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Author Topic: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!  (Read 3027 times)


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6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« on: March 14, 2017, 01:52:58 PM »

Hello there, Im 53 and 5 years post meno and been having major, life limiting symptoms, but they are so varied that GPs don't know what to do with me. The last (male) one quite nastily told me to go and google Health Anxiety, and shoved a prescription for antidepressants at me.  >:( I am really struggling here, i can hardly function at all and i do believe that most of it is hormonal.

I had anxiety prior to meno but had been put through a fake menopause 20 years earlier with zoladex for Endometriosis, this triggered panics, then I was put on seroxat for stress and had such a bad reaction to it that Im now terrified to the point of phobia of antidepressants! I cannot get this through to GPs. The anxiety state caused by that seroxat didnt just calm down when it went out of my system, it was so terrifying that I  found myself with an anxiety disorder overnight.

I had done lots of work on anxiety in the 20 years between that experience so panic attacks don't scare me per se but the symptoms im having now are just horrible.  I'm a trained holistic therapist who used to treat people for anxiety but the GPs are treating me like I know nothing about it and am just "getting a bit worked up"

When i was 47, I stopped smoking and I believe this threw me straight into menopause as i never had another period since.

I use cbt techniques and try to think positive, but these last few years have been absolute hell. Bearing in mind i am someone who is used to anxiety symptoms, the things i am experiencing now are quite wild in their severity and nothing ive had before. I'm not sure which part of the forum to reel off my many strange symptoms but i could sure do with some insight.

I was refused HRT when i first went into meno and have never taken any. The GP said our surgery wasnt prescribin it to anyone because of the risks. Not sure whether that was correct... Ive never been referred to a gynaecoloist, endocrinologist,  the GPs who tend to sigh in exasperation when i wont take the same kind of medication that threw me into the worst anxiety state you could imagine! I have nerve tingling and burning pain, fought for referral to neurologist who found nothing, loss of taste and smell, oral specialist said it was menopause and to ride it out.

I believe I have some reactive depression but i think the original cause is hormonal. I have wild mood swings, with my mood being ok, then dropping to  depression in a second or a feeling like im going downhill on a rollercoaster. (im not bipolar) This also happens at night occasionally so i think it is cortisol. Ive been feeling hot and feverish like i have flu for weeks on end?? Brain fog is disabling, honestly. Feel totally alone with this, people have suggested that I just try an anti-d but this phobia is so strong that i know i couldnt actually sit there and take it. Plus i cant afford any more weight gain.

Could this really all be down to menopause??

Should i try HRT?

hellllp  :'(


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 02:13:13 PM »

Hi Ellimay,

Like you menopause has caused so many anxiety issues leaving me almost agrophobic :( for me the dizziness/off balance feeling was the first thing, then panic attacks waking in the night with these adrenalin/panicky feelings....... horrid. All started at 49 I am now 58 can't take AD as had a bad reaction. Tried various HRTs over the years, they helped but never felt normal. I am trialling Tibolone  which is helping the anxiety.

No GP or Consultant has really helped me, this forum and the lovely ladies have been my saviour.
Take Care Wx 


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2017, 02:16:28 PM »

Oh wow Warwick01, thanks so much for replying, it's not good that you're going through it too, but good to know I'm not alone  with it. Ive stopped mentioning it even to friends as I'm sick of the sound of my own voice! I don't know why ive not tried forums before, have just been researching to try and find an answer. Thank you x


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 02:51:51 PM »


I am new to this forum too and really identified with some of your comments. I also feel that my symptoms began when I gave up smoking at 41! I too have suffered from Anxiety in my life but have never experienced anything like what I am going through now. Last year I had what I can only describe as a breakdown ( I had to have 6 months off work!) I was prescribed Prozac, which I took for about 7 months and tried to completely change my life to make sure it didn't happen again. I did a mindfulness course, and trained to be a teacher of mindfulness. I do this every day along with yoga. I changed my job as I had a very stressful job working with young people with emotional issues and I have also changed my hours so I can exercise I the mornings before I start work. I also started to have regular acupuncture. Until last Friday I was feeling like I was Ok until on Friday night I woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. As this is how everything started before I was really upset and began to think that this was it and my anxiety and depression had come back despite all my hard work and the strategies I had put in place. Then I had another sleepless night but this time for the whole night and basically had what I can only describe as a panic attack all through the night. I then saw this website and began to wonder if perhaps it was the menopause that I am going through? it is so hard to work out if it is or if its a mental heath issue. I like you have brain fog and although I am used to having panic attacks have never experienced the panic I am experiencing in the night! I cant even describe how powerful it is and none of the strategies I have learnt and that used to work in the past work on this. I went back to the doctors yesterday and have been prescribed HRT, unfortunately I have to wait until my next period to begin taking them but I am hoping that that all these symptoms are caused by the Menopause! As someone who has tried anti depressants for these symptoms they work well while you are on them but it seems to me unless you stay on them the symptoms come back? I think the frustrating part of all this is diagnosing what is actually wrong with us? Any way I'm sorry if this load of rambling is confusing - but that kind of represents what my brain is like right now :) :) Ill let you know if the HRT works in a few weeks if that helps.


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2017, 03:07:36 PM »

Welcome both ladies

Helenabyr, you might want to start your own thread so folk can welcome you - you might get lost if you use another thread, that's all I mean.

Elliemay, your GP sounds like a dinosaur!  I would ask for another opinion or see a specialist who will go through your symptoms and probably be more than happy to prescribe HRT if they feel that it would help you - its quality of life which is so important and why should you suffer if you don't need to.  Yes the menopause is "natural" but as CKLD says "so is arsenic" !!  I agree the panic attacks are pretty horrible.  Different with AD's, some people use them to get over a blip and others are on them for life, it is what it is  :)

Good luck to both you ladies

SP x


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2017, 03:12:12 PM »

Thankyou smirking pixie,  :)

Hi Helenabyr, yes it is really confusing to know whether it's purely MH or meno triggering it. i know that I never felt this ill before the menopause. I only skipped a couple of periods, stopped smoking and wham, straight in! Ive had the night panics too, waking me up. I managed to do cbt and stay in bed but it was awful. mine happen when i lie on my left side, dont know whether that is coincidental. I am seeing a medical herbalist but only just started on the remedy. will report back. :-)


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2017, 04:52:38 PM »


It's not called The Change for nowt  >:(  ::).  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful.  Elliemay: that GP should be put against a wall ......  :bang: :bang: :bang:

So now you are amongst people who know.  Hopefully we can help.  Have a browse round.  Make notes.  Ask.  Decide which symptoms you would like to ease first.

As oestrogen levels drop off so the body may become dry: that is, nostrils, eyes, deep in the ears, vagina, skin ...... as well as muscles becoming lax = aches and pains plus 'apron' drop [middle aged spread].

Gentle exercise when possible.  Eat little and often as a drop in blood sugar can cause anxiety surges.  Some find Rescue Remedy useful.  If you think symptoms are hormonally based then speak to your Practice Nurse who might have more know how than the GP!  If you think that an AD will help, or a short course of Valium as necessary so that you gain a sense of control, then ask your GP.  It can become addictive [B4 I'm shot down yet again  :D] but it does work if used correctly.  One does not need 'more' in order to get benefit.  I would take it the night B4 and Event and if necessary, 5mg the next morning.  I would feel hung over but at least I was able to cope.

Cortisol can be a problem particularly in the early morning, it's the hormone that wakes us which can cause anxiety.  Try eating every 3 hours 24/7 so that the body doesn't get hungry.


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2017, 06:44:08 PM »

Thanks CLKD, this medication fear is quite ingrained, it makes it quite difficult to try anything at all. Im ok with paracetamol & some otc stuff but it took a week for me to even take ranitidine for heartburn. Id have no chance at all with valium. This is part of the reason i dont go to the GP very often, they don't understand how hard it is for me to take anything, even hrt would be difficult to get my head round but less traumatic than ADs or anything "head" related. So ive been feeling almost suicidal but unable to ask for help as I know I couldnt take the meds they would suggest. I can't even drink alcohol for the same reason. 

It was a prescribed tablet that kicked off the cycle of anxiety & it's not such a rare phenomenom for it to result in pharmacophobia in some patients but  that GP almost pushed me over the edge with his hostile reaction, really nasty.


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2017, 06:53:15 PM »

Hello Elliemay and Helenabyr and welcome to the forum.

My SIL is a smoker and is always trying to give up but claims that it helps her menopausal moods and stops her wanting to kill people!

When my symptoms began I mentioned adrenaline surges to my dr and he diagnosed anxiety but the panics would often wake me up from a deep sleep so how could it be anxiety? I wasn't fretting about anything when  I was unconscious!

This can be a challenging time in our lives and the more help and support we can find the better.

Wishing you well ladies and keep posting.




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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2017, 07:00:04 PM »

Thanks Kathleen, yes! That's what I said too, they are so quick to judge women I think! I was having a fairly pleasant dream thank you and was rudely awoken by a nasty panic attack. I find that smoking lifts my mood and numbs my emotions a bit, i was so agitated when i stopped. Went to a yoga class in a rage, just felt like punching everyone! :-D


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2017, 07:02:01 PM »

I have emitophobia.  I would hold The Pill in the palm of my hand for ages worrying that swallowing it would make me sick  :'(.  However, if I get a headache I take pain relief immediately otherwise I get queasy .......

You say that you are OK with Paracetamol which is quite a dangerous drug which I would like to see on Prescription only  ::).  As a recovering anorexic I worry that any medication will make me feel worse - does that make sense?  :-\ and when I can't eat, 'will food make me worse' when in fact, my body is usually hungry.  But once my head gets the 'worse' thought  :-\

Some people have difficulty finding HRT that works, others get into a good regime quite quickly.  If you really are suicidal then maybe go to your local MIND walk-in Centre - if you send them an e-mail they will let you know where and when your local Branch is open and Samaritans are always on the end of the 'phone.  There are several ways to help the body relax: yoga, swimming, cycling, walking, horse riding, reading ....... there are several relaxation/music CDs available which may ease how you feel.

I try to stick with OTC remedies, i.e. Rennies for heart burn.  Easy to chew and soon down!  What do you do for relaxation?


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2017, 07:08:03 PM »

I remember getting these feelings that woke me in the middle of the night. They would start in the middle of my stomach (very intense) and I would get compulsive what ifs, my heart would pound, they were horrid. Seen GP and told it was anxiety. Got these feeling when I was running low with YES it is menopause related. In my experience NO self help methods worked for me only HRT.

How many women including me have been diagnosed with a break down??

I have problems with all types of medication but I can't manage without HRT, I've tried but to no avail.



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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2017, 07:10:44 PM »

Our GPs won't diagnose a break down without an Admission to a Mental Health Ward but I KNOW what I went through in the 1990s  :'(.  Without medication I wouldn't be here ...... as scared as I was about side effects and BOY where there some  ::), eventually we found a regime which eased depression and a medication which helps stop anxiety [mostly].  It took courage to bite the bullet and try the tablets ........


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2017, 09:20:26 PM »

Thanks  all, have any of you had nerve tingling or burning pains, almost like freezer burn? ive had this ongoing since meno. even been in a&e twice with it as the symptoms were a little stroke-like. I was fine, they put it down to migraine auras but as mentioned a neurologist didnt find anything. i go very drowsy and weird when i have these episodes too, really can't function.


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Re: 6 years unable to function! Helllp!
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2017, 10:54:52 PM »

Low blood sugar?  How is your diet over-all?  When in the day do these 'spells' happen, i.e. B4 or after eating? 

I have a strange feeling in my cheek sometimes, got it now - like pins and needles or altered sensation down the cheek into the chin and underneath my lips.  Fortunately it doesn't last long, either that or another symptom arrives which over-rides the sensation ........ my only real worry is if my gut is involved >sigh<