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Author Topic: Is This Health Anxiety?  (Read 1834 times)


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Is This Health Anxiety?
« on: March 20, 2017, 02:36:53 PM »

Hello ladies.

I was wondering if you could help me? I've always thought that I didn't suffer from health anxiety but now I'm no so sure. I am post menopausal and trialling Tibolone at the moment and not doing very well so far as I'm still flushing and jittering etc. This weekend I've been worrying about my mental health and realise that this has been a constant concern ever since my periods stopped. I also fret about my relationship with my husband as I feel he ought to be able to make me feel better and the fact that he can't take away all these horrible sensations must mean our marriage is unsustainable.  I am desperate for some  contentment and am definitely experiencing the sense of unease that my meno book highlights as one of the emotional problems caused by the menopause. 
Sorry to go one ladies but I'd welcome your comments. Is anyone else finding the psychological part of this journey as tough as me?

Wishing you all well.




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Re: Is This Health Anxiety?
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2017, 03:32:42 PM »

No one is responsible for a person's on-going happiness or health.  While people can cause upset, i.e. coming home drunk every night, shouting, hitting ........ and whilst we can gain happiness and contentment from doing things together: the person who is most likely able to help is your GP/Practice Nurse.

Do you keep a mood/food/symptom diary?  Maybe chart how you are in the morning (my very worst time), mid-day and evening?  What were you able to do 12 months ago and what would you like to be doing during this Summer?  How does planning ahead make you feel?

How much longer do you intend to remain on Tiblone?  Do you think it has helped at all?

I don't think that this is health anxiety ..........


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Re: Is This Health Anxiety?
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2017, 03:44:08 PM »

I don't think Kathleen is blaming her husband, she's expressing that these are the feelings and thoughts she is having and wondering if it's Health Anxiety.

I don't think this sounds like Health Anxiety either Kathleen as that is when you obsess over health symptoms like thinking chest pain is a heart attack, headache is a brain tumour etc.

It sounds more like general anxiety or perhaps a bit of depression? I would go and discuss how you are feeling with your GP.


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Re: Is This Health Anxiety?
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2017, 05:31:55 PM »

Hi Kathleen

I'm really sorry you're feeling so dreadful especially as you were so positive and hopeful when you started the Tibolone.

I've read many of your posts detailing your experience of HRT and no HRT: have you ever tried an AD? I ask because I have two friends who ran the full gambit of HRT trying to find a solution to their menopausal anxiety and depression. Nothing helped them. Despite serious reservations about taking ADs both succumbed and their lives have improved dramatically. One no longer takes anything but the other continues as she doesn't feel ready to stop using them yet which is a decision supported by her well considered consultant gynae.

We've all read frequently on this site that ADs shouldn't be the first course of action in treating peri/meno depression and anxiety and of course that's absolutely correct, but we are all very different and some ladies will therefore naturally not react as well to HRT as others. There appear to be lots of women on this site who need both.

Feeling low and depressed can be overwhelming, and it can cloud our natural rational. It can make us feel worthless and undervalued and little supported by those around us. Your hubby may not be doing all he can be to support you, I think many men just don't 'get it', however your feelings may be a reflection of your current state of mind.

Forgive me for presuming to suggest that ADs may be the best course for you at the moment if that is not the case. You may already have had experience of them.

I really wish you well, you're always so totally supportive of others on this site with your very kind posts. xx



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Re: Is This Health Anxiety?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2017, 06:16:24 PM »

Hello ladies and thank you for your quick responses.

I don't actually blame my husband for my troubles but I wish he could alleviate them although of course that would require a magic wand!

I agree that I probably have developed a  more generalised form of anxiety which I'm hoping the Tibolone can help me with.

I completely agree about the inclusion of ADs if necessary. I take a low dose one at the moment to reduce night sweats  but I do wonder if I  need to try another type or just increase my dose.

Thanks again ladies for taking the time to comment, your posts have helped me to think more clearly about my situation and your opinions are much appreciated as ever.

Take care everyone.



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Re: Is This Health Anxiety?
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2017, 06:23:47 PM »

Aw Kathleen bless you

I agree with Megamind and Elizabethrose and as I read your post I could tell you weren't blaming your hubby, you feel desperate and wish that he could make it better but you're aware he can't

Go for ADs alongside your hrt, I've come to the conclusion  hrt can't work miracles and only alleviate some symptoms.  You've tried without so now have a go with some xxxxxx


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Re: Is This Health Anxiety?
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2017, 06:32:32 PM »

Could you discuss raising the dose of your current AD - I self medicate when my brain requires it, usually for 5-7 days which helps me not feel low each morning.  I have an annual review with my GP unless I require 'a chat' to get advice.

Let us know how you get on. 