 10 sounds great to me - no? :) But your aches and pains don't xxx


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2017, 05:03:24 PM »

My skin thickness seems ok Tempest.  But last year a derm told me I have sebbhoreic dermatitis and that's playing up on forehead

Social anxiety - I go to all appointments alone, even my dentist that's @ 45 mins away.  I struggle with: shops alone, generally socialising with people I know.  I'm not having near-detachment lately which is a huge bonus .  I've not had panic attacks but I just feel faint when in a situation that I'm not comfortable with

I thought of something earlier (very easy to forget progress when your memory is rubbish) when I joined here I think it was march 2015.  I remember looking through all the threads in astonishment how the women were having a laugh.  I hoped and wished to get to that stage myself but honestly couldn't see it happening.  Pre meno I laughed all the time and I've found my fun side again.  I am less tolerant of Ill mannered people though but I'm putting that down to gaining more wisdom throughout this, like keeping away from nasty people then I can't get hurt

I'll always be fragile, I've never been a tough cookie, ever.  But I've learnt to trust my gut instinct more xxx


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2017, 08:33:37 PM »

Getting back on track!!!!!

The past two days I've literally felt like I'm scraping around, as if I can hardly stand. It's bizarre. It's like a fatigue in my bones. I'm resting as much as I can but I do have a young son.

I'm on mirena coil and one pump of estrogel - I have asked for testosterone.

Is this to do with not getting the HRT right or just another glorious symptom of menopause that I have to ride out?

Noheroicsplease -  sorry to hear you think it could have something to do with the Mirena coil? I can't remember how long you've had it? Progestogens do have a sedating effects which some women experience as fatigue.

The other thing is have you had your thyroid tested? Also women who have Hashimoto's or are hypothyroid - will experience this from time to time I imagine as thyroid hormone levels fluctuate, even when treated.

Sorry I can't really help. Sometimes I feel like this randomly for no apparent reason but it goes away after a couple of days. I also agree with Yammy1 re vitamins etc - iron too? I am sure you already know that it is so important to have a really good diet of fresh unprocessed foods, especially at this stage in our life (and get out in the sunshine!) so that we don't become deficient in anything.

Hurdity x


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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2017, 08:42:07 AM »

Hi Hurdity,

I don't know if it;s the Mirena. I've had it in for just over 4 months now.

My diet is very good. I'm a slave to nutrition. I take extra iron - ferrous fumerate.

Maybe it's just how it is.



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Re: Unbearable fatigue?
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2017, 09:29:26 PM »

The past two days I've literally felt like I'm scraping around, as if I can hardly stand. It's bizarre. It's like a fatigue in my bones. I'm resting as much as I can but I do have a young son.

I'm on mirena coil and one pump of estrogel - I have asked for testosterone.

Is this to do with not getting the HRT right or just another glorious symptom of menopause that I have to ride out?

I know that feeling so well! I have ME diagnosed years ago - very well managed until beginning of this year ( apart from odd bouts following physical activity that pushed my limits) - I have been off work (so unlike me) since end of march and honestly I feel like I am 80! There are so many things I could get caught up on at home - but days are creeping into weeks and nothing gets done!! I spent 3 weeks in bed last month - since the coil and patches kicked in symptoms are getting easier but the energy is stubbornly hanging on😬