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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts  (Read 2940 times)


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Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« on: April 11, 2017, 04:47:34 PM »

Hi everyone. I posted here before and got some good advice. On this advice I started using the Utrogestan vaginally. I had a bleed. I had asked my ne doc for advice and she simply said she didnt know about Utrogestan. My now retired Doc had prescrbed after I did some digging and insisted ( gently) on bioidenticals.

I have lupus and get very sick very oftenand have to take steroids which of course are hornones. I noticed the last few months when taking the Utro I was anxious and that progressed to dibilitating panic. I cut the Utrogestan to 1 for the 11 days. It got progressively worse. I am sick currently and the steroid doesnt help the way it did so the fatigue etc isnt helped by the Utrogestan.

Last night after 4 exhausting days with Grandchild the bottom fell out. I got so scared I had to call my dtr to come over as I couldnt be alone.

I know I am exhausted to the bone from steroids, lupus and work etc but I am scared to take another Utrogestan. I have been bleeding since taking them this time . I have no medical advice as my Gp retired. The new one just said we dont prescribe that nd couldnt answer my Q avout breakthrough bleeding.

What would happen if I just stop the HRT. Any advice would be appreciated. Ps still panicky


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2017, 05:55:33 PM »

Hi MammaG. I read back some of your other posts. It looks like you're post-menopause and on 2 pumps of gel. Like you, I got some relief from the hrt but then the progesterone, I think, became unbearable. You could try a longer cycle only taking the progesterone every 2 or 3 months so you don't have to deal with it as often. Have you tried a synthetic progesterone? There are a few ladies on here that do better with the synthetic than the micronized progesterone.
 I did give up hrt all together because it was making me crazy, and some symptoms are returning, some have not returned. So far the returning symptoms are milder and more manageable than before hrt. The anxiety, which was a major reason I started hrt, is still around but not levels approaching insanity as it felt when I started havin problems with the progesterone. I'm not sure how much 2 pumps is but you may want to wean off by reducing your dose if you choose to quit. Of course, we all have different experiences.


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2017, 06:26:34 PM »

Ask your GP for a referral to a menopause clinic.  Or speak with a Pharmacist in your town, they have private rooms now. 



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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2017, 09:16:12 PM »

Thanks so much ladies. I feel so much better knowing this forum is here. I remember awful post natal depression and this feels exactly the same. I have since come to undertand our bodies are flooded with progesterone during pregnancy. I was a total mess after I had my daughter. I felt the ill ease build up as the pregnancy progressed. Weird that this feels soo familiar. Its not depression. I was ok then after the Utrogestan dose..bang

I have asked for help and they kinda brushed me off. I need to chat to the Dr tomorrow as my ESR levels are elivated even after 3 weeks of Steroids. Im sure this has not helped. I will ask about the possibility of seeing an endo.

Pharmacist is good but stops short of giving dosing advice that is anything other than whats on the label.

Again thanks to all for responding


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2017, 11:45:00 PM »

I forgot to ask, should I still use the 2 pumps of Estradiol. Will it help with the Utrogestan side effects? Its been 24 hrs since I took the 100g. I feel so much calmer, scary thoughts gone and I dont feel like I am hanging out of a skyscraper window by my feet  :'(

Im not confident that I will get very far with the Doctor tomorrow on the phone appointment


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2017, 07:56:37 AM »

I don't have advice but really feel for you, hope your doctor can be more helpful.
Like you say the support on here is comforting when you don't get the right help
Else where.


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2017, 09:49:26 AM »

Thanks Lil. I cant imagine going through the menopause at 25, bless your heart. Ive really been fortunate but the intrusive thoughts are the worst part of all of this.

Doctor called and asked what he could do for me, why had I requested an appt. Had to explain the results of my blood test were abnormal and that the surgery had told me to call. He couldnt get me off the phone fast enough. He said it was a different dic who wanted to talk to me but  has left me with no further meds or way of getting my ESR down  :'(

No wonder more of us take an active participation in our medical care. Before I said I knew my ESR was too high he said all the bloods were normal. Ayy ayy ayy.

Might just go cold turkey off the hormones. No way they are gonna help me


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2017, 10:05:09 AM »

It's a nightmare when you don't get help, I was at the menopause clinic at a hospital for years then I moved and it's just my doctor, I've asked to be referred in the past but she said no need.
I have not read everything but is there a chance the thoughts could be depression? Xxx


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2017, 10:33:51 AM »

They wont let me go to the meno clinic I am sure.

I had my Grandchild since Friday afternoon. This was the first day of my Easter break from work so a break from the stress if my job on the horizon.

 We had soo much fun, dancing and snuggling, simply chatting and I felt real joy being with her  It is a lot of work off the back of a Lupus flare and the steroid didnt do much so I was mentally, physically fatigues. We were pottering in the garden singing to Dysney songs and planting seeds and shopping for flowers. Shes a real joy, helps empty the dishwasher and goes to bed when asked etc. No stress in this wonderful little bubble. I could feel my body screaming stop because of the fatigue though.

All was ok, child bathed, happy and tucked up in bed. I was off to bed, took the Utrogestan, Estradiol and the next thing I know I feel like I am on a rollercoaster being chased by a serial killer. If it were real I couldnt have felt more fear.

Think its definately the Progesterone  :'(


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2017, 10:50:56 AM »

Ah no, that's awful it must be that, I have ME and depression to so no when you have something else on top it's even more difficult to get the right thing.
Did you say you have tried provera (think that's it) or tried the other one vaginally?
I'm sick of this menopause carry on, my life has been shadowed with stupid hormones  >:(
It's such a shame you can go to meno clinic it really is hard when your having to do all the research ect yourself. Xxx


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2017, 10:52:26 AM »

Sorry see you did try it vaginally :( xxx


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2017, 11:34:36 AM »

How do you feel this morning?


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2017, 03:22:20 PM »

Hey Lil, they thought i had ME for 10+ years until I realised it was Lupus. Doctor told me no way did I have it. He did let me go to a rheumy and I sneakily got the appt made at the London Lupus Unit. I am certain ME symptoms are autoimmune and they just dont know the right blood tests. ME is awfuland the hormones exacerbate everything dont they? My body cant cope with a period.

CLKD, thanks so much for asking. I am unwell but came to stay with my daughter and Grandbaby. Better not to be alone after such a trauma. I feel more sane and less anxious than I did.

Have thought about your suggestion. I think I may go to one of the Pharmacies in town and try to get a consult with the pharmacist there. At this stage I have very little to lose.

Im still trying to work out if I should take the Estradiol. Had even considered halving the utrogestan but Im not ready to take them again yet. I feel opposed to taking them orally again because of reading they change into something else in the liver.

Thanks so much ladies for taking the time to respond. Its amazing how much it means to find a response when you feel so alone with this stuff


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2017, 03:47:49 PM »

I do agree hormones are bad enough never mind other obsticles in the way.
Going to the pharmacy may be a good idea, and good your at your daughters as getting feelings like that will be scareyxx


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Re: Panic, inability to cope and weird thoughts
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2017, 03:49:46 PM »

just sending solidarity from a fellow roller coaster rider. Panic is horrible, shouldn't be allowed, very few people understand the severity of what we feel and this forum is a godsend! Hope you get some relief from it soon. xx
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