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Author Topic: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me  (Read 8598 times)


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2017, 12:38:43 PM »

Hee hee - We should start a thread on Depressed vaginas x


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2017, 02:34:08 PM »

MaryJane - I am looking forward to your article   :)


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2017, 08:56:18 PM »

Tempest - I'm sure you probably already know this, but have you read Prof Studd's website where he talks about too many women being misdiagnosed as bi polar, when it's actually severe hormonal fluctuations causing their mood swings? He goes on to describe treating women who have been put on a cocktail of anti psychotic drugs, and even given electro-convulsive therapy for their depression. After just 3 months of hormone therapy, all their 'psychotic behaviour' completely disappeared, and they made full recoveries. Some poor, poor women had been walking around like virtual zombies for years and years, drugged to the eyeballs.

He also talks about the Royal Society of Psychiatry's absolute refusal to acknowledge the role of hormone therapy for women suffering with mood swings/anxiety etc.

It is a CRIME that women are being medically abused and neglected and misdiagnosed like this  >:(

I also ended up being referred to a psychiatrist last year. Initially, she wanted me to start down the path of some hard core anti psychotics. But when I pointed out that the only other 2 times I have ever suffered 'with mental illness' was when I took the BCP at university, and when I had PND, she acknowledged that my problem was obviously hormonal.

I am so glad you are on the road to recovery. I know exactly what you mean about 'feeling beyond shattered' by your experiences. I also feel like I have been left with some form of PTSD after everything I have been through these last 3 years. I will never, never forget how dreadful and terrified I have felt at times. I can only hope that the memories will fade in time.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2017, 11:21:43 AM »

My goodness, GRL! We share so many experiences in common during this damned menopause! :(

I've read Professor Studd's research and at one point spoke to my Psychiatrist about his work, particularly in relation to FADS and how testosterone is much more than just about libido for women.

Do you know what he did? He SNIGGERED. Yup - he thought it was hilarious and said no wonder he is 'obsessed with testosterone' with a name like Studd! I mean, how infantile can you get??

This was last August, and around that time was when I really started falling apart! I kept remembering Beverly Callard, and how she had so many awful problems and TRT had helped her so much. I crumbled. I gave in. I thought - 'I am. I'm crazy. I need to do as the Psychiatrist says'. It was the WORST thing I could ever have done!

My brother flew up from Cardiff to see me in March as he was so very worried about me. He's a very loving and clever guy - doctor of Physics. We spoke solidly for 2 days and i told him everything. He steeled my resolve and after speaking with him, I fought back. His help and that of my old Gynaecologist of over 10 years have helped me to get out of the dark hole and misdiagnosis that I was trapped in.

Like you, I don't know how, when or if ever I will heal from this experience. But at least I'm not stuck on antipsychotics which cause metabolic syndrome and other terrible health problems and I'm so very glad you didn't get forced down this route either.

I watched the programme on I player  finally last night. I delayed as I thought I might find it too 'raw' but I actually enjoyed it very much (Dr. Currie was lovely). I just hope Kirsty, Dr Currie and Professor Lumsden visit these forums and read our stories too. It's much, much worse the awful way in which some of us have been treated than they could ever imagine, I feel.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 11:24:22 AM by Tempest »


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2017, 12:44:57 PM »

Thank you Kathleen for clearing that up,  :)  I obviously have a very superficial mind to be even noticing it !!  I  have noticed it on other female presenters, Dr Gabrielle Weston who does some health programmes is one, it just seemed a bit strange to me .  Overall the programme content was good, especially for women new to the whole meno thing.  I agree it didn't focus so much on issues such as insomnia and anxiety, though it did touch a bit on anger and mood swings !  We could have our own programme , we discuss so much on here , and some of you ladies are experts in the field of menopause and counselling !

The clothing thing is because documentary makers do not shoot linearly to a script.  The programme is filmed in various locations and with various interviewees as and when those people and places are available and then the programme maker puts the programme together for viewing in the cutting room.  If the presenters wore different clothes every day of filming, the end result would be a programme where the presenter was in a pink dress, oh, now it's black trousers for a minute, skirt and top for an interview, back to the pink dress for a second, oh and it's a blue coat for a moment etc. 

If you watch it you may have noticed that all the dragon investors on Dragons Den wear the exact same clothes for every episode of a series.  For the same reason.  They film the footage but put the episodes together afterwards.  I remember Deborah saying they all had several sets of identical clothing left at the studio for filming in.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2017, 12:48:21 PM »

It was very superficial and made it all sound so easy.

I didn't recognise my own struggles in it at all.  How could they do a programme where the only mention of moods was a reference to a "low" mood and a woman who ranted at her husband a lot? What about the crippling anxiety, fear, doom, depression, self-loathing, loss of everything that made us what we used to be?  No.  Just moved on over that.

This forum alone is enough to show how often the HRT route doesn't work so well either.

Very poor programme in my mind.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2017, 12:57:58 PM »

I agree Sue, it was VERY lightweight in that respect!!

I enjoyed seeing my own Consultant, Professor Lumsden though. I hope very much to see her in person again at my appointment in under 2 weeks as I have much to discuss with her and only saw her registrar last time. Hubby has LOTS to say to her too, as he's been my rock these last few months and can vouch for how bad things have been.

I'm better now quite a bit mentally OFF HRT but I am scared witless of the long term implications of this - especially in light of Kirsty Wark's osteopenia diagnosis and her being in the same position having had an oopherectomy like me!😮😮


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2017, 03:06:27 PM »

Oh my God Tempest, I can't believe your psychiatrist SNIGGERED  >:( How incredibly puerile and unprofessional of him  >:(

Sadly, it doesn't surprise me though. The psychiatrist I saw was quite dismissive that my hormones could cause such extreme symptoms, and I had to really fight my corner with her. As you know, this is incredibly hard when you feel so mentally low and drained already. How very easy to just meekly follow advice and slip into a drugged haze  :( I do actually take the Quetiapine she offered, but it's at a very low dose, nowhere near the dose required for any psychotic disorder, and is just to help me sleep (and it works beautifully, I must say. No more hellish 4am waking filled with dread).

I'm glad your brother (who sounds lovely) was able to support you, and give you some rational advice, when you were feeling irrational. Luckily, my DH is a scientist by training too, and was able to be the voice of reason when I was sobbing hysterically and wanting him to drive me to A&E. He's known me since university, and knew this wasn't the 'real me' talking, and he just kept reminding me of that.

As for feeling mentally scarred by this experience, I'm wondering whether some form of PTSD counselling might help us? Then again, I recall when I was in the depths of PND thinking I would NEVER get over it. But, it did fade eventually. Though it took a few years. So, we might well be okay?

I also thought the Kirsty Wark documentary was very much Meno-Lite. Just women who were struggling with hot flushes, and popped a few Red Clover tablets, and all was well again. Oh if only it were that easy.

I wish they'd interviewed Beverley Callard and Marion Keyes, as they both had mental breakdowns thanks to the peri menopause. I think Beverley Callard tried to commit suicide at one point? That would have highlighted the very dangerous aspects of hormonal depression and anxiety.

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2017, 03:24:22 PM »

GLR & Tempest It was thanks to reading Prof Studd's research that made me realise that for me a hysterectomy & BSO was my only option to get rid of severe PMS which had led me to trying to commit suicide back in 1991/2. Psychiatrist I saw after that was of no help trying​ to find reason, then in 2013 my old GP diagnosed depression, eventually 3 years later thanks to my research & fab new GP I was diagnosed with severe PMS! Just wish it hadn't taken around 30 years to get help I needed xx


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2017, 04:28:57 PM »

Yorkshiregirl, it's criminal how some poor women are neglected in this way. I think it was DonnaCrichton who said that her consultant told her that he'd had 4 patients commit suicide because of PMDD, which is the more severe form of PMS  :'(

The medical profession need to know just how serious hormonal depression/anxiety can be for some women.

When I look back over my life, I can see how my behaviour was ruled by my hormones on a monthly basis.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2017, 05:16:51 PM »

I had a near mental breakdown yesterday, poor hubby didn't no what to do with me , sobbing uncontrollably like a baby , what over I have no idea .

The morning before , hubby had a slightly different tone to his voice ( it was honestly fine ) but I sobbed uncontrollably, and started laughing at the same time as I didnt no which way was up , contained myself then went for a dog walk.

Awful VA does not help my mental state at all either . 😏

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2017, 06:41:17 PM »

Hi GRL It sounds awful but I do think the fact that I kept having suicidal thoughts helped my case. Sorry to go on but in this day and age surely all bases should be covered, there needs to be more coverage of severe PMS even maybe in school. Why are consultants/doctors not more aware a patient shouldn't have to do their work for them. Enough ranting I think!! X
Maryjane hope you're feeling more human today. My poor hubby had to put up with my mental breakdowns 2-4 times a week sometimes even more! X
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