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Author Topic: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.  (Read 9374 times)


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2017, 11:37:01 AM »

Thank you CKLD, Dorothy and Cassie. You ladies are so kind to be offering advice, comfort and reassurance to so many during a very frightening experience.
Doctors tried to convince me last year that I was stressed and depressed and I was actually the happiest I had been in years. I had a good job, bills were being paid, my girl was happy and so was I. They sent me to a psychiatrist who wanted to look for childhood trauma and to be honest that did so much damage as they had me questioning my youth and so many things that my head was full of thoughts that didn't need to be there. I was so cross because I knew it was my hormones causing my anxiety and they kept saying no way.
I even wanted to be admitted to hospital last year because I was experiencing internal shakes etc which I know were hormones due to timing I experienced them. The whole thing seems like a dream now as I'm not as bad now but I'm still not myself.
I will start the pill but I'm so scared as I don't want to go back to that person I was last year. That was very frightening. I tried 3 anti anxiety anti depressants and they made me so much worse.
I really hope this birth control is the answer. I did manage to get my hormones tested but the nurse at the doctors surgery said my progesterone was low but these things only matter if I want a child.  I had another test a few weeks ago because my periods are coming closer together but I haven't gotten those results yet and I'm not hopeful that they will show much as I know peri hormone tests can return normal.
Dorothy, how long did it take the pill to kick in and relieve your symptoms? Cassie, I'm so happy hormones are working for you and that you got the help fro your doctors. CKLD, do you know how would a person know when they are fully menopausal if on the pill? You all have helped me so much already. I'm so grateful.


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2017, 02:34:03 PM »

Dorothy , I meant to ask you if you suffered anxiety as well and if Ovranette took that away? Thanks


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2017, 03:21:24 PM »

Sorry, I can't answer that, I'm sure that someone will be along with suggestions.  My periods waxed and waned then disappeared  ::) .........

Do have a look at the Daisy web-site too! 


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2017, 07:06:34 PM »

Thanks CKLD, I figured it was a question that would not have an answer but I thought I'd throw it out there. Thank you for being so kind in replying though. :)


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2017, 07:30:27 PM »

Hi Desperatedee from another Dee & boy I am desperate too.

I can fully sympathise with you I have been through the same experience as you, mine started 2 years ago just didn't feel myself & started getting wound up with everyone around me, didn't realise it was hormones as the same as you maybe I was naïve but didn't realise what the peri menopause was, I was crying a lot with dizzy spells & then after visiting the doctor they put me on an ssri as they thought I was depressed with life when really it was my hormones, I took the first one & was thrown into this awful place I was back & forth to the docs with anxiety hitting the roof & I also had a breakdown, I kept telling them it was peri & they kept saying oh we treat it with antidepressants, after doing some research I found this great website MM & it has been a godsend, I thought I was going mad, I also paid for private counselling who she also mentioned the menopause to me, I battled to go on hrt back in July last year but to be honest it did nothing for the anxiety, I recently have been to a private consultant who has prescribed me estrodose gel & utrogestan 200mg which I started almost 4 weeks ago, I am still not feeling myself but I do think the AD have a lot to do with it, I would love to get off them but I am scared to although I know they are making me worse in my head, just to let you know you are not alone I am sick of this journey holding down a full time job & feeling crap everyday, trying to be happy in front of everyone is also hard work when you have all these feelings going on in your body, can I ask did you just stop your AD's or did you wean off of them? I am  hoping that the gel is going to work for me as I have never felt so ill in my whole life. You are not alone but I know it can feel like it, it is so reassuring the support you get from these ladies on here that this it 'normal' although it doesn't feel it!


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2017, 07:50:25 PM »

I found the pill brought relief within a few days, but the downside is that I only have to miss one pill and I get some symptoms back!  I know other people who took longer to see results, but they can go for a couple of days without a pill and not notice!  I still get some symptoms, but they are kind of 'damped down' compared to when I have a pill break.

I did get some anxious feelings, but mostly just felt tearful a lot and would start crying for no reason.  This has almost gone on the pill.  The only thing I have found is that if I get extremely stressed (bereavement etc) my body doesn't seem to absorb it so well, so I start getting symptoms much worse again.

As for knowing when you are fully menopausal, my GP has said I should come off the pill at 50 and see what happens.  But I still get symptoms on the pill, even though they are very mild, so I think I will be able to track progress through peri during the next 9 years anyway (I'm now 41).  For example, I am starting to get more hot flushes than I used to.


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2017, 07:54:41 PM »

If one needs to know where one is in this journey then stopping the regime is the way to go, however, why invite symptoms back? 

Dorothy: what are you doing to protect heart and bones?  Brisk walking exercise several times a week is one way to go.


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2017, 09:29:13 PM »

Birth control pill actually gives a higher dose than HRT, which is another good reason for younger women to be on it as more protection for heart and bones.  I also have a healthy diet, including lots of calcium and as for walking...I am on my feet all day at work, walk to the shops, the doctors, the library, walk my dog twice a day (enough to get breathless).  She doesn't think I walk enough (she is part collie, and what collie ever thinks it has had enough exercise  ::) ) but I don't think I do too badly!



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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2017, 11:39:46 PM »

Hi Dee46, CKLD and Dorothy.

Dee46, regarding anti-depressants, I'm not on any at the moment. I tried 3 different types (lustral,molipaxin,mirap) and although I didn't last long on any of them-I felt my troubles were hormonal. The medications made me worse. I'm certain I was allergic to one of them but I was told to keep taking it. That didn't go well. Anyway, I'm not against trying another one but I think I'll go on birth control first. My problems came to light when I came off birth control so I'm certain it's my hormones so I feel anti depressants will not help. Mind you I'm sad that my doctors never spoke of anxiety or offered any of that advice or medication until I had a complete breakdown. I was back and forth for an entire year prior to that. I feel if they had made suggestions earlier that it may not have become a breakdown. At the moment I still have anxiety-my legs tingle like crazy and I can't get worked up but I do feel it's all hormones. I'm just so stuck in anxiety over getting worse by taking anything-but I can't get better unless I take something and being honest the anti depressant route isn't one I want to try again just yet. But Dee46 let me just say-well done for staying working!!!! Well done!! I wanted to but I just couldn't...... there is strength in you!!!! There is strength in all of us!! I really hope the hormones you have been given will start working soon. Regarding the anti depressants, I'm not sure how to advise. Maybe discuss it with your doctor And try a slow weaning off it.

Dorothy, that is great tat it worked so fast. I'm just going to bite the bullet and try . I won't know unless I try. I want my life back. I think I may have to run packs together also as I'm so miserable now I dont think my body would react well if I took the hormones away after 3 weeks.

CKLD-I think I will take your advice and if the hormones work I won't come off them at all. I'd dread coming off them if they do work as I could not imagine going back to how I was a few months ago.

This site and all the women that take time to respond are great. Thanks ladies 🙏🏻


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2017, 03:44:11 PM »

I wanted to update my situation. Had gynaecologist appointment today with supposed menopause clinic. Had male gynaecologist. I explained all my symptoms:

Panic attacks
Tingling crawling skin
Acid reflux
Painful joints
Lower back pain which is excruciating
Pelvic pressure
Frequent urination
Lows moods
Shorter period cycles etc
Hot flushes.

And what did I get 'no not peri'.....  my blood work doesn't show it he says.

He says if he thought I was Peri he'd put me on HRT.
I tell him I'm definitely peri. He says my periods are normal as long as they are coming in set pattern regardless of cycle length then it is ok!!!  I swear I could have strangled him.

He said I can do another hormone test on day 3 of cycle.

I can go back on birth control.

I can do nothing and come back for review in 6 months!!!
I tell him my back Pain is really bad and I'm certain it's peri. He asks have I had ultrasound of abdomen-I say no so he sends request for that too which could take months to get.
I explain my grinding joints and stiff fingers and he still not listening.

I swear it's so frustrating!!!
So I guess I take birth control or anxiety meds.  I'm so scared because a few months ago I couldn't get out of bed the anxiety was so bad and now I can get out and about but I can't work.i get too nervous. I know I need something but I reacted badly to anxiety meds so I'm petrified. I don't want to be like I was a few months ago. :(

I'm just so sore and tired of all this. I need to get better for my daughter. I don't understand why I'm having it so bad. My mom sailed through this according to her. Maybe I feel it more because I'm a single mom and have nobody to talk to.
 It's so upsetting when your not heard properly.
I need to get through this.
I just want some happiness back.
This sucks.


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Re: 34 yrs old and peri symptoms since 33 possibly 32.
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2017, 07:23:38 PM »

So sorry you haven't had much help but at least you have been allowed to go back on the pill, which hopefully should help.

Different people have different experiences of the menopause.  I have one friend who barely noticed it - she had a few mild hot flushes and put on a little bit of weight.  Another didn't notice it at all - she just 'stopped'!  One of my friends who started at 38 has very few physical symptoms but horrendous bouts of anger.  I have read that women who have an early menopause are more likely to have a tough time, but I don't know how scientifically proven that is.
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