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Author Topic: Doctor thinks I am nuts  (Read 12923 times)


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2017, 04:25:30 PM »

Yeah babyjane, I have "hysteria". Spose it could be worse she could have ripped my womb out and had me electrocuted.  :-\

I jest but fgs, weve not come so far since Freud..At least he gave you a bit of coke to take the edge off  ;D

I wont see her again. Shes useless and I am still in agony with pleuratic pain. I work on the phone as well fgs. She has already written up the appt notes so i am probably predjudiced already. I give up



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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2017, 04:26:07 PM »

Simply not on!!! You should not be feeling like that leaving your GP surgery - I think a complaint is in order. That said I do understand what that can take out of you - had a bad experience many years ago and after lodging complaint I left the practice. I was told that when you do formally complain that the GP is monitored for a period of 6 mths afterwards I presume by the medical council - although I am not an expert in that area!
Practically you need help - recently I went the private route with GP and it is a totally different service- it did not cost the earth and was worth it for peace of mind. If that is an option I would consider it - you can dip in and out so even a one off appt to review current meds and assess you at this point in time might help? I sincerely wish you well and send you hugs xxx


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2017, 04:33:01 PM »

well done DaisyB.  I am cared for by one of the country's best endocrinologists but I realise that, although he is younger than me, he may not be available forever as medics can move on.

I have already decided that if my endo should leave the NHS I will see him privately as I owe him my health, my life and my sanity.


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2017, 04:49:31 PM »

I came back from an appointment having seen Professor Lumsden a while ago who told me she was writing to my GP to follow up the HRT she recommended and to just pop into my practice so I could get started on it. My GP said 'well I'm not giving it to you on your say so'! They have also refused to prescribe the vaginal estrogen I was prescribed by Dr. Perera at a previous appointment and said 'well we don't want you going bonkers on THAT do we'? So right now I have nothing to treat my VA except the YES VM moisturiser which I buy myself.....And they wonder why I feel suicidal at times!!!


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2017, 04:57:44 PM »

I am sure that designated doctors are not relevant anymore. Didn't the law change a few years ago so that you can see any doctor in your practice. That certainly applies to to my surgery.


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2017, 05:00:22 PM »

yes it did breeze.

Tempest did he actually use the term 'bonkers' or is that how you interpreted what he said?  If he used that term then he is out of line and unprofessional  :(


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2017, 05:01:30 PM »

I know you also are having a dreadful time at the minute. Hopefully your appt with consultant will bring you some relief xx


I'd had enough of being labelled to be honest. I have ME and they won't even discuss that with me without looking uncomfortable!! I also knew something wasn't right and they weren't reading the cues- so I took action and finally am getting somewhere!

Private GP is very reasonable £29 per month - i would have spent[size=78%] that on wine to get me through most weeks [/size] ;D  she sits back gives me complete eye contact and feeds back everything I have said before she discusses options. To me that is priceless!



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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2017, 05:09:14 PM »

that is a reasonable amount but I am cross as that is what GPs should be doing (and I know some of them still do and we had a beauty for years who did just that) but the government cuts to the NHS make it impossible for them to do it nowadays as they are so time pressured and it is all about targets and costs.  If patients go private then it removes them from the NHS consultations but we are all entitled to NHS care and should not be forced to pay for it.



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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2017, 05:24:25 PM »

BJ - I'm still NHS patient - my Private GP can give me letter for NHS gp re referrals prescriptions etc?  But I agree it's a disgrace! Problem in my practice is that there's one good female dr with a 4-6 week waiting list. Otherwise it's pot luck at open surgery and you literally get 5 mins! My dad has a neurological condition and recently went to his practice in same area. He had two/ three diff symptoms and after relating the first one his GP held up the hand and said only one problem allowed to be discussed at each appt!!!



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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2017, 05:38:46 PM »

When my peri menopause began back in 2013, I was floored by the inexplicable anxiety, terror and insomnia. I noted that my periods (which had always been relatively heavy) had suddenly become really light.

I saw two, middle aged, female GPs, and hesitantly mentioned that I thought my problems were hormonal, because I felt exactly as I did when I suffered with PND years ago. They both refused to consider I might be peri menopausal because 'I was far too young' (I was 43) 'Come back in 10 years, and you might be menopausal then.' Even when I pointed out that early menopause ran in my family, they were dismissive.

It was only when I saw a male GP, whose wife had suffered during the menopause, that he recognised my symptoms.

Another young female GP has recently joined the practice, and to my knowledge she has already taken 4 women off their HRT simply because they are over 55. It's criminal.

I just hope that in 25 years time she suffers terribly with the menopause  >:(



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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2017, 06:07:13 PM »

Yes, Babyjane! It was a she, and she actually said 'bonkers'! She's a vile human, I don't mind saying....... >:(


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2017, 06:17:55 PM »

DaisyB that's not good enough re your dad.  Our practice has the same 'one problem per appointment' rule but they mean a second different problem needs a second appointment.  If you have three related symptoms from one condition then that is considered one problem to be discussed.  What a jobsworth  >:(

As for your GP Tempest she should not be let near the general public  :beat:


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2017, 06:42:08 PM »

Especially as she looks like a younger version of Olive from 'On The Buses'.....  ;D

By the way BJ, I owe you a PM. I'm not ignoring you.....xxxx
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 06:44:21 PM by Tempest »


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2017, 06:49:54 PM »

If she actually called you bonkers then you need to write to the practice manager and complain. It's derogatory and is simply not on. I know that we shouldn't have to struggle but if we sit back and do nothing after remarks like that no GP will learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.

We need to pave the way for the young women who are coming behind us.

I don't have loads of money but I really would go privately to get the medication I needed.

I too have a practise with quite a few young female GPs. They are the least sympathetic. I don't have a choice of seeing one of the older male GPs because our practice has started asking what you need to see the GP for. Any " women's issues" are pushed to the female doctors.
Have to say I'm learning to stand my ground with them. I don't get ratty I just get very firm and state my case quoting the NICE guidelines.
Any time you need to visit one of those GPs then take someone with you. Bet they don't insult you then.

Mrs Brown.


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Re: Doctor thinks I am nuts
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2017, 07:05:05 PM »

Hubby was with me. He was appalled!!!! I've got so many issues outstanding now that I need to see the GP about its unreal, but I just can't stomach even walking in the place. I was supposed to see them viz. my psychiatrist's re-evaluation,  the tertiary referral my Gynae. made to Endocrinology and to request a re-referral to cardiology regarding my persistent abnormal ECG's, and I'll probably NEED to bite the bullet and go in for a prescription once I've seen Professor Lumsden as I've been using old Oestrodose I just happen to have lying around for now to tide me over to avoid going there.

You know something's seriously wrong when even the thought of going to the GP makes you literally want to vomit with dread (That's how bad it is with me now).....I always take Hubby or MIL. I can go anywhere else by myself for appointments, but not there. :(
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