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Author Topic: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?  (Read 2949 times)


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Hi all,
I have been on Hrt for just under a year with no negative effects and I mean to go on with it for as long as possible ( my Mum was on HRT for 18 years and only came off at the time of the big health scare  because the doctors of this era more or less 'twisted her arm'. She had regular checks and was absolutely fine all the way.) I am already getting worried medics will try to stop me taking HRT when I have been on for the 'recommended' 5 years when I will be only 52. To me it seems terrifying to think I may be refused the HRT prescription. The health benefits for me far outweighs cancer threats - I just wonder how long other people have been on HRT and if any had to fight with GP's to remain with a prescription..
I hope/believe it should be the choice of the individual but I do not know if this is the case... Callisto
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 04:31:37 PM by Callisto »


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2017, 04:44:58 PM »

Hi Callisto - 10 years. Still going. In my 60's. One doc tried to stop me as over 60, but went to another in same practice who was OK with it. Gynae to whom I was referred for hysteroscopy and biopsy 4 years ago said I could stay on it indefinitely.

There have been fairly recent threads on this though not sure how you would search for them!

Edit - sorry I replied quickly just looking at the title.  The five years thing is old hat - the risks up to 60 are less than the benefits anyway. Also at 52 you will only just have reached the approx average age of menopause and the risks up to that point don't really count as you should have had oestrogen anyway.

Hurdity x
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 04:47:06 PM by Hurdity »


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2017, 05:26:36 PM »

I'm 50 and been on hrt for 18 years so far

Back in 2004 when i was 37 and I moved to a new county the gps called me in saying I'd been on it too long and need to come off.  I argued and argued and they gave up in the end.  A couple of years ago an NHS gynae told me as long as I'm well I can stay on it for life x


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2017, 10:08:18 PM »

I've been on it for about 6 years and have no plans of coming off and my doctor has no issues with that. I have a good reason for staying on if some doctor does try to take me off because I've already been diagnosed with osteopenia and HRT is beneficial for bone health. I'm still doing a two monthly cycle with Provera, but maybe later this year I will try going to a continuous method, because still having periods, albeit every two months, is the only thing I don't like about HRT.


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2017, 09:52:08 AM »

I've been on it for five years continuously with no problems. I was taking Climesse. Then that was taken off the market a few months ago. I was given Elleste but it was the one where a monthly bleed happened. Climesse was a continuous pill with no bleeds. I had a six day period after taking the first month of Elleste and felt terrible. I'm 65. I went back to the doctor who sent me to the hospital for a scan and a visit with the consultant. Both thought I should now come off the h.r.t but I didn't want to. Now I am just starting to use Vagifem and hoping that it will be a good alternative. We shall see...
I am not enjoying being without my h.r.t tablets.


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2017, 10:58:19 AM »

The thought of being strong armed off HRT worries me. It also saddens me to think of friends who went through menopause in their mid/late40s and weren't offered HRT ( some offered anti depressants or sleeping pills rather than HRT).. Only the few who fought for it, got it. Like many, I had to go private to get Estrogel and Ultrogestan. I wonder how long it will be before these hormones make it onto all NHS lists- the costs mount up alongside the fees of private appointments. It irks me that it is the luck of the draw whether you can or can't get this form of HRT through NHS depending on where you live.
Back on topic it seems that one has to vociferously 'explain' why HRT is still the best option for one to remain on it after a certain time...

Mary G

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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2017, 12:02:06 PM »

Callisto, I am an HRT lifer and this is a decision I made a long time ago.  I have been on HRT for 10 years and I am now 55.  I intend to have a hysterectomy at some point in the future because I am severely intolerant to the progesterone part of HRT and have to severely limit its use - how I envy women who can take oestrogen only HRT, what bliss!

Like you, I sought help from a private specialist and this is when I finally reached breakthrough.  I use Oestrogel, (very) low dose Utrogestan and testosterone and have found it to be the best HRT regime by far.  I like the flexibility of being able to adjust the dose of each product and this is what really makes it work for me.   

After years of endless, debilitating sweating and silent migraines, I really didn't think I would ever be able to feel completely normal again so having achieved that, I will never let it go. 

I buy the Oestrogel and Utrogestan over the counter and without a prescription in Spain and it is much cheaper than a UK private prescription.  So if you happen to be going on holiday and want to save yourself some money, you might want to load up.

Please don't allow anyone to scare you off HRT.  If you are happy with your current regime, there is no need to stop and there are no time limits. 


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2017, 10:01:31 AM »

Well said MaryG!


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2017, 04:37:13 PM »

I'm 52 and I've been on it for 5 years.  I too intend to stay on it forever.  Mary G out of interest will you be given an hysterectomy for being progesterone intolerant?


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2017, 06:39:44 PM »

Hi, I have been off and on it for 12 years, I'm 60 this year, tried to have a break for a few month just out of interest really , sadly I couldn't bear the 'heat' morning and night, GP has put me back on it and suggested we review it,, I just smiled at her , said life's too short I'm living for today and if I need HRT then HRT it is, willing to take any risks , she just smiled back and said no more.Lets face it life is a risk ,, enjoy what you have now are my thoughts. I have a great life and long may it continue 😄


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2017, 09:16:35 AM »

Thanks Stellajane, I suspect you're right.  I'm struggling with the mirena a bit (had a terrible day yesterday) and thinking through long term options re managing the dreaded progesterone.

Mary G

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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2017, 05:46:20 PM »

peri, I don't know if the NHS would fund a hysterectomy for someone who is progesterone intolerant, I imagine it would depend on your particular case i.e. if you had fibroids or other problems.  I assumed I would have to pay for it myself and I have looked into it but I can't take it any further at the moment because of work commitments - not being able to lift heavy objects and not being above to drive would be a serious problem for me right now.  It is quite expensive and would probably cost around £5,000 for a vaginal hysterectomy with epidural. 

With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had gone for it years ago when I was younger and probably better equipped to recover from a major operation.  I suppose I have always had that vague hope that something better than the dreaded progesterone would come along but it seems unlikely. 

Blakeygray, thank you!


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Re: HRT how long have you been on it and was it you choice to stop?
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2017, 06:01:44 PM »

Thanks Mary G I haven't any issues that would qualify me for hysterectomy apart from struggling with progesterone.  I mentioned it at my appointment at the menopause clinic and was told you don't want to go down that route as it can cause other problems.

You've surprised me with the cost though, I thought it would be more than that. I agree with you that it is unlikely something better than progesterone will come along any time soon  :-\