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Author Topic: Itching  (Read 2744 times)


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« on: March 09, 2017, 01:41:16 PM »

Hi, I am 50 years old and have been peri-menopausal for about 18 months now. Just about every side effect of the menopause I seem to have ! I am a severe migraine sufferer (38 years) and am getting them almost every day now and the pain is terrible. At times I think to myself what is the point of being here as I have to go to bed and that is not "living life". Within the past week I have started with severe itching and dry skin on my face and nose and my skin is literally peeling off. When my skin isn't itching, it's bright red and looks as though I've been in a fire and my face is a mess and I am self conscious about people seeing me. My skin feels tight and as though I've been in an accident. I have tried aqueous cream, Savalon and Nivea - all of which are proving to be useless and if anything making the problems worse. I also have tiny pin-**** sized bumps underneath my skin on my hands and they itch all the time too. Not to mention the intense vaginal itching both inside and out. What do other people use as I'm almost at my wits end and very fed up ? Thank you.


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Re: Itching
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2017, 02:15:36 PM »

Hi clarebear, have you tried using piriton? The bumps sound a bit like a heat rash? Piriton can take about a week to kick in but hopefully that'll work. I had a pretty bad rash last year and itched for days on end and this was the only thing that worked. Sudafed was also more calming than Savlon or Nivea for me.

Hope it clears up!


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Re: Itching
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2017, 02:20:31 PM »

Thank you so much, I will try Piriton as I'm willing to try anything as I'm so fed up and my hand is now red raw through itching  :'(


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Re: Itching
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2017, 03:08:15 PM »

Hope it works, nothing worse than scratching with no relief. Elizabethrose is the one to speak to about migraines, I had headaches on and off for a number of years with pain behind my eye - they stopped when I started taking magnesium. Might be a coincidence as I haven't checked what happens if I stop taking them.


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Re: Itching
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2017, 07:11:56 PM »

Hi Clarebear,

Welcome to the forum.

Poor you, peri is like a juggling act isn't it? Your itchiness sounds awful and I think quite common in peri. Sometimes a cause can be found though. Have you analysed if you are reacting to something; new laundry powder, softener, soap, washing up liquid, perhaps a body lotion you've used for years? Peri can trigger all sorts of allergies and intolerances to things that never affected us before. I became super reactive at the start of peri, which was a huge pain and I continue to develop new intolerances.

nearly50's suggestion of Piriton is really sensible. Try it and see if it does help relieve the symptoms otherwise see if you can identify a trigger. Your facial reaction may be Rosacea which again commonly develops in peri. Check out the symptoms on the NHS site. Mine started right at the start but I manage to keep it totally at bay. Incidentally, many of my skincare products and makeup that I'd used for years now make me react too. I've had to change to completely different ranges.

As far as the migraines are concerned I really feel for you. They are terrible things. Mine started big time at the start of peri and it is very common that this period of hormonal upheaval can aggravate them. When you say you've always struggled with them, did you notice that they were triggered by your menstrual cycle when younger? What are your triggers? What medications have you tried? What are you taking at the moment? Have you seen any specialists in order to find a solution? Sorry, so many questions, I'm trying to see if I can offer any helpful advice!
I'm no expert by any means but have years of experience trying to deal with the wretched things!

There are many women here, like Rockhopper who has offered excellent advice, who have struggled trying to find a solution to migraine. If you can give me some more info I'll see if I can offer some advice.

All good wishes to you x



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Re: Itching
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2017, 02:52:29 AM »

I had similar symptoms while in peri-menopause and did not realise it was may be hormone related. My face was so sensitive that even cleansing it at night left me looking like a red tomato and felt like it was on fire. THe GP put me on strong dosages of antihistamines which helped a bit but caused weight gain etc. In the end I changed my diet to exclude all gluten and went on a low histamine diet for a few weeks which seems to have sorted it for the longterm. I only use organice argon oil on my face now...nothing else. I know itching can also be related to low estrogen...are you on any HRT?