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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: New and confused!  (Read 1774 times)


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New and confused!
« on: February 24, 2017, 10:30:30 AM »

Hello everyone.  I find myself here having been a member on several anxiety/health groups looking for some support and reassurance.  I do suffer badly with anxiety and never more so than since I became peri meno at about age 44.  I am now 53 and going through a really tough time with many health problems but also intense anxiety making it hard to know what symptoms are anxiety or health related. I was recently put on some ovestin cream as I had had a couple of utis last year within a couple of months having never had uti before.  I have had bladder symptoms before tho and was loosely diagnosed with interstitial cystitis.  I had cystoscopy recently but bladder all looked good.  Just a tight bladder neck.

I have a mirena coil too which was inserted 6 years ago for heavy bleeding.  I have had blood tests done and told I am in menopause now but was advised to keep the coil until I reach 55.  I started ovestin cream to help avoid uti and to hopefully balance the vaginal area.  I have recently had some thrush type symptoms but not sure if it is thrush.  Canesten cream burnt me badly when I used it a while ago and I am now feeling sore again and its totally freaking me out.  All these things really trigger my anxiety.  Nothing seems simple to fix and I feel like I will never feel like myself again.

Sorry for the depressing post.  I am crying while writing this and really hope to meet some people that can understand and maybe just maybe offer me some hope. Yhanks for reading xx


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Re: New and confused!
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2017, 11:01:24 AM »

I believe you need some systemic oestrogen alongside your Mirena.
If you are now into post meno then your symptoms will all be down to oestrogen deficiency and by simply adding oestrogen as pills, patch or gel you may find many of the health problems will improve. Anxiety, low mood, vaginal dryness, UTI type symptoms, poor sleep and energy, palpitations, aches and pains are all typical meno symptoms. 
I would ask for some oestrogen to try - the Mirena will control any possible problems with bleeding but this should be changed every 4 years as part of HRT treatment - the doctors should have known this !!!!!
Drink plenty of water, avoid caffein and fruit juices and put yrou feet up fro half an hour each afternoon if possible. Your symptoms are typically meno - we are here to help.  DG x


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Re: New and confused!
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2017, 11:27:34 AM »

Hi Danginggirl and thank you so much for replying.  I havent actually been offered any HRT at all by my doctors.  I have recently consulted with a private gp service about my ongoing health problems and anxiety and I actually asked them if I could try the eostrogen cream for my uti problem.  I was terrified of getting another one and have not had sex at all since as I literally cannot deal with the anxiety that it all brought.  I was doing ok until the uti out of nowhere last August!  My health problems had been pretty good and anxiety was manageable, but this uti that came back 2 months later really sent me into a spin of anxiety.  I was given cipro for 10 days too which I swear caused massive panic attacks and I have been feeling pretty much the same since.  So the doctor agreed eostrogen cream might help fend off uti and gave me some.  I then was told I needed the coil out as I was in menopause.  I arranged for my practice nurse to remove the coil but she said no as it wasnt indicated until I was 55 unless I was having problems.  She also said the blood tests were unreliable and they didnt guarantee i was post meno!  I left with more cream....ovestin as I asked her for a prescription.  It will save me paying 50 quid a tube privately.  Nothing else about HRT has been mentioned to me at all.  So I am very confused by what needs to be done and what would help me.  I am terrified of the breast cancer link to HRT.  I mean I suffer crippling Health anxiety as it is and imagine all sorts of things.  Im not sure I can cope with the fear of that while taking systemic HRT.  I understood topical cream to be useful with less threat.  Getting an appointment with my GP is really hard and I cannot afford private appointments too often but sometimes when desperate have no choice if I want help.  |I feel a bit let down really as I started with peri meno nearly 10 years ago and have suffered debillitating hot flushes and aches and pains for all this time too. 

Would I best to try and see a gyn for help with all this?  Even my urologist never mention HRT he was happy to do a urethral dilation on me though which I declined for the time being.  My bladder symptoms had settled right down until this redness and soreness appeared yesterday.  Now I feel all irritible again but not sure if thats because my mind is focussing on that area and I get pretty tense.  How can I tell if its thrush or something else?  I have taken to fluconazole tablets in the last 3 months but still seem to get these flare ups.  Not sure if its safe to keep taking them or not?

Thank you im very grateful for all your suggestions.  I will definitely try and discuss with a doctor.


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Re: New and confused!
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2017, 11:37:33 AM »

Hi Jessieblue!

I wonder whether you are sensitive to the chemicals in the Ovestin cream. I have found that I have become more and more sensitive to chemicals and now use only natural ingredients. To wash my ladybits I use Faith In Nature feminine wash which I find completely non-irritating. I also only use lubricants made from natural ingredients, Yes and Carlson's Vitamin E pessaries. My bits couldn't cope with anything containing propylene glycol, glycerine or parabens, which if you check the ingredients you will find are in most products.

I'm sorry I can't advise about the HRT side of things, as I have no experience of this, but I know there are lots of other lovely ladies here who will help you xx


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Re: New and confused!
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2017, 02:53:22 PM »

OK ladies - here goes:

Jackenory - I agree with you - I find Ovestin is an irritant - I think it's the fillers - if our ‘lady bits' are sore then this will just make matters worse.  Vagifem is less irritating but I always use some SYLK the morning after to reduce any irritation the Vagifem might cause. Like you, I use gentle things for washing as well.

jessieblue - you need to let go of your fear of breast cancer - the risks until you are 60 are very, very small. Oesgrogen deficiency is more of a concern as this can bring osteoporosis and heart problems in the long term. HAve you had a bones scan???
The nurse was quite wrong about the Mirena - this needed to be changed or possibly taken out so you could see whether periods returned or not.  Blood tests are not conclusive but can be a good indicator for meno and if you are post meno (which you may well be) the oestrogen levels would be very low and FSH would be high -  adding in some oestrogen could be a very good idea.
You are suffering Urogenital atrophy which will probably need, at least, local oestrogen long term and possibly systemic alongside. If you had a new Mirena fitted then it is simple to add in some oestrogen which could help you on so many levels.
If your GP won't refer you to a gynae on the NHS then perhaps ask for the name of a private gynae who specialises in the menopause ( you could do some research online to find one as well) and just pay for one appointment to get some proper advice.
In the mean time - drink enough water throughout the day, avoid scented products anywhere near your 'lady bits', avoid caffein and fruit juices and alcohol.  Drink a glass of water with half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in it morning and evening - this will neutralise the acidity and reduce the burning and soreness.  Don't' wear anything tight around your lady bits.
For the anxiety - try learning to do Mindful Meditation - I find this brilliant when low mood and anxiety strikes.
Managing VA is an ongoing process for many women - I've suffered since my early 40s and I'm now 61!!!!
DG xxx



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Re: New and confused!
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2017, 07:07:05 PM »

Thank you so much ladies.  I really feel that my meno concerns havent really been adressed at all by my doctors.  I did have a look for private gyn.....i would mortgage my house to feel better to be honest!  I found my old gyn is working at a local private hospital and he is having a free private consult evening for the mona lisa touch procedure in 10 days time!  I have booked a consult even if i dont end up wanting the procedure.  I would like to see him, he removed a poly for me 9 years ago and was a lovely man.  He retired from NHS and now only does private.  Think I will try and see him for some help.

I have felt for a longtime that my anxiety is related to my hormones. I have had zero sex drive since the mirena was inserted but have gotten around that with determination not to make my poor husband suffer until last 6 months.  Now its all messed up doen there I cannot imagine ever using it again!

This information and support is so much needed and I thank you for giving me the confidence to go and do something about it.  I am often feeling like a time waster at my doctors.  I always say I suffer with Health anxiety but this all only started after peri meno and I cant help thinking it may be related.

I thank god I found this site.  xxx