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Author Topic: Dizziness, headaches and meno  (Read 7927 times)


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2017, 07:00:24 PM »

Migraines are often hormone linked but many GPS don't realise this (or even recognise migraines as they can vary so much from person to person).

It was (is on peak days) my worst symptom and vitals all look normal so I was never kept in on my many A&E visits. They would diagnose anxiety, viruses and vertigo and leave me crawling out of the hospital trying to find a cab whilst still heaving.

Would be nice if med professionals were given a memo that women over 40s might not be going through the perceived midlife anxiety crisis they assume after seeing so many cases...

Knowing why is everything in these situations.


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2017, 05:09:29 AM »

Lostit you and I have the exact same symptoms. Mine started two months ago though. Has yours gotten better over the past year?


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2017, 10:45:19 AM »

Hi Ladies

I'm new here and struggling a bit keeping track of the various threads! I know I have posted on one thread (but not this one?) that I am struggling with the exact same symptoms. I am 50 and in peri. Full on vertigo attack back in January and constant dizziness (kind of wooziness really), low grade headache almost everyday, tingling head and tender spots on my scalp.  I often feel like  have an elephant sitting on my head.  I don't think I have migraine as I have no visual disturbance and generally feel ok ish, its the dizziness that makes me feel grotty rather than then the headache.

Thought I would share with you what I have found:

First doctor prescribed Betahistine diyrochloride 16mg for the vertigo.  I do take these from time to time, but cut the tablet in half. It does take the edge of the dizziness. I am worse in the morning, just when I need to work on my computer. Also taking straight forward over the counter clarytin also helps a bit. This doc thought I had labyrinthitis but this has since been over ruled as it has gone on too long.  All blood tests have been fine.

Various trips to doctors and A&E - everyone tells me I have tension headaches; no mention of hormonal imbalances at all.  I had some physio which was supposed to ease my neck muscles but it made no difference at all.

Major panic and anxiety, imagining the worst possible.  Finally I paid for a private brain scan which was actually the best thing I could have done; completely clear.  (I know this is not an option for everyone as it is quite costly, but the best £269 I could have spent)

A friend recommended some yoga type exercises
These do help a bit, or at least they make me feel as if I am doing something positive.

Eye test - recommended!  My left eye had deteriorated quite dramatically and new glasses have again helped a bit.

Dentist - worth a check up. All normal, but he is referring me to a head/neck specialist all on the NHS thankfully as this is getting expensive.

Osteopath tomorrow to rule out any neck issues (I have had some trouble in the past).

I am also having leg cramps - feels like I have walked up a mountain every day! This is why I thought it might be bone/nerve related.  I have since been advised by the lovely ladies here that this is yet another typical peri/meno symptom. 

Yesterday I found this article which is now making me believe all this is all hormonal:

I am taking bio identical HRT but only progesterone.  That's another story and I will post a separate thread.

I think my next step may involve another visit to get HRT revised!

The good thing for us all is that we can share our experiences and support each other here. Spring is coming and that can only help.  :)



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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2017, 12:13:09 PM »

Thanks, that link was an interesting read Vanessa!

I see Jan Toledano and she winced when I pulled an oestrogen patch out of my bag and said I MUST NOT use it as it would make the migraines worse like the lady in the article (mine are the pressure feeling without pain, extreme nausea, dizziness, tachycardia). Progesterone cream has calmed everything down but i still get smaller attacks the week before ovulation.

I've never been someone who gets headaches and was very surprised to find out I'd been having migraines (and they think milder ones from puberty - I'm now 47) but it all makes sense now. I don't think I get auras as mine are just constant (the pressure feeling never completely goes) and I have found paracetamol and caffeine (Panadol Extra) rebalances me on my trickier days.


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2017, 02:17:48 PM »

It's a shame that we are all suffering a lot of the same symptoms to varying degrees.  I struggle to accept that there is so little help and recognition out there for us ladies. Years ago many ladies going through menopause were committed to the asylum. I don't think we have moved on much from those days. If you mention to anyone that you are suffering their immediate response is "are you not on HRT?" No I'm not, I have had breast cancer so cannot take it.
However I was told before I had cancer that I could not take HRT as I had a severe reaction to the combined pill. I had headaches and my feet went number and I had pins and needles in my arms and hands. I went to see a neurology professor who said that one hormone is responsible for dilating blood vessels and another for smoothing closed those blood vessels . He said that I was hypersensitive to these fluctuations and that was what was causing me problems. I stopped taking the combined pill and these symptoms disappeared after 6 weeks. I feel as though that is happening to me again as I feel that sometimes my head has too much blood coursing through it and sometimes not enough. I'm sure this will add to my anxiety because my brain will be registering lack of blood flow. I have little or no faith in any Dr's that I have seen since this started last year.
My symptoms have improved but it's hard to carry on sometimes not knowing what each day brings. Although I am over 2 years post meno my symptoms do fluctuate alot. A dr in a meno clinic suggested that it was psychiatric rather than meno because I was post rather than peri.  I have spoken to several women who had no problems with peri and deteriorated in post. Needless to say that I didn't find her very helpful. 😣 Everything that I have found out I have done it myself.  Thankful for this site.


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2017, 02:59:02 PM »

My word Lostit!  You really have been through the mill! And there was I thinking that once I get the other side of this business, all would be normal again.  I will keep hoping though.  If we lose hope we are doomed! I have also read about the dilating blood vessel thing, and it makes sense. I also really struggled with combined and mini pill in my youth, banging migraines and huge bloating.  Hence the Bio identical approach now.  There is also a lot of conflicting stuff out there and you are right - many doctors don't have a clue if your symptoms don't tick the right boxes.

I used to be a sane, working mum, leading a busy and happy life.  Then bang!  I am now a wreck much of the time, lurching from day to day, praying for a good one so I can get on and do the essentials. 

There must be a light at the end of the tunnel - hang in there!


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2017, 08:30:07 PM »

So if this dizziness, head pressure etc. Is possibly migraines triggered by hormones in meno does that mean I should not go in hormone replacement or I should. I am reading heal your headache right now but not sure if it covers that...


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2017, 08:50:22 PM »

After a particularly bad day of dizziness (like most of the day) I have decided to go back to the doctor and discuss the whole HRT thing properly.  I'm not sure of the answer, but I will certainly feed back my discoveries.  Daily dizziness is no fun!


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2017, 11:01:37 AM »

So.. I have had three sessions with my osteopath to try and cure my headaches and dizziness.  After the second session I was getting some relief, but nothing after the third session.  He tells me I have a trapped nerve in my neck.  Its now a week after my last session and I am still getting tingling up the back of my head, headache across my forehead, pressure feeling, a strange kind of pressure in my nose and now my ear clicks!  And of course the dizziness continues.  Ibuprofen, ginger, forehead stick provide a little relief but only a little.

I am having a rant, I know but I am so fed up with all of this. Its been three months now and although the headaches are not so intense, they are there almost every day.  They don't stop me doing things, but they take the edge off of everything. 

Apart from missing 3 periods Aug-Nov last year, periods have been normal ish since, although varying cycle length.  I was taking "natural" progesterone for about 6 weeks, but stopped about 10 days ago as it was doing nothing for me at all. I have had no reaction to stopping it. Still no hot flushes, just some night sweats.

I have had to change my GP due to surgery closure, so am waiting for records to arrive at new GP  - about a week to go. The locum just told me to try herbal remedies.

I know many of you have already told me these headaches etc are hormone related, but I think I was looking for a miracle cure without taking anything. Should I carry on with the osteopath or should I push for some HRT?  If I go the HRT route, is there something that could help?  The headaches etc are really the only thing that is bothering me.  (Apart from the flabby muscle tone and hairy chin but don't think I can do much about that!!)

Thank you ladies for any advise you can give.




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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2017, 09:45:21 AM »

Good Morning,I'm new to the forum. I'm 48 years old and the oestrogen levels are dropping!

At the moment I am experiencing low mood, irritability, insomnia, anxiety and dizziness.

 Can I ask if anyone here experiences brain zaps?? I got one yesterday and find them quite unsettling. It upset me for the evening. I'm quite anxious at the moment without much reason.

This menopause business is not great.


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2017, 10:21:00 AM »

Hi cocobean, welcome to the forum from me too!

I've never experienced a zap, is there any pain with it? x


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2017, 11:52:34 AM »

Thanks for the welcomes!

No,no pain or aches with the zaps.


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2017, 12:01:29 PM »

Well that's a bonus I wondered whether they were icepick headaches, be glad you don't have those!!  ;)

Cocobean I don't have any knowledge of these but there may well be someone along soon who has and can offer advice. I've just looked it up (you may well have already done so) and found this link below. It seems to provide detailed info on them and as long as you don't press any links it's not a direct sales site.

Hopefully the info will prove helpful. x


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Re: Dizziness, headaches and meno
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2017, 02:57:27 PM »

I had the zaps and had assumed at the time they were to do with my inner ears (as was diagnosed in A&E with vertigo when it was actually hormonal). I've since found out I've been having migraines from high oestrogen but low oestrogen may cause them too I guess, although high tends to cause the over stimulation type symptoms.

My main concern at the time was that is was a stroke as my cheeks and lip muscles would also spasm at the same time and was like electricity pinging about! Then I would feel lightheaded and shivery and then it would gradually ease off.
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