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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Back again for some advice please 💐Could oestrogen be too low?  (Read 1699 times)


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Hi ladies, have been searching for answers but am finally posting as not quite finding what I need.
I am on everol 50 sequi which I seemed to settle on after reacting quite badly (irrational mood swings) on the tablet form of the same progesterone. I hadn't had a bleed for around 3-4 months either which I was told was fine as 15% don't on everol patches.
My mood had been very calm I felt very happy again.
I had a bit of a blip in February after returning from holiday and starting vagifem for urinary symptoms and dryness. Started the 2 week loading dose and after 3 days I had mood swings from hell again, very low mood and couldn't reach orgasm (sorry for details). My breasts became very heavy and sore also. On the plus side the dryness disappeared and I wasn't waking at night to go to toilet and felt I was sleeping much better. So I tried to persevere as my sleep pattern has not really been any better on HRT. I went onto x2 weekly as prescribed but eventually had to stop after 2 weeks as bloating, very low mood and no libido at all. Stopping coincided with starting the progesterone phase of the sequi and after a week without vagifem I felt calmer, no mood swings, gradually could reach orgasm again with return of libido, but, back to not sleeping well again, waking to go to loo again.
I also had a very heavy period, first in 4-5 months. My mood was very low throughout.
I thought I would persevere as I wanted my body to have a chance to right itself if you know what I mean!?! So I have gone through another whole months cycle of hrt and my mood only picked up again when I started the progesterone phase of the sequi. I am now just about to switch back to oestrogen only and am dreading it as I know my mood will drop, possibly progesterone withdrawal that will last a few days. I usually pick up-after that but not enough to feel that I am on the correct dose of oestrogen. I think I am going to apply the oestrogen patch but add another half of a patch and see if that carries me through the progesterone withdrawal days. I know lots of woman suffer terribly on the progesterone and I did on the tablets but strangely feel much better on the sequi with progesterone  than just oestrogen alone. I would also like to go bak in vagifem but am worried re previous trial?  Any ideas anyone? Any advice much appreciated. Sorry for long winded post but want to seek help through here before going back to gp, although she has said if I come back she will refer me to the menopause clinic. I feel she doesn't understand enough although she has allowed me to trial different hrt when I've asked.
I hope you're all having a good day and are looking forward to the BH weekend 🌼🌺🌸

ancient runner

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Re: Back again for some advice please 💐Could oestrogen be too low?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2017, 10:58:29 AM »

I was about to ask a similar question - am on Femoston 1/10 and started back on the Estring 3 weeks ago. I had a dramatic improvement in symptoms while on the oestrogen/progesterone phase of the pills, but since going back onto oestrogen only my VA symptoms are worse again. I am really puzzled.


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Re: Back again for some advice please 💐Could oestrogen be too low?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2017, 11:52:35 AM »

Optimist - everything you are describing sounds very typical for peri meno - so fluctuating hormones. HRT and local oestrogen can only help to a degree by balancing out oestrogen deficiencies when it happens. In my experience ( I am no expert but have suffered so many meno symptoms over the last 25 years) using too high a dose of anything in the peri stage is not the best idea. Vagifem shouldn't give such extreme side effects e.g. low mood, poor sleep etc as so little is absorbed systemically I suspect your own hormones were having a big dip. You are also chopping and changing with the various hormone treatments and this will give you more extreme symptoms. My top tip would be to try no more than one pump of Oestrogel per day with progesterone as pill form for 10-12 days each month. Try this for at least 3 months and if you feel your 'lady bits' are dry etc then add in some Vagifem.

Ancient runner - the withdrawal bleed can really muck up the flora balance in the vagina so maybe use some multi gyn actigel and SYLK to get things balanced. Once we have these urogenital issues I don't think It will ever truly go away - we just have to manage things. DG x


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Re: Back again for some advice please 💐Could oestrogen be too low?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2017, 09:29:33 AM »

Thanks dancing girl, with the vagifem it was my mood that changed dramatically and that had been stable for 4 months. Just out of interest I applied an extra half patch yesterday morn and by the evening I was in a vile mood! Caused a row with OH! It also gave me really bad knuckle pain again in my right hand, something I haven't had for a while. While it stopped me feeling fatigued (which I get for approx2-3 days when I come off the progesterone/oestrogen patch) it's not worth the change in mood. This is exactly what happened with the vagifem and although I get that it's such a small dose it shouldn't cause those side effects, I must be sensitive to the oestrogen changes or something and I know that others have had reactions to it also. Guess we're all different. I definitely feel better on the dual phase of the patch. I'm thinking I'm just going to have to bear it until I finally stop my periods which believe me will be the happiest time of my life! Today I feel calm again, haven't had a bleed yet either which makes me think again it must of been the vagifem that caused the last one. I may experiment with it again but I'm worried in case I react again like I did.
Would anyone know if you could take the conti for any reason prior to reaching full menopause?



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Re: Back again for some advice please 💐Could oestrogen be too low?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2017, 09:32:50 AM »

Ancient runner, sorry, hope you're feeling better?
Is the estring the alternative to the vagifem as someone mentioned it could have been the fillers in the vagifem I was sebsitive to although think now it was just the additional oestrogen (no matter how low the dose).
Hope it starts to ease soon. X