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Author Topic: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me  (Read 8567 times)


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2017, 09:21:09 AM »

Well, there's going to be something of a 'reckoning' when I see Professor  Lumsden in just over 2 weeks. :o

I've been away for a while as you know - lots going on, meetings with old Gynaecologist,  being referred to Professor of Edincrinology (just waiting for appointment) and meetings with Psychiatrist.

You will perhaps remember that I received a diagnosis of Bipolar and was due to start treatment. That hasn't happened. Since stopping HRT, the 'unstable mood' has abated and my Psychiatrist cannot now be confident with this diagnosis. It is believed that my issues were down to hormone imbalance and possible secondary hypothyroidism (hence why I've had problems stabilising on HRT).

If it wasn't for my old Gynaecologist, I would be packed full of antipsychotics by now! When my Psychiatrist contacted Professor Lumsden's office a few weeks back before I stopped Tibolone for advice, they were  told 'just take her off the Tibolone and sort her mental issues out first'! Well, I stopped HRT completely and those 'mental issues' have now gone away.

I am beyond traumatised by all this, but am trying to pick myself up each day and carry on. I am of course relieved that I'm no longer on a nightmare rollercoaster.

Hubby is coming with me to my appointment and we will discuss all this with Professor Lumsden. I'll let you all know how I get on - by then I'm sure she will have a better picture of how seriously menopause and hormonal imbalance can effect women.  >:(
« Last Edit: April 22, 2017, 09:23:08 AM by Tempest »


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2017, 10:43:08 AM »

Good luck Tempest- you've been through the mill x


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2017, 10:46:12 AM »

Tempest, rollercoaster doesnt even begin to convey the emotions you have had to experience, and its frightening to think that you have gone from being diagnosed almost 100% with a psychiatic illness, which can be life changing unless properly monitored, to now being told they are not sure and it may have stemmed from HRT treatment, thats one heck of a big leap !   I hope you don't have too long to wait to see the endocrinologist as it seems this could be the final part of the jigsaw.  Most women will benefit from HRT especially if its personalised to suit them but there is a small percentage like yourself where it seems to do more harm than good.  Its very important that if a women presents with symptoms after commencing HRT that weren't present before, that doctors are aware and can consider it may be the cause rather than the cure.  The one thing that  I thought they should have done in the programme was interview a random selection of GP's and see what their knowledge base is around Menopause.  As one consultant said, after the big scare in 2002, HRT was rarely prescribed, GP's forgot how to prescribe it , and some newly trained ones had no experience whatsoever so were guided by the research and scaremongering .   Its only this past five years or so its now being prescribed more routinely but again its a one size fits all .   I consider myself very fortunate as my GP is clearly well clued up and it was her that pointed me to MM.  I am only on Vagifem so not in a position to know how knowelegable she is about other HRT but its a good start.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2017, 10:49:02 AM »

One thing that did strike me was the angry lady with the knife. I kinda think that backed up the Hysteria notion. No one probed as to why she was so enraged.

All a bit too superficial really for me

Mary G

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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2017, 12:34:26 PM »

I finally got round to watching this programme on catch up and sorry to say, it really wound me up.  I can't understand why so many women are living with debilitating and embarrassing menopause symptoms when they don't have to, I just don't get it.  The treatment is there, the destructive HRT studies have now been completely discredited so why are these women living like that?

Take the woman with VA who can't have sex, what is her doctor doing for her?  Then the woman with the uncontrollable rage and the hot flushes, what about her?  Why aren't these women being advised by their doctors to take HRT?  This is not just about symptom relief for the short term, this is also about protecting women from the ravages of oestrogen deprivation in later life.  If they had a thyroid condition (all perfectly natural but untreatable years ago) would that go untreated too? 

I like Kirsty Wark (particularly the way she lays into people on Newsnight!) but she has been sold a pup when it comes to HRT.  Her oesteopenia can be attributed to coming off HRT because of the scaremongering studies and she is paying the price for that along with millions of other women.  I am glad Dr Currie said she can start HRT again and it was interesting to hear her talk about 'the lost 10 years' - we will never know how far HRT products would have progressed in that lost decade.  Kirsty has had a hysterectomy and could have been taking oestrogen only HRT for 10 years which is completely risk free.  What a waste.

My advice to anyone reading this is please don't suffer, get help from a menopause specialist immediately and don't be scared off taking HRT.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2017, 12:50:08 PM »

I finally got round to watching this programme on catch up and sorry to say, it really wound me up.  I can't understand why so many women are living with debilitating and embarrassing menopause symptoms when they don't have to, I just don't get it.  The treatment is there, the destructive HRT studies have now been completely discredited so why are these women living like that?

Take the woman with VA who can't have sex, what is her doctor doing for her?  Then the woman with the uncontrollable rage and the hot flushes, what about her?  Why aren't these women being advised by their doctors to take HRT?  This is not just about symptom relief for the short term, this is also about protecting women from the ravages of oestrogen deprivation in later life.  If they had a thyroid condition (all perfectly natural but untreatable years ago) would that go untreated too? 

I like Kirsty Wark (particularly the way she lays into people on Newsnight!) but she has been sold a pup when it comes to HRT.  Her oesteopenia can be attributed to coming off HRT because of the scaremongering studies and she is paying the price for that along with millions of other women.  I am glad Dr Currie said she can start HRT again and it was interesting to hear her talk about 'the lost 10 years' - we will never know how far HRT products would have progressed in that lost decade.  Kirsty has had a hysterectomy and could have been taking oestrogen only HRT for 10 years which is completely risk free.  What a waste.

My advice to anyone reading this is please don't suffer, get help from a menopause specialist immediately and don't be scared off taking HRT.

Well I lived with debilitating symptoms because I know anything about the discredited studies until I found this website around 6 months ago and I still had a gp and a specialist telling me hrt= bad. The treatment may be there but I've had to fight to get it when at times I thought it might be easier to just die. I'm glad to say I'm sticking up for myself now I'm better informed but millions of women aren't so fortunate I feel. I agree, it was awful to think of do many women out there suffering unecessarily 🙂


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2017, 10:55:33 PM »

I'd guess if you asked 10 women (any age) if they'd take HRT, 9 would say "no as it's dangerous."

Even if GPs are slowly becoming more confident, the general public remember the scary headlines but may not then believe the newer, subtler articles about it being safe after all. Shock headlines are hard to psychologically retract.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2017, 06:02:22 AM »

Good luck Tempest please let us no look forward to it .💐

The programme skimmed over VA which is just not on , I and many REALLY suffer , I am going to be in a magazine discussing VA in the near future and it is most definitely not washed over believe me .

Time to start talking vaginas .


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2017, 06:40:30 AM »

Maryjane   are you allowed to say which magazine?


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2017, 06:46:52 AM »

Not yet , but will do when allowed.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2017, 07:08:15 AM »

I'd guess if you asked 10 women (any age) if they'd take HRT, 9 would say "no as it's dangerous."

Even if GPs are slowly becoming more confident, the general public remember the scary headlines but may not then believe the newer, subtler articles about it being safe after all. Shock headlines are hard to psychologically retract.

Dangermouse, I totally agree, I've been on HRT since Dec 2015, and constantly worry about its safety and if I should come off it.
We need reassurance and our GP need to be better informed.
I feel so much better on HRT and although I worry about being in it, I equally worry how I could ever cope without it, having VA too.


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2017, 07:33:59 AM »

Tempest your battle has been absolutely hellish and I truly hope you get some concrete answers soon. In so many ways, understanding what is happening to us, is half way to managing the problems. It is very difficult to manage if we have no confidence in those treating us. I wish you well. x

Maryjane, I applaud you. It takes someone with your spirit and determination to bring these problems to light and to raise awareness with the public and medical profession alike. I really hope you're able to find something to work for you. I still have my fingers crossed that the Mona Lisa Touch brings you the relief you need. Well done you for having the courage to fight and to give the time to help all of us here whilst managing this painful debilitating condition yourself. Thank you so much. x  :foryou:


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2017, 09:09:46 AM »

Thanks Elizabeth rose , I am very passionate about this side of menopause that is kept so hush hush , I have three daughters and a GD so feel very passionate about it.

I will no longer be anonymous as there's pictures of me and my dogs , and not the typical wow is me face but smiling , as that's all we can do is put on a smile , even when your vaginas 🔥🔥🔥. I see it just as another body part that has gone wrong , and don't understand the embarrassment personally, so for those who are embarrassed I will be there voice.😊


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2017, 09:25:11 AM »

Good on you Mary Jane. I though for one awful minute there that there was a picture of your vagina smiling. Speed reading!  :rofl:


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Re: 20/4 10.45pm BBC One - Kirsty Wark: The Menopause and Me
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2017, 09:27:14 AM »

That would be a step to far even for me .😳😎🤣BTW it snarles no smiling down there . 🔥😡
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