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Author Topic: Heartburn or GERD anyone?  (Read 10344 times)


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Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« on: February 28, 2017, 07:08:29 PM »

Ok one more most from this newbie.  I wondered how many of you suffer with heartburn or GERD?  Im not sure its a meno symptom but a general problem but something that I worry about constantly.  I take ranitidine currently, was on omeprazole but got scared by the health concerns of longterm use.  Sometimes its controlled and when I worry and focus on it it seems to be there all the time medication or not.  Not sure if its anxiety driven.  I have always had a sensitive tummy and lots of nausea gas etc.  I also have emetophobia so the whole worry about reflux/sickness is always a trigger.  Anyone else a longterm sufferer and what meds do you find helpful.  Did HRT make it worse or better or no change?  Thanks in advance.


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2017, 07:11:16 PM »

Yep.  It's a common thread on here.  As oestrogen levels drop so muscles may become lax = aches and pains: loss of muscle power = Middle Aged Spread in that the apron area drops; hiatus hernia is common at this time of Life  ::).

I make sure that I don't eat/drink too close to bed time.  My evening meds have to be taken at least 60 mins. B4 laying down otherwise  >:(

Another emitophobe here, did you read my thread that I bumped?  Sometimes the acid reflux is so bad that I get pain in my chin, into my ears, back of my neck ..... always at the same time of night, though not every night and always I think 'Is it my heart?'  ::)


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2017, 07:36:13 PM »

Oh bless you!  You are feeling all my pain.   Yes i replied on your emet thread!  Im so pleased.....thats the wrong word because im not pleased you suffer with emet, it a horror, but you know what I mean....that there are others out there who understand the nightmare of emet in everyday life.  It affects every part of your day.   The gerd bothers me because it makes me immediately nauseous.  I have to be careful what I eat and have modified my eating habits a lot.  I still want to feel human tho so take some tablets and the wonderful gaviscon advance along with my wine! :D  I know I should kick the wine, but its my one reason for living at the moment!


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2017, 07:46:44 PM »

 I wouldn't touch any alcohol as I associate it with drunks  :-\  :-X

At my worst I have nightmares about it ...... usually trapped on a cross channel Ferry  :-X
« Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 07:02:14 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2017, 08:31:31 PM »

Ohhh its clearly not one of my nightmares as I WOULD NEVER EVER be found on a cross channel ferry!! LOL.


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2017, 09:05:40 PM »

Hi Jessieblue, yes I also developed reflux  early on in my peri years. I am still there ever hopeful I will come out at the other end! I used to take ranitidine but found it only really helped to take them when I had really bad indigestion. I found I'm better with gaviscon advance. I have had my gallbladder removed and don't think that helps matters. Like Sparkle I don't drink wine at all. I find I can occasionally drink a mixer drink if I'm having a good spell. I have tried cutting out certain foods but find I can eat something one day and the next day if I eat the same thing it kills me!  I am fortunate that I seem to have phases of really bad indigestion and then it disappears whereas I always have reflux.  I did try omeprazole but got really bad side effects, I was surprised at that as my dad has taken it for years and he is now 94! 


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2017, 06:19:03 PM »

Ah Sparkle, you can always make me smile!


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2017, 08:59:02 PM »


I'm another one who has developed these issues since entering peri.  I had no idea what it was, thought I was dying (my health rationale has gone out the window since this whole stage started).  My mother who suffers from these symptoms clued me in.  Sometimes it's managed, sometimes not so much.  One thing I've started taking is apple cider vinegar with the mother.  I don't know if it's psychosomatic or actual, but I do find my symptoms have lessened in severity since I've started it. 3 months so far.

Sparkle is our resident expert in these matters, I think.  Her shared experiences have helped me cope with this.


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2017, 08:30:25 PM »

Thanks everyone.  Melly I totally understand the health rationale!  I see to be on high alert for any slight shift in my body.  Symptoms get magnified by my anxiety and i tend to focus in on them and worry about them which just makes them worse.  Its quite hard to manage day to day.  I try so hard to not think too much about my body and symptoms but its really hard.  My acid reflux is my latest worry.  I have had it for years but atm I am obsessing about it and actually worrying about it before i feel the symptoms.  I wonder how much is psychosomatic or anxiety driven.  Wish I could just switch off to these sensations.


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2017, 03:47:02 PM »

This is my question too. I have permanent sore throat and swollen glands no other signs of gerd like heartburn but doctor randomly said I've got silent reflux or lpr as this has no obvious signs apart from a sore throat so she offered me omeprazole back in January.  I have been ill since then so didn't want to start a new tablet but my dad was poorly on this tablet had awful side effects and on looking it up its a horrid drug to get off after the 8 weeks they tell you to try it for. Doctor was adamant it's not peri related of course as they do but has anyone on here had the silent reflux and when or if you went on hrt did it help


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2017, 04:25:12 PM »

I think silent reflux has been mentioned, maybe use the 'search' box to see if any recent threads jump up?

Dr James of the Telegraph has warned about these types of 'relief' - I find that Rennies is appropriate ..... and less nasty on the gut. 

There is always a reason for Swollen Glands!  Has your GP done appropriate blood tests etc.?  Have you been bitten by a tick in the last 5 years?


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2017, 03:28:42 PM »

I bought some gaviscon advance but I haven't tried it yet as I'm trying to get over oral thrush afyer a week of antibiotics so I don't want anymore medicine til that's cleared but I will give it a go I'd rather use that than ppi. My gland has remained swollen for 6 years it's a hard lump they're doing a ct scan or mri as ultrasound was inconclusive . I am at doctors again Friday so I will try and push for ent appt to look into my throat. I was bulimic for 17 years so I know I'm at a higher risk of acid damage. Just all these pr8blems seem to have appeared in the last 3 years since hitting 45 and irregular periods sweats all point tof peri
 I haven't been bitten either clkd that's my point that if my seollen glands are due to a 6 year infection well what the hell is this infection that's where I'm getting nowhere and  my ignorant doctors think I'm mental when I say all these illnesses could be menopause they vehemently deny that ...


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2017, 04:38:53 PM »

Swollen glands are a sign that the body is fighting infection, as is a sore throat, runny eyes etc..  Many GPs do not associate these symptoms with a lowering of oestrogen.

I use LIVE yoghurt for any thrush problems - eaten and applied! large spoonfuls for about 5-10 days after AB treatments. 


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2017, 02:14:19 PM »

Yes, another sufferer here for many years on and off but got considerably worse when hit peri.  I try not to take omeprozole very often even though it works for me.  Just don't like taking tablets long term.  Gaviscon advance most of the time and even milk of magnesia helps.  The annoying thing is just when I thought I was through the worst of this blasted menopause after 5 years of symptoms the blasted hot flushes and reflux are back with a vengeance  >:(


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Re: Heartburn or GERD anyone?
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2017, 03:05:56 PM »

Where are you buying Milk of Magnesia from I can't find it anywhere North of London  ::).

I had reflux this morning, probably because I didn't eat 'enough' yesterday  ::)
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