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Author Topic: I'm quitting  (Read 3781 times)


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I'm quitting
« on: February 08, 2017, 04:15:25 PM »

Experimenting with a lower dose of Utro continuously isn't going very well. I took it for 12 days, then withdrew for 5 because I had started a bleed. I have now resumed the utro for a week and feeling terrible. Headaches began a few days ago, which turned full migraine yesterday. I'm emotional and irritable. I feel extremely premenstrual. Interestingly, I felt fantastic after the second night back on the Utro, good energy and clear thinking, so I know there's a sweet spot I just can't manage to find that balance.

At this point I feel like my best option is to try abandoning the hormones for a time. I will hate to see the return of physical symptoms, but optimistically, some of that may not return. I have been on an emotional roller coaster since starting the hormones, and out of a year only had 3 months when I was almost completely symptom free. I think I can handle the physical issues to save my sanity. As it is, I'm relying too heavily for too long on friends and family to act for me when I can't function.

Wish me luck and feel free to pass me your tips on surviving!


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 04:48:55 PM »

Oh Lizab, so sorry you're not coping with your regime! For how long have you been on it? What do your docs think about this? Are you having their support?

This happened to me at my first and second hrt attempts and I quit too. I have a new gynae and she asked me to stop it until my exams results were available and only then decide a new strategy. I was afraid of all symptoms coming back but I realized that with hrt symptoms were also awful so I've been dealing with them the way I can, but it's been tough.

I wish you luck, girl!


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 05:00:53 PM »

Thanks Menomale. I had a checkup last month after a year on patches with 10 day/month progesterone. Some of that time I went more like 5-7 weeks, but my bleeds toward the end of last year were getting heavier even going monthly, so I was trying to not extend the cycles. My doctor knows of my troubles and is supportive but useless. ;D  He suggested long cycles, but I requested a dropping to 100 mg progesterone and taking continuously, in hopes of smoothing the ups and downs. I realize now that I just can't do the progesterone. So I'll take a break from it all and hopefully the meno symptoms alone won't be any worse than these "side effects".


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2017, 05:23:53 PM »

Ok, I know what you mean, I wanted to take it continuosly to avoid bleedings but that was not recommended because I'm still perimenopausal. So my choices were: feel awful whilst on utro and bleed every month or quit and let my ovaries shrink until I reach the 12 month period free. Considering that my last periods were just one in Dec 2015 and one in Oct 2016, I just thought, what the hell, I'll put up with this until next Oct and meanwhile will try all alternative strategies (aromatherapy, psycotherapy, physical exercise - sex included  ;) and so on...)

Did you find anything useful at that site (from the other thread)?



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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2017, 05:42:05 PM »

Dear Liza!

I absolutely understand your decision! I know what you mean about a rollercoaster on hormones - this has been so unexpected for me too and much harder to deal with than the physical issues I had off HRT. If the Tibolone I'm trialling now doesn't settle satisfactorily by 3 - 4 months, then this will be my last HRT. It'll be time to move on.

I have recently connected with 2 fabulous ladies who have gone the no HRT route after a short time on HRT  following their TAH/BSO surgeries (which I've had) and their problems have been minimal and they live full, rich lives now. One has her own small business and is a pastor at her local church too! Mentally, they are now settled - physically, their 'symptoms' are consistent with normal ageing - no signs of heart disease, and no osteoporosis (both have had scans, and both take regular weight bearing exercise). They also enjoy good social lives, and one has just enjoyed a large birthday gathering with friends and family. So it CAN be done!

HRT is a very individual choice I feel - if it feels right for you, then it's the best option. Things may take time to settle after coming off as I was told by both ladies and there will be transitionary aches and pains as things settle, as well as possibly a return of flushes but both now report that these have passed and - bonus - they both have uninterrupted sleep most of the time (remember, we need less sleep as we age in any case).

I wish nothing but good things for you, Liza - please pop by won't you to keep us posted how you're doing.?


Tempest xxxx


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2017, 06:09:39 PM »

Hi Lizab

Sorry to hear about your ongoing problems - and what a pity the dreaded prog is preventing you from enjoying the benefits of oestrogen! However you really do need to take it at your young age and I am wondering what your doctor would suggest in your position? Do you know how far into menopause you are ie how regular is your cycle?

Have you thought about a Mirena to deal with the bleeding or are you sensitive to this progestogen as well? There has been discussion about Dydrogesterone on another thread - which unfortunately is not available here but is on the continent - but maybe this is a possibility.

I definitely would not be able/want to take progesterone continuously so I'm with you there - it is a constant downer - and we were not designed to have it all the time like this (except when pregnant!).

The only advantage to stopping for a few months would be to see where you are in menopause - but if possible your specialist should really explore with you how to continue!!

Have you though of one of the new Pills like QLAIRA which contains estradiol and only has 2 tablet free days - it is often recommended by gynaes ( so I gather) for younger peri-menopausal women. It does have large doses of progestogens in it but you may not be sensitive to this one.

I do hope you manage to sort something out for the best and let us know how things progress....

Hurdity x


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2017, 06:32:29 PM »

Thank you, ladies. I only know that when I started the hormones, I had been skipping periods for 3-4 months, followed by monthly for 3-4 months, then 6-7 weeks, then skipping 3-4 months again. This pattern went on for a couple years after a couple years of long flooding periods and non-stop spotting. Just over a year ago my FSH tested over 100, so I suppose I was either finished or very close to finished.

My mother finished in her early 40s as well, and never had added estrogen, only recently began supplementing vitamins, and isn't showing any signs beyond normal aging at age 68. I am optimistic that I share those genes.

I had ill effects from Mirena as contraceptive, so won't be doing that again. If anything, I'll start fresh with a long cycle, which is what my doctor has recommended all along. At this point I need proof that the estrogen is helping me enough to make the course of progesterone worthwhile. While I do notice several positive effects, the negatives are outweighing the positives. If I'm worse or the same after quitting altogether, I think I'll know that perhaps I needed more estrogen. If I'm better after stopping, then maybe I can survive without or maybe can try again with lower doses.

I'll be stopping progesterone now, and cutting patches in half for the time being.  ;D I may have my answer before I'm completely off the patch.


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2017, 06:46:08 PM »

Maybe you will be surprised,who knows  ;)
If nothing else you will be allowing your body to reset,allowing you to re evaluate where you are at now,then you can decide which way to move forward. Good luck.

And you're not quitting you are re assessing your situation ,look on it as a positive step.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 06:50:27 PM by dazned »


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2017, 07:14:48 PM »

Yes! It's an assessment! And it's definitely a positive. This whole mess has felt out of control, so if nothing else, I can feel a little control in getting a sense of how I am without the hormones, crazy as that sounds.


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2017, 07:25:06 PM »

Maybe only crazy measures can fight crazy symptoms...  ;D


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2017, 07:35:17 PM »

Well I've got all sorts of crazy so I'm well equipped! ;D


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Re: I'm quitting
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2017, 07:37:51 PM »

 :valkyrie: :rofl: