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Author Topic: Rectocele and back bottom problems today!  (Read 4330 times)


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Rectocele and back bottom problems today!
« on: March 18, 2017, 11:59:44 AM »

Everyday a different problem!  So todays worry for my delicate health anxiety disposition has been "trouble" going.  I have a rectocele....the gyn said mild/moderate and wasnt too worried but said if I wanted surgical repair they could do that.  I opted for some kegels and lifestyle changes.  Its generally not visible on pelvic exam until i do the bear down thing.  Then they can see it.  So I felt better thinking it wasnt too bad.  On and off it causes problems, mostly with going to the loo.  I have to support underneath and can clearly feel the bulge down into the perinium.  If I am not careful and get the least bit constipated it can be hard to go as it gets kind of stuck around the bend! ???  This morning I knew I was in for a rough ride because I havent had a BM for 2 whole days!  Unusual for me to go 2 days, occasionally I skip a day but I was busy and so probably not mentally ready or whatever.  Of course this morning was difficult.  After wondering if I was going to rip open and then wondering where on earth it had all gone I got the job done!  In the process causing some splits to pop open on my butt.  I have had this before but not for a couple of months.  Thought I had got it all healed.  Grrr.  I get piles too and some bleeding from the above which always without fail freaks me out.  Bright red blood on the paper and a bit on the stool.  Not mixed in and the stinging knife like pain.  I guess I need to take some softeners or something.  I try to eat high fibre, take probiotics and eat live yoghurt etc.  Blueberries too everyday which sometimes make my poo very dark, which also scares me because I think I have bowel cancer.  Does anyone manage similar symptoms and how do you cope best? I have spoken to doctors many times, they just look and say yes piles and tears and thats it.  I have some proctosedyl supps to use, so I will use them for a couple of days and hope it settles down.  I get pretty stressed about it all which doesnt really help either.

Ju Ju

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Re: Rectocele and back bottom problems today!
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2017, 12:45:58 PM »

Yes, Jessie. I've just posted yesterday on another thread about rectoceles about my first visit to a specialist physiotherapist to retrain my bowel. It's not pleasant and can be distressing.


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Re: Rectocele and back bottom problems today!
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2017, 12:52:41 PM »

Thanks JUJU.  It would be great if you could let me know how the physio goes and what they might suggest to help.  Hope you get a great outcome for it.  Its bloody miserable for sure.


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Re: Rectocele and back bottom problems today!
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2017, 02:32:07 PM »

Hello, I have always had slow transit due to thyroid issues, more so since the menopause and I was more or less resigned to Lactulose.  Then I discovered Coconut oil (recommended on a thread in this forum) and I have not looked back.  I don't use a lot, just a teaspoonful in my porridge each morning, and I have not missed a day since and it is easy to pass (I also have piles so it helps with that).


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Re: Rectocele and back bottom problems today!
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2017, 09:42:03 PM »

I have the same issues 😡Along with my VA , I support my perinium with loo roll, use a child's step for the loo , and do a breathing technique on u tube for easier exit 😉 , important to breath/ pant it out and not push , otherwise it can all fall out ☹️ well not quite but not good.

What we go through.

Contrary to popular belief too much fibre can have the opposite effect and bung you up, it's a fine balance .


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Re: Rectocele and back bottom problems today!
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2017, 07:49:00 AM »

Hi. I have just invested in a squatty potty from Amazon.  £20 which I think is a bargain.  I've been using upturned loo rolls for months,  or the bathroom bin! Lol.  Definitely a more stable alternative,  and as sparkle said, the posture for sitting is vital for the ease of going.  Hope this helps a little x


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Re: Rectocele and back bottom problems today!
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2017, 12:59:41 PM »

If I get to the stage where it has gone rock hard, then glycerine suppositories are the way to go.  ;)  It helps until the stuff from the top works.