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Author Topic: Dizziness  (Read 7680 times)

Re: Dizziness
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2017, 03:48:52 PM »

Hi dennylou48 thankyou for your reply it helps to know your not on your own,had it again last night not as bad as last time but again really hot and dizzy did get out of bed to quickly had to sit down for it to pass really stresses me out though and I go off my food and feel sickly horrible don't want to keep going to docs as I'll never be away xx thanks ladies for your support xx


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2017, 01:01:34 PM »

Hi ladies

Its very reassuring to know that dizziness is a common symptom of menopause.  I am 50 and I am in peri.  I am having the usual missing periods then a few close together. Full bloods in November were perfect apart from major estrogen dominance.  I have been taking 100mg bioidentical HRT for 4 weeks.

My issues really started about 2 months ago with a full on vertigo attack one morning.  I had this before many years ago so was not initially worried, but the dizziness has continued, although not so severe. Just a kind of shifting feeling; a bit like the lights in my head dim for a split second.  However, it has also been accompanied by headaches almost daily.  Has anyone else experienced this?  The headaches are not normally severe, and are usually at the front or on top of my head. It often feels like a tight squeezing pain. They are often preceded by a tingling sensation that runs from the back of my head.  I do not wake up with them in the morning, they seem to come on through the day. In the last week however I have been waking in the middle of the night with the same headache, just more intense and with nausea.  My legs also sometimes feel weak and tingly.

Just had my eyes tested and needed a new prescription, but eye health is fine.  I have had 4 blood tests since November which have all been fine.  I have seen 4 doctors and 2 A&E doctors; they all tell me I am having tension headaches. Physio has not helped.  Finally I asked for a brain MRI which I had last Thursday: I am waiting nervously for the results.  I have of course convinced myself I have a brain tumour or perhaps MS. 

Can this all be hormonal?  Any thoughts would be gratefully appreciated!

Vanessa M



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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2017, 02:59:48 PM »

I'm sure that dizziness is caused by hormones. In January 2016 I became 'dizzy'  I was told I had labrynthitis but the symptoms didn't really fit. Then I became nauseous, then anxiety hit really badly. Then panic attacks😣 Throughout this i had strange pressures and tingling in my head and scalp
 I developed rhinitis and eustacian tube disfunction . I have been examined several times by ENT and they have found all their test readings to be normal.
I am not sure what is caused by what anymore. All I know is that I seemed to have a health  crash of some sort at the same time that I started having hot flashes and night sweats. Coincidence? I don't think so. Hormones are constantly opening and closing blood vessels and would appear to effect every part of your body. Unfortunately you only find this out when it's too late and I think the anxiety takes hold because you no longer have that lovely sponge of oestrogen to soak up all of the stresses. Menopause would appear to heighten any predispositions that we have and have coped with up to that point. Don't forget dizziness is also a symtom of anxiety and it becomes very chicken and egg. It will get better. I am in a much better place than I was last year (it couldn't get much worse) but I am coping much better. Keeping active is the key and don't get stuck in the negatives. Grab each positive with both hands.xx


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2017, 05:58:28 PM »

That's so reassuring.  I do sometimes wonder if this will ever end.  That feeling of a "crash" - that's exactly how I feel. One day I was feeling fantastic, the next it was like something knocked me down and I'm struggling to get up. I was also told initially that it was labrynthitis, but then tension headaches. Its the not knowing or understanding that does it, then the panic, fear and anxiety sets in.  My GP actually prescribed me anti depressants, but I only took a few as I don't want to go down that path.  I work from home which doesn't help, but I do try and get out as much as possible.  But of course once you are down its hard to get up and out!  Hopefully my scan will be clear and I can get my HRT sorted out properly, and try and find some positives!

I am so glad to joined this forum - ladies thank you all for being there.  I think it its almost impossible to understand the nature of this hormonal beast if you have not experienced it.

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