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Author Topic: Yet another peri symptoms??  (Read 4440 times)


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Yet another peri symptoms??
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:04:56 PM »

Hello it's me again seems all I do is post with a new illness and see if it's tied in with peri I've read online and it says so buy I trust you.ladies more. Long story short in my 3 year history of being ill all the time I've had a lump in my neck for 3 years and felt fluey on and off too but since December I have had a 24 7 sore throat like swallowing knives doesn't go away and I feel so poorly. Eventually I went to doctors who I'm sure tut when they see me and sent me for lymphoma scan I had all symptoms they're pretty sure it's not that but won't know until I have a biopsy in 3 or 4 months.  Meantime the doctor said it'll be acid reflux the silent type as I don't burp or have heartburn but she says it could be acid coming back into my throat without the other symptoms which I don't believe.  She told me to take tabkets 40mg a day of omeprazole which the sude effects are worse than the illness my dad can vouch for that and very hard to come off afyer w months supply. I'm not taking them but wonder if anyone else has silent acid reflux or GERD which started in peri..if so any feedback would be great
 Thank you all


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Re: Yet another peri symptoms??
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 12:25:21 PM »

If your GP thinks you have lymphoma then you would be sent to Hospital immediately for the biopsy!

If you do a 'search' here for GERD etc. you 'll see relevant threads.


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Re: Yet another peri symptoms??
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 04:37:08 PM »

The consultant thinks it's reactive gland and then at the ultrasound they said they wre pretty sure it wasn't lymphoma but gave me the choice of a biopsy to double check as they found 2 other lumps too bit when they said they didn't think it was lymphoma I shot out of hospital ...but when I went back to doctors they said I should have had the biopsy as I was still worried as my dad has undiagnosed lymphoma for 3 years was told his lymph nodes were only reactive same as mine so I'll just wait for 3 months or so and presume they're right in their diagnosis.  As for the gerd I have read up and I don't have those symptoms only sore throat can I ask how you were diagnosed as I'm not keen to go on yet more medication for an illness the doctor guessed at with no tests to confirm


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Re: Yet another peri symptoms??
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2017, 06:15:46 PM »

If you are OK about the wait Peroxideblader then go with it.


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Re: Yet another peri symptoms??
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2017, 03:52:00 PM »

Well I've been reading up and gastric reflux is made much worse by hrt as an increase in oestrogen makes symptoms worse..God no sleep is destroying my health as it is but if I try  my femoston the gerd will get worse do some of you cope with this I'm only 3 years in to peri and my life is just crap..I keep the happy smiley face on all the time in front of family and friends only cry myself silly when I'm alone because sadly my female family and friends are either way too young or sailed through the menopause with not a symptom in sight..I. honestly think if I didn't have my you gest still at home I'd run off its so bad


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Re: Yet another peri symptoms??
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2017, 01:22:19 PM »

Exactly..I know my lack of sleep means I am so run down I get all the illnesses going but it's catch 22 I don't sleep I get ill so I get depressed so  anxious so don't sleep get more ill get more depressed's awful


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Re: Yet another peri symptoms??
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2017, 02:06:13 PM »

Yes my silent reflux started before peri was even thought of. I was given omeprazole but definitely made my symptoms worse so stopped taking them. At the time I remember having an ultrasound which was clear.  I still get symptoms of reflux, mainly first thing in the morning which then clears for most of the day.  It us definitely worse at different times of the month so I am sure it is all hormone related and it doesn't matter what I eat. I can eat something one day and be ok but if I eat the same meal the next day it can be pain tends to start up in my shoulder blades and over my upper back. I find a few days of gaviscon extra gets it back under control. i am hoping if I ever finish the peri stage it will all go away! :)


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Re: Yet another peri symptoms??
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2017, 02:13:08 PM »

Hi Peroxideblader

back in 2002 when I was 44 and in early peri menopause I got up with a sore throat and no other symptoms. The sore throat continued, mainly down one side. I was puzzled as to why I had no other symptoms. I did have the cough now and then but it wasn't a 'cold' cough. I was back and forth to the doctors who wouldn't give me anything as it was a virus. This went on for 5 months =- my throat got worse and I ended up with one tonsil becoming infected and had an abscess form one weekend. This burst on the Sunday night night so when I told my doctor the next day I was given the antibiotics at last. But I still kept having the sore throat. Basically it took two years for me to be diagnosed with acid reflux.

By this time I was having trouble swallowing some things. It always felt like there was a lump in my throat and I was also being woken in the night with fluid coming up my throat. It didn't burn at the time or feel like acid. I didn't have heartburn. But it was this that was giving me the constant sore throat. 

My doctor put me on 20mg omeprazole - one in a morning and one at night. It took around a month or more to get into my system and suddenly the lump feeling had gone and I could swallow ok and the sore throat had gone. After around three months I stopped the tablet in the morning and just took the one at night as night time reflux is  what appears to be doing mine. So I have been on omeprazole all these years. I know some say they have had problems with it but it has helped me. I can't do without them. Last September I had a bad flare up so I have had to start the two doses again which I have been taking since November. Hoping I will soon be able to go back to one.

So in answer to your question as in has anyone had just a sore throat symptom with reflux, yes I have. I would really give the omeprazole a chance as it's no fun feeling like you are and it might stop the further symptoms arising like mine did. I hate taking medication of any sort and have tried all sorts to not have to stay on the omeprazole but it's never quite worked. I also have an hiatus hernia like Sparkle.

I do know people who have been on omeprazole for a few months and haven't had any problem coming off, so it's worth that initial try to see if it helps. Having been on mine so long I don't know if I would have problems coming off but I imagine I would. But I think because I also have the hiatus hernia it's another reason for my bad reflux. If you don't have one yours may be easier to control. Good luck x