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Author Topic: Ultrasound thickened lining ???  (Read 5176 times)


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Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« on: April 15, 2017, 05:37:48 PM »


Periods were heavy GP,referred me to scan and to   gynae, bloods came back OK, had consultation she is doing a hysterscopy with biopsy on 26th and I have had ultrasound today and it was fine apart from my lining being too thick so now worried, I did say that I had been taking northeristone for 3 weeks after suffering from heavy period could that be the reason. I am 46 previously done 4 rounds of ivf and had twins when I was 41. So worried


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2017, 05:59:00 PM »

Hi Ellie

Aww I know you must be worried but it's a normal thing to do a hysteroscopy to check for fibroids and polyps which might not be showing up on your ultrasound, it's good news that it all looks fine. The thickened womb lining is apparently not as terrifying as if you Google it....I don't know what yours is but 4 years ago mine was slightly thickened at about 12mm and it is now around 23mm and the GP has only just send me to the Gynae who is going to do hysteroscopy to check me out. Like you I have been having problems for the last 4 years, sometimes I bleed, sometimes I flood, sometimes I spot and sometimes I think I am going to bleed to death. Other than my iron taking a battering I am still here despite bleeding since early December. I bleed through tranexamic acid, cerazette, and at 44 my bloods say I am not yet perimenopausal although my body begs to differ! If you read more on here lots of women are in a similar situation to us and there are even some lovely posts from women who have made it to the other side of it all.

Please try not to stress and keep us posted xxxx

Sharon xx

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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2017, 08:47:14 AM »

Hi Ellie

Sorry to read that you're so worried.  The Northeristone is a progesterone only medication which, if anything, would prevent the lining of the womb from thickening.  I took a similar medication for 18 months to stop my heavy periods.  I stopped it in September of last year and have not bled significantly since.  The hysteroscopy is a good thing and will give all the information required to move forward and make decisions on how best to keep you healthy through the menopause.  Try to look on it as a positive as ignorance is not bliss, knowledge is power. xxx

Keep us posted and let us know how you get on.


Sharon xx


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2017, 05:13:17 PM »

Hi Sharon

Do you mind me asking you a bit more about norethisterone please....I have taken it in the past but found it made me quite nauseous and gave me bad cramps and a heavier period - what was your experience on it please as I am debating whether to try it again while I have a cupboard full of it.



Sharon xx

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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2017, 01:33:24 PM »

Hi Tallulah's Mom xx

Apologies for delay in responding, only just seen this.  I took Micronor which is another type of Progesterone Only Pill and it was brilliant.  During the 18 months I took it I had only two insignificant periods [barely worth a mention and right back at the beginning of starting the medication] and had no symptoms other than I found I had extremely vivid dreams.  Certainly no nausea or cramps.  It was a life saver for me as I was on the verge of having to have a hysterectomy due to being constantly anaemic from the frequent and very heavy periods I was having. 

There are many different types of Progestrone Only Pills [PoP's] so if one doesn't suit it's always worth giving another type a go.  It's a bit like the combined pill, it might take a couple of goes to find one that suits.  Have a chat with your GP maybe??

Good luck. 

Sharon xx  :-*



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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2017, 07:21:20 PM »

Thanks Sharon, I will be back to see him so will see what he thinks....not sure if Cerazette has finally decided to work 11 weeks later as I have miraculously stopped bleeding


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2017, 08:59:05 PM »

Excuse my ignorance as I am new to all this. I have had 3 ultrasounds in the last few months and my wall lining was 4mm,7mm and the last one in Feb was 10mm thick. The ultrasound scan was done by the gyno dept as I had an abnormal bleed after having to period for over 12 months. They took a sample of the lining and that has shown to be normal and no follow up so I am confused as I don't know what will happen now as I am on no meds. Any advise please?

Sharon xx

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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2017, 04:22:39 PM »

Dear Laylabud

It sounds to me like they've checked to see why you had an 'abnormal' bleed after so long without one and found that all appears to be okay.  I'm thinking that as they've not requested a follow-up that you've just had a one off period and you'll be left to continue through the menopause unless something else happens that worries you.  You could make an appointment with your GP if you're worried and just get some direct feedback on what to expect now, if anything. 

Were you on any meds at any time during the 12 months of no bleeds??

It sounds to me like everything is fine as they're clearly not worried. xx

Hope this helps

Sharon xx


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2017, 05:25:20 PM »

Hi Laylabud - was the scan which found your lining to be 10 mm taken after the abnormal bleed? If so this is thicker than normal but maybe you will have another period? Have you had a bleed since then? Sometimes treatment with a progestogen is necessary to thin the lining.

Hurdity x


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2017, 08:50:49 PM »

Thanks ladies

Yes it was after the bleed I also had the camera which they found a polyp which was removed under a general 7 weeks ago but I am getting intermittent groin pain which is of concern.


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2017, 07:50:15 AM »

I would definitely go back to your doc re the groin pain and ask about what they intend to do about the thickened lining. Could the pain be a consequence of the polyp removal and procedure? I am surprised that they have suggested no further action re a lining of that thickness since the lining in post-menopausal women is ideally less than approx 4.5 mm I gather. Even though they have found no abnormalities apart from the polyp, a thickened lining can lead to endometrial hyperplasia which in some cases can lead to cancer  - so I would have thought, if you are post-menopausal - you should have a course of progestogen to thin it down to within normal limits  ???  However the heavy bleed could have been a normal period. Even so the endometrium is usually thinner ( I think) at the end of a period. Yes - you should have an explanation and reassurance...

Hurdity x


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2017, 12:46:23 PM »

I am due to see the doctor on Wednesday and I intended on asking him about the lining thickness as I didn't think it was ok to leave it as it is. I am concerned about the pelvic pain as I would have thought by now after to op it would have healed I just hope there is nothing else going on. I had breast surgery yesterday so recovering from that as well as everything else.


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2017, 12:30:56 PM »

Hope your appointment went well and let us know how you got on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2017, 05:58:41 PM »

Thanks Hurdity

Well the doctor was dismissive about the 10mm wall lining as the sample they took was ok so as far as that is concerned I don't know what happens now. With regards to the pelvic discomfort he said that it's concerning as I shouldn't be getting post op pain now, So he is sending me for another ultrasound which will take about 6 weeks to come through. I feel I have been left in limbo.


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Re: Ultrasound thickened lining ???
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2017, 10:53:19 AM »

Oh - that's odd? I would have thought if you are post-menopausal they would want to ensure you were given treatment to thin your lining? At least the pelvic pain is being investigated. As well as making sure this is sorted out properly i would ask specifically what treatment they will be giving to thin the lining? This would be a question for the gynaecologist who treated you for your polyp and who did the investigations.

Hurdity x