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Author Topic: too much oestrogen or should I try a different type? Any advice please Please  (Read 1531 times)


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Through lots of reading, research and the wonderful support and advice from this site I am thinking I have established that the hideous symptoms I have been experiencing over the last few months maybe due to too much oestrogen.  I was diagnosed as post meno at 42 never got the chance to experience peri meno, doctor just said I was depressed  it was only when I insisted on a test because my periods had stopped that they established I was post! Not had a period for nearly  6 years.    It took me nearly 4 years by trying lots of different HRT regimes to establish I am probably progesterone intolerant and as a last resort after 3 hysteroscopy and several scans had a mirena exactly a year ago and opted for estradot 75 mcg patch.  I cut this down a little bit for a few months then gradually increased.  All was pretty good for the first few months then by November I was experiencing terrible problems which only made me think I needed more oestogen;  there was no other explanation because the first 6 months all was well.

10 days ago I was feeling so bad a ripped the patch off and thought to hell with it all!! but in a short space of time I gradually felt better and by day 6 of no patch I felt human again, even after 6 days I thought surely not!  Only downside by day 8 hot flushes and insomnia started and by day 10 I decided can't stand this so cut the patch in half and back on it went, all was well but then within 24 hours the other symptoms started, pounding headache, sore boobs, jittery, anxious, bloating and fluid retention.  I was shocked it could take effect so quickly and even on ½ the dose I was on before.

I am at total loss as to what to do, could it be the patch?  Is it too strong because its transdermal If I used gel would I need to use it every day or could I just use when required?  Everyone says you should feel better with oestrogen, is that not correct?
My only other feeling is I am still producing my own oestrogen, I have read that if you are overweight the fat can convert to oestrogen.  I am not massively overweight probably a stone, could this be the reason?

Any help or advice would be gratefully appreciated I don't know where else to turn.  I don't want to see the doctor again because she is useless and I am sure she thinks I am making all this up!


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My experience of patches wasn't good. I seemed to get a big surge of oestrogen in the first 24 hours which then dropped dramatically - so, In other words, the patches didn't give me a consistent dose.
I did well with Oestrogel  - the beauty of the gel is that you can adjust the dose to your needs. Maybe start with just half a squirt each day for a week or two (a very low dose) and then increase slowly till you find the right dose. I personally think some of us are sensitive to oestrogen in much the same way as progesterone. Finding the right balance is the key. DG x


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Trying to keep everything balanced is so frustrating Jobo!

You are probably right in saying that producing your own oestrogen adds to the problem. Some of us seem so sensitive to the changes and the fluctuations cause symptoms to break through.
I'm really envious of those who seem to have a dose and happily stick to it  :)

When I've experienced problems (usually associated with not absorbing properly) my GP has been happy to send blood off to check my level. It helps give me an idea of whether to increase or lower my HRT.
At present I'm on Estradot 100 but tonight I've had tachycardia, headache, earache and felt hot - signs I'm low, so I've applied one pump of Oestrogel and within an hour I'm feeling better.

Hope you manage to sort yourself out - make changes slow and steady  :D


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Thank you Dancinggirl I knew an expert would come along.  I too agree about being just as sensitive with oestogen as progesterone, it just makes me question maybe it could have been the oestrogen all along! Before patches though I was on tablet but only 1mg and have just checked strengths etc on the site 1mg is a low dose, a 75mcg is a high dose!


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Thank you Salad, gettting the right balance has been a nightmare for me I am so fed up of feeling so unwell!

I think its back to the drawing board and like you say I think I should make the changes slow and steady.  If the gel works in the way you say it might be better for me than having the patch, like dancinggirl it may not be consistent for me either.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. 

Jobo X