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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: New to HRT rollercoaster!  (Read 1958 times)


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New to HRT rollercoaster!
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:07:55 PM »

I was diagnosed with POI 1 year ago, when I was 40.  I was trying to start a family at the time.  I begrudgingly agreed to go on HRT in September last year as I was experiencing hot flushes and thought I was losing my mind!  I went on Evorel Sequi for 6 months and for the first 4 months, all was well.  After that, I felt fine on the Oestrogen phase, but felt very low and weepy on the prog phase.  I saw my GP and she suggested I switched to Femseven Sequi.  The first phase was great - the prog phase was absolutely terrifying!!  I thought I was having a heart attack!  really bad panic attacks, palpitations, head spinning, the works.  I spoke to my GP again, and she's now put me on Evorel Conti...and here's where my new worries begin.

I came off Evorel Sequi as I couldn't get on with the prog.  When I told her this, she said that it would be better on Conti as it was continuous so no fluctuation between hormones, and that the prog. dose was half that on sequi.  I've looked at the box though and it seems to be the same dose, just everyday instead of for 2 weeks.  Won't this be worse!!? 

She's also told me to take off my Femseven patch (which I've done - literally couldn't wait) and to start the Evorel Conti straight away - but the instructions say to wait a week inbetween HRT types.   I'm also not sure I should be on Conti anyway as I had a natural period just under a year ago.

I'm so confused and in all honesty, don't feel I can trust what my GP is saying as it seems to be contradictive.  Has anyone else had this experience? 

I haven't put on the new patches, but wasn't sure if I should try half patches first? 
I've been following this forum for a while and using it as my main source of info as it seems to be the only place where I can get any help or support.  Sorry for bothering you all...believe me, I know how much you've already got on your plate, but any words of wisdom would mean a lot to me.



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Re: New to HRT rollercoaster!
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2017, 08:31:20 AM »

Hi Nula, welcome to the forum.  I am sorry you have not had any replies yes but some of our regular ladies are away as it is the Easter holidays.  There are some very knowledgeable ladies on the forum so hang in there until they turn up.

I am sorry I cannot help you as I have no experience of HRT but I wanted to welcome you and explain why your post may not yet have some replies.


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Re: New to HRT rollercoaster!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2017, 11:03:11 AM »

Hi Nula- I've had something similar. Gone from sequi to constant progesterone and now convinced that it's the progesterone ( I'm now on utrogestan) that is causing the issue. That and taking it every day is making me feel crap. I've gone private and consultant says I need to give it 3 months but I don't know if I can manage that. A lot of ladies just don't get on with taking the smaller dose daily ( and yes, it's more or less the same dosage whatever way you take it) and prefer to take it sequentially as it's more manageable.
I can't comment about the phasing of the switch- don't know enough about it. Interesting point you made about halving your patch. I tried this for a few weeks and the flushes came back but I felt more like the old me than I have in years. So, in my simple mind, progesterone is the guilty party.
Maybe go back and discuss possibliity of oestrogen gel and utrogestan?


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Re: New to HRT rollercoaster!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2017, 11:13:40 AM »

Hi Nula

Go back to your Gp, or another in the practice..see if you can a referral to menopause clinic
My story is also a rollercoaster..
I've had my Premique Hrt dosage messed about with when the pharmacy had problems getting the dosage I wanted...low dose..then the high dose, then low again, felt like a lab rat!!! Ended up having 'hormonal crash' was then put on a different brand, but got so fed up with side effects..the GP has told me to wean off..and see how I go before she refers me, she wants me Hrt free, I think for blood tests etc...
It was mainly the low moods that prompted me to go on Hrt
don't think I'll touch it again

Take care x


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Re: New to HRT rollercoaster!
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2017, 12:53:48 PM »

Thanks for your comments ladies - really comforting to know I'm not the only one and that there is so much support out there. But...makes me really cross that my GP isn't as helpful and that we're all going through this.   I've gone with the half conti patch to see how I get on and am just about to move surgeries so fingers crossed I can make some progress. 

Thanks again.  xx


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Re: New to HRT rollercoaster!
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2017, 08:33:31 PM »

Good luck with the patches Nula.
I use the Evorel conti patches and I'm fine.


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Re: New to HRT rollercoaster!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2017, 08:03:00 AM »

Hi Nula
I had POF and was put on HRT aged 37 ( I'm 61 now).  I tried many different hrts and my gp was very helpful at the time but ultimately gps can't be expected to be experts over this.
I eventually went to a private meno clinic and they put me on Oestrogel daily with seperate progesterone for 10 days per month. The progesterone was Dydrogesterone ( which is in the Femoston range of hrt) but unfortunately it isn't available on its own in pill form in this country any more🤔. Have a look under the progesterone section at the top of this page - it is under TREATMENTS. You could try Utrogeston or Provera. Alternatively having a Mirena fitted can be a simple and hassle free option and usually results in a bleed free regime - it also allows you to use as little or as much oestrogen as you need to keep meno symptoms under control.
You need HRT until at least the age of 50 to protect your heart and bones and also help pr ent urogenital atrophy. so finding the right HRT regime is very important. DG x


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Re: New to HRT rollercoaster!
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2017, 02:41:43 PM »


I've been following this forum for a while and using it as my main source of info as it seems to be the only place where I can get any help or support.  Sorry for bothering you all...believe me, I know how much you've already got on your plate, but any words of wisdom would mean a lot to me.

This forum is the reason why I am on HRT and not a ton of psych drugs! The wealth of information these ladies provide most likely saved my life. I was able to advocate for my health.  I'm new to perimenopause and HRT as well so I don't have a lot to say except it does take time to hit the right dose. I'm still in the second month and am finally noticing a difference for the better. Hang in there!