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Author Topic: Is this menopause?  (Read 1933 times)


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Is this menopause?
« on: March 17, 2017, 05:13:38 PM »

I would be very grateful for any help, thoughts, advice.

I had a whole load of symptoms hit me like a truck just after Christmas, and I'm wondering if they are the menopause, or something else.  HRT doesn't seem to have worked – my Doctor tried me on gel (working up from 0.5 to 1.5 over a month), and now Kliovance, for just over 2 weeks. (My periods stopped just over a year ago; I've only had one in the past two years).

To complicate matters, I've been virtually housebound with quite severe M.E. (known as CFIDS in the USA) for many years, but I know those symptoms well, and these are definitely different (although of course could be impacting on each other).

My symptoms are:

Internal chills to the bone in my torso (not my arms or legs) during the day, when the heating is on.

Hot sweats at night (when the heating is off!)

Constant internal trembly, shivery feeling – gets worse or better depending on the day I'm having, but never goes.

Foggier brain

An intense feeling of wanting to cry for no reason. This goes on and off like a switch. Can last for days, then disappear in a minute.

An inability to deal with other people, even a text message can get me all hot and bothered and unable to cope. Again, goes on and off like a switch.

Nausea (different to my M.E. nausea)

Exhaustion and feeling ill (different to the M.E.)

Loose bowels and diarrhoea, (2 or 3 times in a few hours) pretty much same time of day, whatever I've eaten.

I'd be really interested if anyone else has had similar symptoms. They tend to come all together and more intensely on my bad days. One of the reasons I'm a bit concerned that it isn't the menopause is that until Christmas all I had menopause wise was a few mild hot flushes in the evening and at night. These HAVE stopped with the HRT.

However, I did get all the above symptoms (although much more mildly) for about 3 months three years ago, just before my hot flushes started, so I assumed then it was peri menopausal.

As you can imagine, on top of my M.E. this is absolutely flooring me, and I'm finding it difficult to cope. If these symptoms are menopausal, then at least there is an end in sight. If they aren't, I'd be interested in any pointers for what it may be.

(My Doctor tested my liver function, CRP (infection marker), Thyroid and Full Blood Count, all of which I was well in normal range.

My FSH was 75, so I am clearly menopausal.

So sorry for such a long post, and many thanks in advance for any responses. It's taken a lot out of me just to write this, so if I don't respond that's why, but I will read and very much appreciate any thoughts.


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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 05:33:49 PM »

hello Rockie- sounds like you've got a full suite of menopausal symptoms there, obscured somewhat by the issues you have with ME. Don't know enough about the gel to comment but have tried the kliovance and had quite a bad reaction to this ( headaches, nausea, stomach issues, feeling very down/ wanting to cry ) so now on my third regime and about to see a consultant- my suspicion is that I have an intolerance to the progesterone used in all 3 regimes ( the same one!) which can cause issues and that there are other ones that can be better tolerated ( see the section on HRT on the site) Maybe you have the same issue?
Your GP seems willing to listen so it may be trial and error to get to the right combination. You do need to give them time to work though so maybe keep a diary over the next few weeks.
I'm no guru on HRT so maybe some of the other lovely ladies will be along soon to offer you some guidance and comfort. I just wanted you to know that based on my own experiences, you certainly seem to be going through a rocky " change"
Let us know how you get on and ask away- you'll get fabulous support on here :welcomemm: :bighug:


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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 05:36:51 PM »

 :welcomemm: you don't say your age?  HRT can be important for protecting heart and bones.  From where I'm sitting it sounds like menopause to me  ::).  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful.  As oestrogen levels drop the body may become dry: skin, vagina, nostrils, deep in the ears ...... scalp ........ as well as laxity of muscles = aches and pains!

I suggest that you eat little and often, even in the night if you wake; have a biscuit by the bed.  Can ease anxiety surges.  Browse round.  Make notes!


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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2017, 01:37:43 PM »

Thanks for the replies, and it's a relief to see you both think it's menopausal.

I'm a few months off age 53, and luckily don't have dry skin or joint pain.

Although been quite a struggle this weekend.

Take Care and thanks again.


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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2017, 01:38:38 PM »

Browse round.  Keep asking!


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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2017, 02:55:12 PM »

Hello Rockie and welcome to the forum.

I agree with the other ladies, your symptoms sound menopausal to me, infact I've had them all  but like you joint pain seems to have escaped me, so far anyway.

You have come to the right place for support and guidance as nothing quite beats talking to people who really understand you and what you are going through.

Wishing you well and keep posting.




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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2017, 04:36:12 PM »

Hello Rockie,

 We are kindred spirits as I have the same disease as you do and I have been battling it for 21 years. You did the best thing having the blood tests. Have you tried testing your BP lying and standing? - you may notice a very low pulse pressure and several other abnormalities as explained here when you stand.

It may explain the symptoms you are having as these mirror mine. The pulse pressure will be lower in the morning- you may see some frightening numbers.These can drive the symptoms you mention including the gastric issues.

On a bad day I can be 83/74 standing and 120/70 lying.This kind of day makes adrenaline go crazy as it is the only way blood can get round. There is so much to this orthostatic intolerance, I can send you links if you find you have it.


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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2017, 05:02:17 PM »

Thanks Machair, that is really interesting.
I had a tilt table test a few years ago (before these new symptoms) and it showed I had quite severe orthostatic intolerance.
The new symptoms do feel like an overdose of adrenaline, and of course with such reduced mobility we have no way of "working it off".
Have you found anything - HRT or otherwise - that has helped?
I've had the M.E. 17 years, hoping these new symptoms on top won't last that long!
Thanks again.



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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2017, 09:03:00 AM »

Hi Rockie

 Well I believe I will take these symptoms with me to the grave as there is no sign of an ME cure on the horizon.
 The things that have helped me most are small meals, but not too many carbohydrates especially in the evening. Lots of fluids and I mean lots- and in hot weather Nuun rehydration tablets that are vital when flying or travelling anywhere.

These pages are helpful

Hope this helps.xx


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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2017, 01:47:11 PM »

Apologies, Machair, I had misunderstood you, I had thought that you meant that the symptoms I had listed had also come with the menopause for you, not that they were from your M.E.

It's so difficult when you have a chronic condition and then something else on top, isn't it.

Take Care and many thanks for your help again.



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Re: Is this menopause?
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2017, 02:06:55 PM »

Hi Rockie
 I have been very lucky so far with the menopause except for being late. My last period was in January and I will be 57 this week so very late. Not had any real symptoms to complain over except for hot nights and oestrogen surges at times. I am so ill from ME and the autonomic dysfunction that goes with it that it is difficult to know what is causing what! The only thing is that I had the symptoms for 21 years all when my periods were regular so I am pretty sure it is the ME that is mostly the problem.