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Author Topic: Indivina 2mg/5mg  (Read 8900 times)


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Indivina 2mg/5mg
« on: March 12, 2017, 12:19:18 PM »

I was on Premique 0.625/5mg for a year and loved it as had no symptoms on it, it was prescribed by my old doctor as I was diagnosised with early menopause and it did fab for me as my anxiety levels went down, no more hot flushes, etc. I had anxiety since i was 14 but when I started to have menopause symptoms my anxiety levels rocketed to the point where i was always off work sick. Premique helped with that and I felt normalish as you can be.

I was put on Indivina by my new doctor (as I moved towns and changed doctors) due to Premique being discontinued which was annoying so I agreed to test it for 3 months to see. I have noticed that my anxiety levels are back up as I get anxious easily than I was on Premique and that I am gaining weight, I have sensitive boobs, I am more emotional eating, I am more tired than i used to be. Apparently the dose i am on is more ostegeon (excuse my spelling) which could be related.

So the review is in few weeks time as it is nearly 3 months now and I think i am not suited to Indivina but I am not sure to what I can take as I like having no bleeding, and dont want to faff about with taking two separate parts etc. So would appreciate your thoughts before I go back to my doctor, my doctor is great as when i saw her about Premique being discontinued, she asked me if I had looked at Menopause Matters and all that so she is clued up on this.



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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2017, 03:15:36 PM »

I was on Premique 0.625/5mg for a year and loved it as had no symptoms on it, it was prescribed by my old doctor as I was diagnosised with early menopause and it did fab for me as my anxiety levels went down, no more hot flushes, etc. I had anxiety since i was 14 but when I started to have menopause symptoms my anxiety levels rocketed to the point where i was always off work sick. Premique helped with that and I felt normalish as you can be.

I was put on Indivina by my new doctor (as I moved towns and changed doctors) due to Premique being discontinued which was annoying so I agreed to test it for 3 months to see. I have noticed that my anxiety levels are back up as I get anxious easily than I was on Premique and that I am gaining weight, I have sensitive boobs, I am more emotional eating, I am more tired than i used to be. Apparently the dose i am on is more ostegeon (excuse my spelling) which could be related.

So the review is in few weeks time as it is nearly 3 months now and I think i am not suited to Indivina but I am not sure to what I can take as I like having no bleeding, and dont want to faff about with taking two separate parts etc. So would appreciate your thoughts before I go back to my doctor, my doctor is great as when i saw her about Premique being discontinued, she asked me if I had looked at Menopause Matters and all that so she is clued up on this.


Hi Sparklyweirdo

You sound just like me as I was about to post, I had early menopause and was on premique and the doctor put me on indvina but I'm stating to feel horrendous.
I'm also on venlafaxine antidepressants and sure they are reacting as feel anxious had a bad panic attack on Friday and feel doom and gloom.
I've only been on two weeks but any longer I'll be a wreck.
How long have u been on and can I ask how old you are.


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2017, 03:39:35 PM »

Hi Sparklyweirdo

You sound just like me as I was about to post, I had early menopause and was on premique and the doctor put me on indvina but I'm stating to feel horrendous.
I'm also on venlafaxine antidepressants and sure they are reacting as feel anxious had a bad panic attack on Friday and feel doom and gloom.
I've only been on two weeks but any longer I'll be a wreck.
How long have u been on and can I ask how old you are.

Hi Lil22,

I am 32, I have been on Indivina 2mg/5mg for 2 months now soon be 3 months and It been odd as mood changed on this. I prefer premique a lot but alas it been discontinued! Argh.

I been having breakthrough bleeding or Spotting on this , currently on my 2nd spotting in 2 weeks! Not impressed with it so far. Am hoping that someone can suggest something I could try that is similar to Premique.



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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2017, 04:07:31 PM »

Hi I'm not sure why you should be getting spotting on indivina as the progesterone part is the same as premique I believe,5mg MPA ,and the estrogen part is more like the one your own body would produce.  :-\
Sorry not very helpful am I ? Can only suggest that you stick with it for awhile and hopefully it will settle down. At 32 is there any chance your own hormones have joined in ? Sure others will be along soon,weekends can be quiet !  ;)


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2017, 04:22:16 PM »

Hi Sparklyweirdo

You sound just like me as I was about to post, I had early menopause and was on premique and the doctor put me on indvina but I'm stating to feel horrendous.
I'm also on venlafaxine antidepressants and sure they are reacting as feel anxious had a bad panic attack on Friday and feel doom and gloom.
I've only been on two weeks but any longer I'll be a wreck.
How long have u been on and can I ask how old you are.

Hi Lil22,

I am 32, I have been on Indivina 2mg/5mg for 2 months now soon be 3 months and It been odd as mood changed on this. I prefer premique a lot but alas it been discontinued! Argh.

I been having breakthrough bleeding or Spotting on this , currently on my 2nd spotting in 2 weeks! Not impressed with it so far. Am hoping that someone can suggest something I could try that is similar to Premique.


Ah I really feel for you I'm 43 but was 25 when it started :( I'm going to bring a thread up is there is another you can take two separate tablets as I asked and lots of info so look for my thread xxxx


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2017, 04:33:39 PM »

Hi I'm not sure why you should be getting spotting on indivina as the progesterone part is the same as premique I believe,5mg MPA ,and the estrogen part is more like the one your own body would produce.  :-\
Sorry not very helpful am I ? Can only suggest that you stick with it for awhile and hopefully it will settle down. At 32 is there any chance your own hormones have joined in ? Sure others will be along soon,weekends can be quiet !  ;)

I know, that is why i am confused. I know that when I first started Premique I did get spotting for first 2 months but only once a month. It went away after 2nd month and never got spotting after that. With Indivina I am on my 2nd round of spotting ( the first spotting being 2 weeks ago)  in the 2nd month of taking it.

Am extremely bloated right now and have been ever since I started Indivina. I have no idea if my own hormones is playing havoc.

Is the 0.625mg in Premqiue the same ish dose as 2mg in Indivina? i assume it is cos it is in medium dose part of the post meno info.

I also have no idea when I first started to go through menopause as birth control pills masked a lot of it for years.


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2017, 05:03:41 PM »

Yes its a medium dose so it should be .


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2017, 05:12:43 PM »

Yeah that is what I thought Dazned, it is possible that it is down to the fact it is a different type of oestrogen as Premique is conjugated horse thingy and Indivina is more natural ish oestrogen.



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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2017, 07:37:15 PM »

Could well be,give your system time to adjust to the more " natural " estrogen,hopefully you will settle down.


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2017, 08:41:49 PM »

Yeah hopefully so cos i hate feeling like this at the minute. I will still need to come up with an alternative option in case doctor think this definitely dont agree with me.


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2017, 08:20:58 AM »

Least you have given it a good try I'm wanting to come off it and it's only been two weeks. Xxx


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2017, 12:17:51 PM »

Lil22, it could be that you still have premique in your system and it is taking a while to leave the body, so maybe Indivina isnt fully absorbed yet? cos the first month i was on  Indivina I didnt feel any different and then 2nd month I could feel a difference which was due to the fact the premique finally cleared my system and I am now pure indivina in my system?
All my symptoms have got better this week so maybe it was just my body getting used to different type of oestrogen in indivina than in premique.

It is all weird trying to work out what is what haha.


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2017, 02:58:34 PM »

I'm going to try see my doctor tomorrow, I can't cope on this I had bad panic attack on Friday and feel anxious as hell.
I'm really starting to think to hell with HRT 😡Xxxx


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2017, 10:55:32 AM »

oh dear, sounds like you are not having an easy time of it with the HRT. Hopefully your doctor will come up with a solution that you are happy with.


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Re: Indivina 2mg/5mg
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2017, 12:43:28 PM »

Well I'm going to try gel again, so fingers crossed, just read my last post and sounded really angry 😕Sorry about that just yesterday was thinking shall I stop all together, I asked the doctor what would happen if I stopped, she said well your skin, bones and tissue will be effected, I said how long until my symptoms go, she has no idea 🤔
Hope you get sorted would you maybe try the gel xxx
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