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Author Topic: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries  (Read 5546 times)


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Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« on: March 09, 2017, 05:46:43 PM »

Hi there

I had an appointment at my docs this morning as I have been experiencing lower stomach and back pain for a couple of months now.  When there the doctor asked me if I felt bloated and if I was eating properly, I told her there were days I did feel bloated, and some days I could eat for Britain but other days, I could eat hardly anything as I felt so full.  She asked me if I had any changed to my bowl habits, I told her I seen another doctor at the practice a couple of times last year due to having really bad diahorrea and bad stomach pains, so I now switch from between having diahorrea (although I haven't had any since December), to being constipated to going to the toilet no problem. I have also being passing urine quite a lot but this has been going on for well over a year now.

She has requested I get bloods taken, and is referring me for a scan of my ovaries, and I'm a bit worried about it.

Sorry I don't know why I'm posting this on here, my husband is working away and don't want to burden him with this over the phone whilst he's 1000's of miles away.

I've thought of nothing else all day.


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2017, 05:55:22 PM »

Hi Jackie, I just didn't want to post and run, I think your doctor is being cautious and rightly so, when you list all your symptoms she would be failing in her duty not to refer you for more specialised tests.  Its probably your CA125 levels she's checking , and the scan should show up any problems.  There's no point me saying don't worry as I would be exactly the same , but I hope you don't have too long to wait for the tests and the results are all normal .  Pop in here as often as you want, and Im sure others will be along to advise and offer support. Its an amazing site, where everyone helps each other and we all try and keep each other buoyed up whatever the circumstances.


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2017, 06:08:33 PM »

I was sent for an abdominal scan too last year and my sister was before me - think it is quite routine if a woman presents with pain and bloating. It might be that you have fibroids, which the scan should pick up. Hope you get the scan soon and aren't too worried.


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2017, 06:15:43 PM »

Hi Jackie,

Poor you it's always a worry when the docs decide to do further tests but as Evelyn says, it's great that she feels things should be checked rather than making assumptions about your symptoms.

Your symptoms honestly fit a number of things, irritable bowel being one, so don't presume it's something sinister. A major percentage of posts on this site are from women describing symptoms just like yours. Of course it's easy for me to say don't worry as we all of us do in this situation but I will say don't presume all is sinister.

It's absolutely right not to ignore continuing symptoms if you are unsure of them and if the tests do show a problem it is far better to investigate and catch things early so you can get on with getting it treated.

I really wish you well, hopefully someone with experience of IBS will be along to discuss your symptoms further. x


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2017, 07:14:33 PM »

Thank you so much for replying.  I've been crying quite a lot today and trying to hold it together my youngest is only 12,  I do have a habit of thinking the worse.  I have been googling things (i know I shouldn't but can't help it) some sites say an endometrial ablation can cause cancer (I had one in 2010) the doctor I saw today was really surprised I haven't had a period since 2010 even though I'm on HRT. 
I'm so glad I can come on here, I've got no one to talk to in real life until my husband comes home in a couple of weeks, my best friends mum has just been diagnosed with cancer, my dad is dealing with stage 4 prostate cancer, my mum has a heart condition, my other friends mum has Parkinson's disease and I'm not close to any of my inlaws or my sister.


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2017, 07:36:23 PM »

Please don't worry.  I had a phone consult last year with a gp over another urine infection  and she asked for my symptoms , when I told her she asked if I'm concerned about ovarian cancer, I said I wasn't and that there's no history in my family either but she called me in next day, felt my tummy and did bloods and ordered a scan that I got within 2 weeks, the irony is the sonographer said my ovaries had shrivelled and disappeared.  Worrying won't help and the scan will come through quick x


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2017, 09:06:16 PM »

I won't say don't worry as it is only natural that you will be worried. All I will say is that your GP is doing all the right things given the symptoms you've described. At risk of worrying you, I was diagnosed last year with ovarian and very early womb cancer - I had none of the symptoms usually associated with ovarian cancer and it was only my irregular bleeding which was actually the womb cancer that triggered investigations that turned it up so symptoms or lack of them aren't conclusive . The blood test will measure CA125 levels which are usually but not always elevated if cancer present and elevated levels are found in other conditions too such as endometriosis and inflammatory bowel disease. A scan will show up any abnormalities with your ovaries and other pelvic organs such as cysts and fibroids. I would imagine that your GP will have fast tracked your scan so that you should be seen in two weeks so hopefully you have answers soon .  I'm always here to talk to if you need an ear xxx


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2017, 03:38:57 AM »

I also had a significant change in bowel habits when menopause kicked in. Also had stomach and back pain etc. My uterine scan showed multiple fibroids and ovaries which he struggled to locate. So hopefully yours will be fibroid or endometriosis related and nothing sinister. All the best.


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2017, 10:43:09 AM »

Well got my bloods taken on Tuesday, still waiting on a letter coming from the hospital for a scan and this morning I received a letter from the doctor saying my blood results have come back from the lab and I have to make an appointment to see the doctor. I'm so worried.


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2017, 10:48:07 AM »

Hi Jackie

Did the doc do a urine test.  Upset bowels and backache could be an upper urine tract infection.  Sometimes they miss the obvious.


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2017, 10:53:53 AM »

Jackie, again I can fully appreciate your worry, even worse, sending a letter on a Saturday when you cant even contact the GP to ask what the problem is.  It could be something very simple like a bit of anaemia or maybe your liver function was a bit off, can happen if you have been taking a lot of analgesia or maybe even a few glasses of wine before the tests ( happened to me !)   Could also be your Thyroid function.  Hopefully by Monday you will feel more settled once you  have spoken to someone.  Don't be fobbed off , insist the doctor phones you back if not available as you don't want to wait any longer and have the worry hanging over you.  x  I notice the blood tests were done on the 9th and its now the 18th so I would think if they had seen anything really worrying it wouldnt take 9 days to contact you.  The lab would have flagged this up to your GP very quickly i.e. in about 48 hrs.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 10:55:24 AM by Evelyn63 »


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2017, 11:30:09 AM »

Just read your thread......I have IBS  and diviculitus and have exactly the same symptoms as you do.
  I know you will go on worrying until you get your results,  but to to reassure you, it may be nothing to do with your if there was anything sinister in your blood results, I am so sure they would not keep you waiting......Try and have a relaxing weekend 💐


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2017, 11:47:05 AM »

Well got my bloods taken on Tuesday, still waiting on a letter coming from the hospital for a scan and this morning I received a letter from the doctor saying my blood results have come back from the lab and I have to make an appointment to see the doctor. I'm so worried.

Jackie, if it was anything you should be worried about they would've phoned you and got you in straight away rather than rely on a letter getting to you so please try not to worry. Easier said than done I know, I had the same with my first lot of bloods and it ended up with them telling me my vitamin D levels were low. I did point out the stress it had caused, but the same thing happened last year when I had low ferritin. Doctors don't really get how wound up we get.

I too was sent for an ovarian scan last year because I had similar symptoms. I got the scan over 2 months later, appreciate each hospital will be different though.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 02:33:07 PM by nearly50 »


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2017, 01:54:56 PM »

Thanks ladies, *Evelyn* I only got the bloods done on Tuesday I seen the doctor on the 9th but had to wait to get an appointment with the nurse.

Hopefully you are all right and it will be just something daft like my cholesterol or something x


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Re: Quite worried being referred for a scan of my ovaries
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2017, 02:10:31 PM »

Well got my bloods taken on Tuesday, still waiting on a letter coming from the hospital for a scan and this morning I received a letter from the doctor saying my blood results have come back from the lab and I have to make an appointment to see the doctor. I'm so worried.

Try not to worry. If it was anything of urgency, the Dr would have phoned you. When they write to you, it's because the matter isn't urgent.
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