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Author Topic: Dizziness  (Read 7679 times)

« on: March 04, 2017, 02:33:21 PM »

Hi ladies
    Would like to here if anyone has had this, iam 4-5 years post menopause and the other day couldn't get of bed because of dizziness sat up for it to pass was really hot and fast heart rate (due to panic about the dizziness) it passed after about 15 mins felt really rubbish after and cold. Made a appointment with gp he said it was virtigo no so sure about that as the evening and next day felt back to normal well as normal as can be :o it really stops me living properly as I start to stress about it
    Thankyou ladies any feed back would be appreciated xx


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2017, 02:38:31 PM »

Hi there.
In the past I have had labrinthytis.....much the same as vertigo and its horrid but does pas.
During this journey of chsnge I have had dizzy times that have caused me to stumble......unless it knoxks me over I'm the person that does nothing and recently I haven't had it x


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2017, 03:06:20 PM »

Don't feel surprised that you were OK the rest of the day and the next day. Vertigo can come and go like that and that's a good thing. If you were getting it repeatedly for months at a time, you would need further tests. What did the Dr say about it? It's quite common.

Although you sat up, it would have been best to have stayed laying down and try to keep still. It's also best to be in a darkened room as well.

Are you stressed or do you suffer from anxiety? They are known triggers for vertigo.
Re: Dizziness
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2017, 03:13:31 PM »

Thankyou ladies for your replys the doc just said it sound like virtigo and can take up to six weeks to get over and if it's still bad after that come back. I do suffer from anxiety and do have stress,but it's things like dizziness and palpations that make me anxious. Xxx


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2017, 03:24:33 PM »

I've had lots of these feelings too through menopause

I can lay in bed and turn on my side then feel like I'll slide out of bed (like being on a boat) plus on 2 occasions whilst being out socialising I've grabbed the table as I've felt I'm sliding off the chair to the left.   Mine are isolated incidences but quite a few of them but lightheadedness has been a blighter throughout it all x


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2017, 04:11:45 PM »

I have weird sensations when walking  ::) - like I put my foot down but it doesn't go where expected so I kind of wobble.  I also have a nerve in the back of my neck which sometimes makes me feel 'dizzy', enough to make me go 'oh!' - but nothing that I can pin-point to take to the GP with.

Make sure that you are well hydrated and eat every 3 hours which may help.


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2017, 04:17:56 PM »

Hi Catkins,

Hope you're feeling better today!

I had a long history of dizziness/vertigo linked to migraine attacks and sometimes only the dizzines would happen without the other migraine symptoms (visual aura, headache, high sensitivity to light, smells and sounds) and the doctors would say "labyrinthitis", but that diagnosis doesn't really explain the cause of the dizziness/vertigo. It can be an ear infection or inflammation or the aftermath of a cold or flu or fluctuation in hormones or a number of other things...

I have reduced my vertigo episodes dramatically by doing 2 simple things: I make sure to dry my ears internally after shower/swimming with the help of a cotton swab, I just let it at the entrance of the extenal meatus (the hole) for some seconds until it sucks the moisture and then use the other end to dry the outer parts. I do not stick the cotton swab or move it. I had noticed that after swimming I was having more episodes, so I made the connection that fluid inside the ears could be causing it. Now I do it every single time after shower.

Second thing was to decrease caffeine intake as much as possible, I still drink coffee in the morning in order to function and because I'm addicted, but as soon as I drink it I feel lightheaded (not always, but it still happens).

There is a third trigger for my dizziness/migraines, but this one I can't control: sudden changes in atmospheric pressure that happens before a thunderstorm. I can forecast severe storms before the weather services!

Hope that helps!

« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 04:25:43 PM by Menomale »
Re: Dizziness
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2017, 04:57:50 PM »

Thankyou so much lady's with all your replys. Will try to eat little and often as I do have big gaps in between meals as I am a shift worker. Bloomin menopause never felt right since starting with it things can only get better xxx  ;D

Suzi Q

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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2017, 07:04:25 AM »

Hi ladies
    Would like to here if anyone has had this, iam 4-5 years post menopause and the other day couldn't get of bed because of dizziness sat up for it to pass was really hot and fast heart rate (due to panic about the dizziness) it passed after about 15 mins felt really rubbish after and cold. Made a appointment with gp he said it was virtigo no so sure about that as the evening and next day felt back to normal well as normal as can be :o it really stops me living properly as I start to stress about it
    Thankyou ladies any feed back would be appreciated xx

Dizziness is soooooo common i had it the last couple of days and im 23 years post meno im in my 60s. I had test after test brain scans the lot. Premeno which carried on for years
I got imense relief with chiropractic treatments and stemital 10m reduced to 5m
I get an attack about once or twice a year.  My symptoms lasted 9 months before i got medical help. It was virus bugs vertigo  tinitus not one buggar said oh when was your last period. I have dizzies my heartcrCes i feel terrified heart misses beats even today@flush
I take inderal for the skippies and fear and stemital for the dizzies they work
I dint use them regularly by any means but im never with out them good luck xxxxxx


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2017, 11:19:17 AM »

Hi Catkin,

When I was 48/49 in peri started having dizziness/off balance for about 2 weeks per month. No one ever suggested it could be hormonal, including me. I was told it was Labrinthytis, then BBVP (middle ear issue) My life has never been the same since. Seen ENT, Neuro specialist and told it will settle. Even on HRT have always had some off balance feelings and at 58 still having problems. It has caused me so much anxiety :(

There is an article by DR Silver Daily Mail, well worth reading!


Suzi Q

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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2017, 11:58:54 AM »

I onew nothing it was years later i realised dizziness was a common thing


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2017, 02:25:00 PM »


Ditto - only put 2&2 together a few years into the dizziness. I did ask the question to GP & Neuro Consultant both said NO :(

The problem is for generations young women are told the change consists of hot flushes and night sweats only. Doctors need to be educated about this as it can be distressing.

I remember my Nanna saying she had sweats and 'giddiness' mmm now I know what she meant.



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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2017, 02:33:25 PM »

I had dizzyness as well in peri stage. Lasted for a couple of years. Some days I was fine but other days I just had to take my time getting up. And then it just disappeared altogether. As if by magic.

Re: Dizziness
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2017, 09:34:28 PM »

Thankyou ladies for all your responses  ;D when I mentioned it to my lady gp, she said we blame everything on menopause.but such a lot of us have this symptom. Not had it since but do worry about getting it again. Gp said it was vertigo. Take care everyone lv carkins  ;D ;D


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Re: Dizziness
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2017, 03:12:28 PM »

Hi I had this everyday for 2 years it was definitely to do with hormones although the Dr thought it was to do with my sinuses I knew it wasn't.  It's the 2nd worse symptom for me. Very scary feeling. Your neither here or there. I am 4 years down the line now and only get them every so often in the month. Makes you feel very anxious ado not with it. It does get better. Eventually.  Keep hold of those reins. Take care xx
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