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Author Topic: Can't sleep  (Read 2679 times)


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Can't sleep
« on: March 01, 2017, 01:35:15 PM »

I had a TAH 8 weeks ago, recovered well and felt great four week post op. Suddenly menopause has kicked in, hot flushes all night are keeping me awake, waking at 3am and not able to get back to sleep. I have an appointment to see GP next week but I really want a herbal solution rather than HRT if possible. Has anyone used anything to that helps to sleep through the night. I'm so tired.



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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2017, 03:12:56 PM »

Hi and welcome

Ah the lack of sleep, its a bane!  There are lots of herbal supplements, I think Valerian is a good one or some good old camomile tea.  Somebody will be along shortly as I take HRT anyway so don't know much about the herbal route.

Sp x


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2017, 03:53:20 PM »

There are lots of herbal teas.  There are also night Kalms.  (TBH I stick to chamomile and do not mix my herbals since having an unexpected problem with St Johns Wort.) Google good sleep hygiene as routine and environment are important.  Exercise is important too. 

Roman Chamomile essential oil and/or lavender in the bath are calming.

Take vit D in the morning to replicate the usual daylight routine.  Walk in the fresh air each morning.  Consistent waking up time is important in establishing a proper sleep pattern.

When you go to bed, make sure you are warm and have warm feet, then your body temperature can go down as you relax and head towards sleep.  Have layers that you can take off if you start to get too warm (bedding and night clothes). I have found in the past that if I go to bed cold, then I spend too much time trying to get warm, fall asleep, then wake later in a pool of sweat with too many covers.

HRT does help - I no longer have random nights where I crash out to the dawn chorus, an hour or so before the alarm wakes me. It is the best side effect.


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2017, 03:59:37 PM »


Ahh the sleep issue unfortunately is a problem for a lot of us !  >:(

Dahliagirl has given you some excellent ideas,I also found Espom salt baths very relaxing and great for muscle ache too. If you find anything else that helps you please share with us all.  ;)

Wishing us all good sleeps !


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2017, 04:13:51 PM »


Ah "sleep, perchance to dream" I wish!

Wish I had the magical answer.  It's a pain for a lot of us on here.  I've tried various things.  I'm on HRT, but it doesn't help me with sleep.  My restless legs driving me to distraction most nights.  I play the duvet Hokey Cokey.  ;D


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2017, 05:13:03 PM »

Hi Tired@


Sorry to hear you are having hot flushes and they are preventing you sleeping. When you say menopause has suddenly kicked in I presume you had a BSO (ovary removal) as well as TAH as this triggers sudden surgical menopause if you hadn't yet got there.

What was your cycle doing before you had the operation in terms of periods and symptoms and if you don't mind my asking, how old are you?

If you had the whole lot removed and you are under the average age of menopause of 51/52 then HRT (oestrogen only) is strongly advised by the medical profession to protect heart and bones as well as relieving symptoms.

Even if you just had your uterus removed, it sounds like your ovaries have failed suddenly giving rise to these symptoms - I have read that hysterectomy can trigger menopause in some women. Is there any reason why you do not want to try HRT?  Maybe there is a medical reason? The good news is that in your position you would only need to take oestrogen - and replacing what is being lost from your body in as natural way as you can. Many women find the progestogen part of HRT the most problematic. oestrogen works very well to reduce night sweats in most women and to give you the sleep you need so much. You can reduce risks to your health through lidesrtyle changes in diet, exercise, body weight, smoking and alcohol intake - as well as reducing stress and relaxation as has been mentioned already!

There are alternatives to HRT but the herbal ones don't really work for severe symptoms.

Do tell us a bit more and then hopefully we can advise - it is so important to get enough sleep :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2017, 01:20:10 PM »

Thank you everyone for your replies' it feels better just talking to someone.

Hurdity I am 52 and had periods every 28 days until the op 8 weeks ago. Yes I had everything removed as I had complex hyperplasia and there were concerns it had changed, the good news is it had not and I have had the all clear now. I had no obvious signs of the menopause so it's been a shock.

After another sleepless night and crying from 3am I begged the Doctor to see me this morning and asked her for HRT and she gave me Estradiol tabs.

I initially wanted a herbal remedy as I was concerned about HRT but it does seem to be the only solution for me. I have a magnet in my knickers! I was taking E Primrose Oil, red clover, sage, vit C, flaxseeds, eating soy etc but nothing has made me feel better and I was starting to crack. I have been walking my dogs on the moor at 6 am so that I am physically worn out.

On a positive I have recovered well and my hair,and skin glow as I have been looking after myself and eating really well so it hasn't been a total waste of time.

I have taken my first tablet and I hear they work quite quickly for some women, I already feel more positive. Is anyone taking Estradiol tabs and how quickly might they take effect?

I will let you know as I know sleep is a massive issue and i need lots of it to function properly. Day 1 and hoping for a quick turnaround.

Thank you so much everyone xxx



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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2017, 03:10:46 PM »

 :welcomemm:  some ladies find herbals useful initially but hormone upheaval may well take over so they lose any benefits.

You have been 'plunged'  >:( - was your GP amenable?

Browse round.  Make notes.  There is an 'alternative' room and we have a humorous room ....... ask, ask, ask!


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2017, 04:19:08 PM »

Hi again Tired@

There are no medals for battling on through without HRT after surgical menopause as you have tried to do.  The tablets should work fairly quickly - although I have never taken them myself. There is a surgical menopause thread in the "All Things Menopause" section which you might like to have a look at - as there are particular issues that women encounter after having everything removed that the rest of us do not.

I do hope that you manage to get some sleep soon - but do keep up with the healthy lifestyle - I would put the magnet on your fridge  ;D

Let us know how you get on :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2017, 04:20:28 PM »

It shouldn't take too long.  If the pills aren't doing the job properly, there are patches and gel to try too.  A friend of mine had this done, and after a bit of tweaking with delivery and dose, settled on patches and has been happy with them for some years now.  Says it is the best she has ever been  ;)


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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2017, 08:02:54 AM »


Plunged definitely the right word. My lady GP is wonderful. It's harder to get past the receptionist but the tone of my voice on the phone scared her I think!

I will have a look round the website as I'm sure there is a lot to learn.



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Re: Can't sleep
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2017, 08:10:56 AM »

Thanks Hurdity/dahliagirl

I'm not sure if it's psychological but I already feel a bit better and my sleep although still interrupted is def better. I managed to get straight back to sleep rather than staying awake from 3/4am. Last night was not as good but I am hopeful.

I was offered the patches but GP said she recommended tablets so will go with this for now as I'm in a routine of taking meds first thing in the morning anyway.

I will have a look at the surgical menopause thread. It's certainly been a journey so far.

Thank you lovely ladies for your advice xxx