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Author Topic: Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?  (Read 2283 times)


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Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?
« on: April 11, 2017, 11:13:18 AM »

Hi Meno Friends

This might seem a crazy post, but my health anxiety is in danger of going into overdrive. I'd been quite good, well in fact, very good, for several months and was starting to wonder whether the worst of this meno thing was over, although nowhere near the twelve months free yet. Anxiety is the worst thing, and I was diagnosed with fibroids but haven't had any pain from them for over a year (was getting bad ovulation pain).

Last week I fell over. Not unusual for me as I'm a bit clumsy. I landed heavily on my left side, on a concrete curb, twisted my right ankle, bruised my left shoulder and left knee, which has a big graze on it. Was hobbling about for a few days, knee still not healed. This coincided with a time when I was being quite clumsy - broke a glass, dropping things, and then I started to feel really down. One of our dogs had died two weeks before so I put it down to that. Saturday I had to help OH lift some bags of compost out of the car and I'm sure I tweaked my back with that forward stretching movement. Since then I have had a litany of aches and pains, in fact I feel like I ache all over and this horrible crushing sadness. Mostly the pain is in lower back, radiates down left leg, sometimes right leg, ribs and feet hurt too. Sometimes I get a pinching pain in my left side (not dissimilar to the old ovulation pain) but it is not constant. My anxious mind is trying to pin it on some ovarian issue, but my logical mind says that it is a muscle thing caused by falling over. I don't want to go to Dr, I know she will say it is muscular, and she has previously suggested I might have a mild form of fibromyalgia (sore pressure points). I wonder if there is a hormonal connection or could falling over have caused all this?


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Re: Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2017, 11:42:23 AM »

I wonder if a massage might help ease things a little bit? Might be worth a go, take care.


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Re: Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2017, 11:45:27 AM »

Hi Sparkle

Thanks so much for your reassurance and sympathy about my doggie. I'm due to go to Drs for routine prescription check-up in about three weeks so I will mention it then. I'm just trying to get my anxious mind under control for the next three weeks. The last time my mind had one of these episodes of over-thinking (it was convinced it had a different serious illness that time) I managed to get it under control by keeping a symptoms diary and proving to myself that everything was in fact, normal. I will try to do the same this time I think. As you know, this anxiety lark is just soooo tiring  ::)


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Re: Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2017, 11:47:30 AM »

I managed to get it under control by keeping a symptoms diary and proving to myself that everything was in fact, normal.

I've been in that position so many times - arguing with myself, proving things to myself, it is so draining!


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Re: Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2017, 11:49:09 AM »

Good thinking, Nearly. I've been using some arnica oil I got from the pharmacy which does help, smells lush too. I'll try a bath tonight as I'm usually a shower person. I could do with a few days away at a health spa I think, in my dreams...


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Re: Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2017, 12:18:16 PM »

Hey Bettyboo

All you need is lots of hugs, don't take stress as it only worsen the problems. Find interest that appeals you and try keeping yourself busy this will help. Heared of Arnica oil is great but never tried

Best Wishes


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Re: Could falling over have triggered these symptoms?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2017, 12:29:54 PM »

I have bad posture and have all sorts of muscle pains. About a month ago something caused my lower back to tingle on the left side but then my right knee and right hip kept hurting. It can go from my back to my hip and leg and to my right side around my ribs. I feel like i'm falling apart lately!

Try not to worry I'm sure it will be from your fall and walking differently because of it uses different muscles and effects the good side.