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Author Topic: Testosterone with hrt  (Read 2088 times)


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Testosterone with hrt
« on: April 14, 2017, 05:34:08 PM »

Hi all, I'm new to the forum and wondered if anyone had tried hrt with testosterone? Up until now I have tried Femoston conti 1/5 but made me even moodier and low. Also Vagifem for painful intercourse but it didn't work. Am currently on Venlafaxine for dep & anxiety and Amitriptyline for sleep probs and migraines.(which has made me put on weight and feel bloated all the time  :'(   My gp doesn't seem to want to try other hrt combinations but a friend of mine has been prescribed hrt with testosterone and says it's changed her life. Can anyone recommend a private women's health clinic in either Swindon, Bath or Bristol? I'd really appreciate your experiences.   Thank you for reading this. xx


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Re: Testosterone with hrt
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2017, 05:45:57 PM »

Hi sunshinedaily - welcome to the forum. You'll find loads of help and advice on here so you've come to the right place!

It can take some time to find the right HRT for you so don't despair. You do have to try each HRT for at least three months before you know whether it will suit you. I take it that you are post meno (at least a year without periods) if you have been given a conti HRT? What other meno symptoms are you hoping to resolve?

Your friend has probably been given an HRT called Tibolone (Livial) which mimics testosterone and is the only HRT which this ingredient available in the UK as far as I am aware. You can read about it here  Testosterone itself is not licensed for women in the UK anymore but you can still get it, I think, from a private clinic. Someone else will be along with more testosterone advice soon I'm sure. Are you experiencing a dwindling sex drive or is it more for energy and strength - both of which can diminish with menopause and age of course.  :(

Taz x  :welcomemm:



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Re: Testosterone with hrt
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2017, 06:40:03 PM »

Hi Taz, thanks so much for your reply. Yes I'm post meno, 52 yrs old and mother of 5 yr old twin girls. The combination of the menopause and caring for young children is exhausting 😦 but I wouldn't change them for the world 💖💖. I'm experiencing all the meno symptoms - low mood, mood swings, tearfulness, feeling hot  (I don't have excessive hot sweats but I'm told Venlafaxine I take for depression can alleviate these). Also no energy or interest in things I used to enjoy. Add to the  mix painful intercourse too which is difficult as it's affecting the emotional closeness of my marriage and therefore family life  :'(.  The hrt I've tried in the past was for 6 months....would this be too short a time for the benefits to show, do you think?  I'm just so tired of struggling through and l feel like I'm missing out on the wonderful times I should be sharing with my girls. People always say 'they don't stay young for long ' and I so want to be part of it. Just now I feel like I'm observing from the sidelines.  :( xx


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Re: Testosterone with hrt
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2017, 07:07:11 PM »

You've certainly got your hands full! I can see that you want to enjoy your girls and it must be very frustrating to have no energy etc. I'm sixty three now and my sons were grown up when I was your age but I still remember how annoyed I was that I couldn't function the same as I always had.

You say that Vagifem didn't work. How long did you use it for?  The dosage was changed a few years ago and a lot of women find that they have to use more than prescribed to get the same effect. Unfortunately once vaginal discomfort has developed then you do need oestrogen in some form or another to keep things ok.

As for the HRT. Did your doc know that it wasn't working for you? I think that the 1/5 dosage is the lowest and it could very well be that you need to be on a higher dose to get the full effect. If you look at the green menu at the top of the page you will find all of the different HRT's listed. Six months is normally long enough to know whether one will work for you. Three months is the normal time stated. There is no reason why you can't ask your doc to prescribe Tibolone. Why not make an appointment, have a good research on here, and then go and discuss further options?

Most of us on here can relate to your feelings at some point or another. The menopause stuff comes as a big shock. After all, surely your periods stop, you get a couple of hot flushes and then it's all over with - well that's what I thought!!  ;D

Taz x  :bighug:


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Re: Testosterone with hrt
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2017, 04:45:13 PM »

Thanks Taz I'll definitely make an appointment with my gp to discuss Tibolone. I was under the impression that you had to go private for this. x


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Re: Testosterone with hrt
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2017, 08:53:22 PM »

You have to go private for testosterone as it's not licensed for women in the UK but Tibolone mimics testosterone I believe?

Taz x


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Re: Testosterone with hrt
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2017, 11:12:15 PM »

I got testosterone gel prescribed on the NHS by a gp who asked the gynae dr.  You have to find your most caring and supportive gp who is willing to help x


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Re: Testosterone with hrt
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2017, 11:11:15 AM »

Its so good when this happens Annie. I found my GP and gynae both unhelpful in this regard due, apparently, to my age at the time (over 60) which seems to be a cut off date for so many things!

Taz x  :thankyou: