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Author Topic: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?  (Read 11494 times)


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Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« on: March 30, 2017, 10:24:19 AM »

A few days ago I visited a local Debenhams store in search of a new coat . I had very little time but knew exactly what I wanted as has researched online before I left the house so should have been a quick visit
It was early on a weekday so the shop was very quiet .  Within seconds of entering the store I was approached by a lady who wanted to spray me with perfume (something new by someone famous I think?!) She was aiming ready to spray so quickly had to stop her as I was already sufficiently perfumed . She then tried to persuade me to go further down the shop to collect a free sample .  OK no problem – that's her job – suspect more heavy selling if I'd bother to get the sample
Upstairs in search of the coat when I heard  “Excuse me, Excuse me “.. Another Debs employee asking me if I had a Debs credit card . “No I don't”. “would you like one ?.” Politely - “No thank you “  . “You could get 10% off your shop today and offers blah blah, blah”. Not quite so politely “  No thank you” – “But at Christmas we do special open evenings Blah, blah”.   Me: “ I have 2 credit cards already – one for home and one for business and that is quite enough for me Thank you. “ She was still muttering about me missing out as she walked away
SIGH!!  So on to locate the coat – tries on , it's lovely so will buy HAPPY DAYS
Get to the counter to pay. Nice smiley girl – “Do you have a Debenhams store card?”.   Me politely “No I don't” . “Would you like one?” Still politely “ No thank you” “  But you could get 10% off today Blahj blah blah.” ME getting a bit tense  “No really I don't want one”.  “But at Christmas Blah blah”.   GRRR!!! I then tell her that was persuaded to get a Debs store card some years ago to save money school uniforms .(Only about £50 but times were hard)   I assumed I would get a statement to remind me to pay.  I then promptly forget about it.  No statement arrived. Then out of the blue a debt collectors letter arrived – took a while to sort out and was quite upsetting.  So NO I DO NOT WANT A DEBS STORE CARD.
Not so smiley now – so I pay plus £0.05 for the carrier bag . She chooses the smallest bag she can find , screws my coat into it and then says Would you like to donate a £1 for Help the Heros . By this point I was just saying NO to everything so really got the evils when I wouldn't give her £1.
HEAVENS ABOVE.  I was trying to buy a coat not take out finance, loans credit cards or give to charity. We  already as a family donate to Help for Heros among other worthy causes but really didn't want to have to explain that to her
I know these ladies are only doing their job but you don't get this amount of hassle anywhere else do you? Progressed to M&S after that where it was an oasis of calm though the checkout lady did ask me if I had a M&S store card. She didn't pursue it when I said NO but then maybe she saw the look on my face 😊) ::)


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2017, 11:21:22 AM »

Oh Annie's- made me laugh. So so familiar to a lot of us. You just feel like punching people as you wander about aimlessly forgetting what you've gone in for, sweating and muttering to yourself. Everybody and everyone annoys you and you go away empty handed. On the upside, you got your coat, so well done!
They should have punchbags at the tills and should have special menopausal opening hours so we can all grumble away merrily to ourselves without fear of " intrusion" Big knickers and matronly bras would fly off the shelves...x


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2017, 12:39:49 PM »

I really don't like Debenhams, it's so bitty. I also shop online a lot but even they pesster.

Can you review your purchase.

And you have items in your basket, did you forget.

Where will it end.


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2017, 01:17:01 PM »

On top of that Debenhams is almost roasting hot - I can't hang about it there for long!


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2017, 04:10:56 PM »

Oh to be able to shop online. Sadly I have odd feet and odd body size so gave up trying to order by mail ages ago .  (Please try not to conjure up an image of me  ;D)
I must confess that even before this weeks episode I've never been a great fan of Debenhams - agree with Breeze it's bitty. Ours has lots of concessions. Before Debs took the building over it was a lovely independent and flowed beautifully but now !! The only reason for the visit was the coat the was perfect to replace my old one
Didn't find it too hot but M&S was like a sauna in the changing rooms.  Amazes me that their target market it supposed to be ladies of a certain age - should really having cooling fans for us
It was quiet when I arrived in town but by the time I left a lunch it was very busy It's a tourist destination too so was having to battle through groups of excited visitors all trying to take selfies and waving their selfie sticks around with random abandon. 
I would love to be able to see the city through their eyes -especially the Japanese tourists as it's so different from their home towns. I think we take some of our city sites for granted. I've lived in the area for most of my life so when I go into town I simply don't see it any more (if you get my drift)



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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2017, 04:42:29 PM »

I haven't shopped in Debenhams for years but that has put me off completely.  We use the tack when asked about store cards of saying: "We aren't let out that often, we have to be back by 4.30" ........ or "We are only allowed out twice a year so a card wouldn't be of any use where we live".  I said it to a very young girl (18-ish) 1 day and she went very pale  :D ;D .......

Quite frankly I would have called the Manager.  That behaviour amounts to harassment.  As for Help for Heroes etc. next time ask the sales person: "Have you actually read copies of the Charity Accounts to see where they actually spend the monies raised, you'd be surprised at how much they have in company cars, land and property" ......... this may be the Company's Charity Choice of the year but I prefer the Waitrose and more recently Stressco's idea of a token for local groups.

Do you like the coat?  I would have asked for a suitable carrier too, paying 5p one expects an appropriate size! and don't get me started on Charity shops that try to charge 5p .......  >:(     [oh, I'm on a roll]!


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2017, 05:10:21 PM »

Yes CKLD the coat is perfect. Didn't know all that about Help for Heroes  - makes you wonder
The 5p carrier bag is unavoidable sadly but as you say she could have given me a larger one!  I did take a folding shopping bag with me too  HA! was thinking ahead but on the bus I realised if I was buying a coat it would be too small
Shouldn't really be allowed out on my own ;)


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2017, 05:18:14 PM »

I'm not sure about Help for Heroes and how they spend their monies, but certainly having read many of the Company Annual Accounts from the larger Charities, it is an eye-opener  :o.  Also each local 'group' has to be self funding in many cases and get little support from HQ, hence the need for an RSPCA re-homing centre having to close in Leicester a couple of years ago: HQ refused to put any monies forwards  :-\  :'(

I do tend to buy lots of clothes through catalogues ..... as I like to fit on in comfort  ::)


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2017, 05:19:44 PM »

The 5p cost can only be charged if there R more than 200 people employed in that shop - so charity shops should NOT be charging as they are mainly volunteers.  I have told each that ask me for 5p the facts and asked them to check with the HQs ;-).  I take my own bags and sometimes I remember to take them out of the car boot and into town  ;D

Ju Ju

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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2017, 05:51:57 PM »

I have 3 bags rolled up and kept together with an elastic band in my small rucksack that I carry when I go shopping. Then I don't have to remember. I've got into the habit of putting them back, which is not bad for someone as disorganised as me. I do keep bags in the car as well, but the number of times I've gone to pay and realised I had forgotten.

I don't bother with Debenhams either. Don't they realise how many customers they lose by these sales tactics? The lay out is off putting as well, but exactly what's wrong, I couldn't say.


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2017, 08:14:45 PM »

Got some little fold up nylon bags from Primark. £1 and keep them in your handbag. Briliiant. I'm always forgetting bags I've left in the car . Or at home. Or my purse. Or a £1 for the trolley.
You think- it's ok. I don't need much. A basket will be fine. Overfilled basket= Incredible Hulk. Who leaves her debit card in the machine. Then cries when an older woman runs after her to give the card back and gives her a hug cos she she's the younger less able one struggling to get her shopping into the £1 Primark bag and is just about to go into meltdown. Bloody marvellous!  >:D :vibe:


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2017, 08:53:56 PM »

Himself carries an On-ya ..........


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2017, 09:09:20 PM »

Oooh- he's well trained😇


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2017, 07:26:03 AM »

I know what you mean about not 'seeing' a place properly Annieb - I work in York and just don't see it as 'visitors' see it anymore.  It's beautiful city, full of history and some gorgeous buildings, but I usually only see it as a series of crowded places I have to fight my way through to get essential errands done during my lunch break  :-\


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Re: Is it just me or is shopping a nightmare sometimes?
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2017, 08:50:38 AM »

Let's face it ladies- we've turned into grumpy old women! The sort you just " didn't get" when you were younger, the grumblers and Christmas party refuseniks ( we'd rather have a quiet meal out together, thank you very much)
I'm proud to say, that's me now! ... :xmas:
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