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Author Topic: Bleeding with combined HRT  (Read 2666 times)


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Bleeding with combined HRT
« on: May 05, 2017, 11:54:55 AM »

Hi. I have been taking BHRT via a private doctor for the past year now as my GP wasn't very helpful. It turns out that I am taking Elleste Solo 1mg (as this is bio identical I.e. made from plant based ingredients) and a tailor made progesterone tablet at 50mg (as 100mg made me bloated). I have had bleeding off and on and just assumed these were periods that were getting weaker. My private doctor suggested getting a trans vaginal scan and when I called my GP to arrange he really worried me saying that the bleeding could be really serious and now I'm really worried. When I first took this combination of HRT I didn't take the progesterone for the first 3 months as I didn't realise I had to take both together. I also didn't know you weren't meant to take the meds whilst you were bleeding. I'm now wondering if I've caysed a dugnufucsnt issue by doing this   ???  Has anyone else experienced bleeding? Is it cause for concern? TIA

Mary G

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Re: Bleeding with combined HRT
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2017, 03:18:17 PM »

sarlam27, first of all, don't worry. At lot of menopause specialists like women to take oestrogen only HRT for a few months to get plenty of oestrogen into their system.  My gynaecologist likes women to have a very long cycle but I can't manage it due to high levels of oestrogen. 

Secondly, you have been taking some progesterone which will have acted at thinning/shedding the lining and I bet you have taken more progesterone than me over the past year - I am supervision and on a very low dose due to severe intolerance. 

Bleeding alone is not a sign of something serious if you are using HRT and from what I have read on here, it is quite normal and lots of women experience it while they are trying to find the right HRT regime and oestrogen/progesterone ratio.  The fact that you didn't take any progesterone while bleeding doesn't matter either because that would be normal anyway if you were on a cyclical regime.  Are you supposed on be on a continuous combined (no bleed) regime?  Does this doctor who scared you know the precise details of your HRT regime?  He might be assuming you are not taking any HRT and wondering why you are bleeding. 

The scan will be very useful and you will be able to gauge how much progesterone you need to take in the future.  Make sure you ask lots of questions and get a lining measurement too. 

I know it's easy to say but I don't think you have anything to worry about, it is all routine stuff.  Please let us know how you get on. 


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Re: Bleeding with combined HRT
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2017, 05:13:08 PM »

Hi sarlam27

First of all  :welcomemm:

As Mary G says - probably no need to worry especially if you were having periods before starting HRT.  However as you've had a non-standard HRT and if you are still having normal periods - (or were doing so before HRT?) - then all sorts of bleeding could happen ie your own cycle kicking in or maybe because of the HRT?

It would be better actually to try a different doc (GP) or recognised medical specialist - if the one you are seeing is not, and get one of the standard licensed products as the tailor-made one (compounded?) may not keep the lining thin, and in any case if you are still peri-menopausal the progesterone should be taken cyclically - otherwise bleeding is likely to be sporadic.

Hurdity x