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Author Topic: Early menopause help  (Read 2802 times)


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Early menopause help
« on: March 17, 2017, 09:36:11 PM »

Hallooo all, just found this forum today, in after any advice really, I'm 37 and went to gp in January after experiencing a few symptoms, flushes and cycles were all over, after a blood test, they confirmed I am going through early menopause, or called it something else because of my age? Anyhoo, after about 3 weeks of being shocked and crying at the drop of a hat! I've calmed down a bit, was at doctors again yesterday as they wanted to check cervix too and they've given me a prescription for hrt, which the chemist has rang me later to say this type was discontinued? So need to ring docs on Monday. I think I'm after reassurance this may not be as horrendous as I'm imagining? I have 3 young children, youngest is 18 months and I'm terrified of turning into a wreck while life is busy as it is with little ones. So far I feel no different other than the flushes which are awful and bad at night and the periods, but feel ok emotionally etc, could this continue? Also should I be aware of anything else? Or asking doctor anything else? I just kind of nodded and wandered out with the prescription without asking a single thing!  :-X xx


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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 10:37:44 PM »

Hello Jobo1,

welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place for all the information,help and even a way to let off steam about the menopause!

I am 32, nearly 33 and I have early menopause, i was diagnosed last year so you are not the only one who is going through this, there are people on this forum who have gone through the same thing. It was a shock to me too but mostly cos I have no kids and was going to start a family eventually with my partner but early menopause put a stop to that and if we want kids, we have to go through IVF with egg donor or adoption and all that.

What HRT did your doctor prescribed that was discontinued as there are few HRT's that have got discontinued in the past month and if you explain your situation, one of the lovely women on this can advise you on what it all mean and things. You should look at the green tabs up above in post menopause as it will give information about what HRT's are out there and what it all mean.

HRT should help you with the hot flushes, night sweats and so on, It do for me. I also take D3 Vitamin pills to boost my bones (basically Vitamin D with calicum), you should ask about anything you can do to help your bones as menopause can leech the calcium out of the bones. Basically eating well, exercise is the way to go.

You have to be prepared that things might be different ie vagina dryness, joint aches, more tired, and a thing we call meno brain, which is like baby brain. You can carry on with your life as menopause doesnt stop us from having a good life, we just learn to cope and take HRT and stuff for it.

Sorry i rambled on, hope some of the info i gave is helpful. :)




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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2017, 01:09:55 AM »

Thanks so much for your reply and so so sorry you've gone through this even earlier.... I don't think I even knew this could happen really? The hrt was prempak c 1.25, I already have a copper coil so this hrt is 2 tablets, or I could switch to a mirena coil and would only need 1 tablet. But yes. The doctor did say I would def need hrt for the risk of osteoporosis, ill def look into vitamin d too, thankyou. Coincidently, I started exercising with a friend last June and since then have lost weight and now exercise in some way average 5-6 days a week! Never done that ever, but I'm hooked! Even if it's just a decent walk on a night time, but I'm thrilled coz I'm worried about weight gain from hrt, but at least it won't be a gain on top of what I weighed a year ago... and I read exercise was good in general during menopause too, so thank god im into it at the moment, will keep it up. I haven't even told any friends yet, feel a bit freaked out by it, the not knowing what it's going to be like, I don't have very good memories of my mum during her menopause and my husband has the same with his mum, I think that's what's worrying me most, but keep reminding myself, everyone will be different etc. I'll have a navigate round the forum too and find the info on hrt types, thanks again xx


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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2017, 11:13:17 AM »

Glad to help Jobo1!

Yeah I vaguely knew that menopause could happen to any age but wasn't expecting it to happen to me. It doesnt run in the family so no idea why I am the only one who got it at 31 years old! I havent told the whole wide world about it so just now only my family and my boyfriend's family, and 2 best mates know as I am still processing it and figuring out where to go from here on. My main thing is to get my HRT right and after that deal with whatever comes.

Good on you with the exercising, that is something I need to sort out, i normally cant be bothered cos I have an active job so when I am at home on my day off i am like meh, haha. Definitely something i need to do.

Everyone is different and react differently so it is all a learning curve to what we can do and cant do. I am just so glad that the hot flushes have disappeared as it was the main symptom that bothered me the most haha.

If you need to chat, just post on here and we will be here to help in any way we can.



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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2017, 11:21:25 AM »

Ladies have you heard about the Daisy Network ?  it's for young women going through menopause

I started at 32 after my hysterectomy then a natural one at 45 and the doc recommended that site x


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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2017, 11:26:24 AM »

Yeah I heard about it but i am not keen on paying £20 to access the proper website ie forums and all that. So i am sticking with this one haha.



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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2017, 11:38:05 AM »

You've just reminded me why I didn't pursue it lol x


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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2017, 01:23:44 PM »

Yes it's a pitty there is a fee as I looked years ago, it can be lonely going through it when no one else you no is.


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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2017, 02:16:12 PM »

thanks again sparklyweirdo.... thats good you have an active job too, I've always sat on my bum at a desk for work  ::) so I'm over the moon I've got into exercise and more determined than ever to keep it going now,... just signed myself up for a couple new things to try and also finding its making me push myself out of my comfort zone and rock up to places where i don't know what to expect and getting over the nerves doing it! I'm going to call docs tomorrow to ask about the Prempak C and where to get it if its not discontinued, the flushes are crazy now, I woke up this morning with my pyjamas on my bedside table! don't even remember taking them off, but clearly last night was a rough one.... a whole new type of nights these days  :'( did you find your flushes stopped quick after starting HRT?
HI Lil22, thanks so much for your reply too... thats exactly how i felt too, Old and useless! thats horrendous your doctor laughed at you!! I hope she felt ashamed after that! my doc thankfully, didn't even comment either way, he simply said "we'll get some tests done" and sending me for a scan this week too as I had been having spotting, but i'm assuming now it'll all just be part of the menopause symptoms.  AH I hope the gel you've started works for you, I'm a bit panicky about anything to do with progesterone, only cause of my experience with it when taking the contraceptive pill when breastfeeding,  i was put on progesterone only and it made me feel loopy! so I'm mega nervous about anything to do with it, but again, i'm just not thinking about it until I try and see what happens.
Thanks too Annie0710, I had a google and saw the fees and thought Id stick with here.  :) got a shock at chemist when found out we have to pay for HRT too, i think id assumed it was like contraceptive pill and free  :o
SO pleased I've found this forum tho, just reading through and seeing others voice how I'm feeling is a comfort.


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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2017, 03:46:36 PM »

Jobo1 - My flushes stopped after a week of starting HRT so it was a relief!! My original HRT (premique 0.625) was discontinued too and I am trialling Indivina just now. Premique and Prempak C are made by the same company and they have been doing changes at the company regarding the HRT.

I am so lucky that I live in Scotland cos all prescriptions are free. I always get confused when people from England/wales/ rest of the world say they have to pay as it have been free in scotland for a while now.



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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2017, 09:08:11 AM »

Ah no problems Jobo1
Sometimes tablets have a different effect different times. So don't be worried.
The gel so far ok but only been few days so fingers crossed, I'll keep going until
I get there though  :)


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Re: Early menopause help
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2017, 09:30:20 AM »

I also went through early around aged 39, I went onto the oestrogel with cyclical utrogestan 100mg x 12 days, best in  my opinion as it is bio identical I would try at your young age, having to be on it for so long to get transdermal hrt so a patch or the rub on gel, way better for you than the tablets, you can keep the mirena part if you do not want to go over to utrogestan for the progesterone part.