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Author Topic: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals  (Read 25109 times)


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2017, 09:07:42 AM »

I had a terrible panic experience yesterday and got an emergency appt with GP who prescribed SSRI.
I also called Dr Studd and arranged a telephone appt for a second opinion of my bio identical hrt.
Today I woke up more nauseous than ever and threw up. Im still in bed.
When does this ever end?
Hope everyone is having a better time xx


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2017, 09:11:29 AM »

Hi Twoodie- hang on in there. Hopefully prof studd will help you get things sorted. Let us know how you get on x


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2017, 11:25:12 AM »

Hello again Twoodie.

No great words of wisdom I'm afraid but I wanted to send hugs.

Hopefully you'll feel better soon.

Take care and keep posting.




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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2017, 12:16:22 PM »

Hi Twoodle,

Firstly big hugs, it's a horrible confusing time isn't it!

I am postmenopausal, on HRT since Dec 2015, my worst symptoms were anxiety, and bladder, also IBS.

You said you had the Mirena coil, were you ok on that? I have the Mirena and use two pumps bio identical estrogel daily.

It took time to control the anxiety, and 11 days is no time at all. I feel much calmer now than I have in years, my IBS is gone, and bladder is still overactive at times, but better more days than not.

Just wonderd if you could have kept your Mirena if it was working for you, as it is less systemic from my understanding, being contained in the uterus,
and you could have just added the oestrogen by gel application or a patch.

Regarding you bacteria levels, I make my own kefir and drink a small glass daily, it has been very beneficial in how I feel generally.

Have you tried valerian tablets or even rescue remedy to help you anxiety? I also found headspace app to be excellent at calming me when I was at my worst.

Hope you soon start to feel better  :foryou: :foryou:



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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2017, 02:20:17 PM »

Hi twoodie

I don't think I've welcomed you as I've been away so :welcomemm: from me!

Anyway - the first thing is - where in menopause are you? How often are your periods and how have they been over the past year? This will indicate where you are in menopause.

I would say ditch the bio-identicals asap (as in - the compounded all in one preparation you've been given)!! Firstly - transdermal progesterone cream or whatever it is, is not sufficient to protect the womb and in any case many women don't like taking it continuously - although it is difficult to say how much is absorbed in that compound. Also if it is oestrogen cream rather than gel then again it is probably insufficient to bring your oestrogen levels up. This is not an approved way of providing HRT and if you have a consultation with Prof Studd he is likely to agree and suggest you use Oestrogen gel and micronised progesterone, together with testosterone gel ( I think someone mentioned it further down the thread?).

Do read the link Dana provided earlier in the thread about bio-identicals - and I think Dr Currie has written a blog recently too. I've found a back article here:

You absolutely should not be given anti-depredssants - this is totally the wrong treatment for menopausal panic, anxiety etc! HRT properly prescribed, is the first line of treatment. Everything you need in the first instance is available on NHS. You need oestrogen in the form of estradiol - as a patch or gel (if you are sensitive to tablets) and progesterone - as Utrogestan - although this is better taken vaginally if you have a sensitive gut. Testosterone can come later once your oestrogen levels are higher. Low oestrogen can cause anxiety and low mood. You do not need additional progesterone given continuously - but preferably as a cycle which limits the progesterone but will give you a monthly bleed.

Alternatively - if you have only just entered peri-menopause ( irregular periods with varying lengths of time between them) and are under 50, then you might like to consider the CCP. There is one called QLAIRA  which is a bit like HRT (the oestrogen is estradiol) and only has 2 tablet free days. This would give you additional oestrogen and regulate your cycle and therefore prevent the huge hormonal surges. It's nothing like the old style CCP for younger women.

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2017, 04:24:26 PM »

this is such a supportive site!
I think i am in monopause with high fsh and very low oestrogen ( less than 44)and low progesterone .
i got prescribed ssri by gp - i just feel so desparate and frightened that I'll never be myself again. my nausea is terrible today and i was sick this morning. it is just so depressing. I never used to sit down for a minute, now i just sit all day. sorry to be so negative but i think i should be honest.
emailed studd prior to tel. appt giving him my current regime. his secretary said she thought he might want to advise me to change what Im on!
thank you and please keep in touch xx


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #36 on: April 26, 2017, 04:34:26 PM »

Hi Twoodie- good for you. Hurdity has given you a very considered response. Welcome back Hurdity- you've been missed x


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2017, 06:38:01 AM »

sorry its me again- have been sick again -it has always just been nausea. Im really really frightened. Worried Im going to fade away.
when will this horror end.
has anyone else felt so ill?


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2017, 07:05:15 AM »

Hi twoodie

The nausea it awful it is like morning sickness, mine comes & goes & sometimes I have been sick, it is so awful, I keep waiting for the day for the horror to subside too, I am 3 months on my current regime & upped my dosage to 4 pumps 7 days ago so hoping this might help with the awful anxiety, so yes I do feel as ill with a combination of symptoms, it is very frightening, I push myself to go out in a daze most of the time & wondering how I will be but I am just having to face this awful meno, each day I wake & wonder if I will feel better today, just take a day at at time that is all we can do.
Take care x


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2017, 07:37:30 AM »

thanks Dee- hope you have a good one x


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #40 on: April 27, 2017, 07:50:53 AM »

hi again Dee, I've just read your posts and we sound very alike in our experience of menopause altho you have been keeping going a lot longer than me. My husband is really worried and I hate putting him through this but I cant help it. My worry is that it is literally wearing me down and I feel I just cant live my life like this. I dont even feel safe at home - just anxious.
Lets hope we get through this x


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2017, 08:03:01 AM »

I question if the AD's are making you both feel nauseous.
 If you read the side effects


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2017, 08:25:08 AM »

Hi Twoodie

I think a lot of us feel like our experiences are the same, I started feeling weird about 2.5 years ago & then the nausea came first & I just went crazy, went for counselling through work & she mentioned the peri menopause but didnt say what effect it might have as I was crying a lot of the time, it all went on from then being put on Sertraline which caused all these issues, a long story but I am in a better place than I was a year ago but now working on the HRT doing its magic, I had to go private in January as the GP is not helpful. My husband has got angrier over this as he feels he cannot fix how I feel & what I am going through, I hate putting my hubby through this too, I know exactly how you feel about it wearing you down & not being able to live like this, If I get bad anxiety I try deep breathing using an app called Calm, it is awful isnt it not feeling safe anywhere, it is that out of control feeling that just gets you, I can feel my chest getting heavy now & a light head, it will pass! Just take a day at a time, that is how I have learned to cope with it now, we are all here for one another x


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2017, 08:27:26 AM »

Ljp I was getting the nausea before going on the ssri but it got worse! Not too bad now though, get it a lot less


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Re: Floored by menopause nausea and anxiety started bioidenticals
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2017, 08:32:09 AM »

hi lip and dee,
i did wonder about the ad's. Ive only taken 2. Its Sertraline Ive been prescribed which sounds like it has been a nightmare for a few people. I think my anxiety is hormones deffo, but I do feel that I m getting depressed with feeling so ill. why oh why do none of my pals have any of this- although scratch that, i wouldnt wishnthis nightmare on anyone. I just want me back - i have a wonderful life to return to but just not sure if I 'll get there xxxx
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