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Author Topic: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer  (Read 23427 times)


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Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« on: February 05, 2017, 12:03:54 PM »

It was suggested I post on this section of the forum as I have been discussing it on a post elsewhere. I've had a horrible 10 months.  I found blood in my poo last April and immediately went to see my GP who didn't really think it was anything serious and only referred me as *none urgent*. 4 months later I hadn't heard anything so I went back and spoke to my GP who said it had *only been* 4 months and I would probably hear something soon.  6 months later the bleeding was worse so I went back again and this time she did refer me urgently and within a week I was seen by a consultant.  I then had a failed colonoscopy. The pain was absolutely awful and also my bowel hadn't cleared well so it was all a bit of a nuisance and a delay.  However, a large polyp was found. I then had a few CT scans and was called back in to see the specialist in November.  I was so relieved to hear I hadn't got cancer and the only thing that needed doing was the polyp taken away which would be done by sigmoidoscopy.  This was done 2 weeks ago. I got a phone call last Tuesday asking me to the the consultant the following morning. Absolute terror gripped me at this point. I knew it was bad.  So it transpired the polyp was cancerous and I now have to have an MRI scan to see if it has spread. The CT scans were not strong enough to see any cancer (and I'd already had a panic attack at a previous MRI and just couldn't do it).  I don't know how I'll get on at the next one but I have to try and do it.   The consultant said there is a 95% chance the cancer is contained. I wish this made me feel better and maybe 3 months ago it WOULD have been half decent news, but after being told I didn't have cancer and now being told I do, I don't have much faith in the news I'm afraid. If the CT scans didn't pick anything up and I had cancer, it may not have picked other areas up surely?  I'm told it may have only been in the polyp and I could be cancer free.  The alternative is that the cancer is in a few spores around where the polyp was and I would need chemo.  If it has spread to the glands then I will need major surgery. It's a lot to take in. I hope it's treatable. I'll keep you informed. 


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2017, 12:16:53 PM »

So sorry to hear your news. It is a lot to take in and I know exactly how you feel as I am currently receiving treatment for ovarian cancer. Like yourself , at various stages I was told that things weren't as bad as they subsequently turned out to be and that has made it harder for me to place my faith and trust in my medical team as much as I might otherwise have done.
Hopefully your MRI scan will reveal that there has been no spread and you will need no or minimal further treatment - chemotherapy may be offered if they feel there is any risk of reoccurrence from stray cells. It isn't pleasant but it is doable. If you want to see how several of us on here have/ are coping with it there is a thread about it on this part of forum. Update on my breast cancer is title I think.
Whatever happens, try to relax as worrying doesn't actually do anything except make you feel rubbish ( easier said than done having spent a weepy weekend) - it is a scary journey that no one wants to take and at times you'll feel like you are alone with it all - that is normal, as are all the other strong emotions that seem to come out of nowhere . Always here to listen x


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2017, 12:25:27 PM »

Thank you coldethyl for your really lovely reply. It makes me feel better to know that someone else has had their trust shaken in the same way albeit not a nice feeling for any of us.  Chemo frightens me a lot. I don't tolerate any drug well. Different GP's have ben trying for 8 years to try and sort out a blood pressure pill that either works or doesn't make me feel ill. Everything has caused side effects. Some of the blood pressure pills have sent my blood pressure higher.  The doctors look at me as if I'm lying!  Myself and my brother (also diagnosed with cancer) both have problems with drugs as did our dad so it's obviously in our system.  We both have to have enough dental block to knock out an elephant as it just doesn't take on us, so naturally enough I'm wondering just what sort of effect chemo is likely to have on me. Thank yo again for your kind words, I shall read your story now. x


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2017, 12:34:52 PM »

If you need chemo , your oncology team will be aware of your issues with medication and may admit you onto ward for first infusion so they can support you and any reactions for few days. A lovely chap I talk to at my infusions had to have this done as he has heart issues and he is fine. They also administer lots of anti- allergy meds and can infuse very very slowly over hours so that side effects are reduced.
Often surgery alone is all that is needed with bowel cancer so hopefully this is the case with you. It is hard to learn to trust again and I have to say the tales of misdiagnosis are quite high amongst those I've spoken to at the oncology unit. All I can say is that my oncology team have been no cause for concern - it's much more usual for the problems to be at getting your GP to do anything - once you are in the system , things seem to get done and people take your concerns more seriously x


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2017, 12:35:54 PM »

Dear Lynn you certainly have had a horrible time. I don't think your GP has been following the guidelines.
When you have another scan, could you take something to calm you. Generally though it is very difficult to keep calm and not worry, I try to distract myself by doing nice things.
Sending you hugs and all the best, 95% is good odds
Flutterbyx xx


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2017, 12:38:04 PM »

Aw Lynne I have no advice but couldn't ignore your post

I'm so sad for you ladies going through this ((hugs))

I hope you both have happy outcomes xxxx


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2017, 12:43:23 PM »

Hi Lynne888 - I did respond to you on the other thread  - I do hope you get some better treatment soon.  :hug: DG x


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2017, 12:55:59 PM »

Lynne  :bighug: So, so sorry this has happened. As for your GP  :bang:

I was given a tablet to take about an hour before my MRI to help me relax as I don't do confined spaces.  Helped heaps.


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2017, 01:13:09 PM »


You'll be fine, most times a polyp is the way our bodies find to get rid of nasty cells. The bleed was a bless, it warned you (and should have warned your gp as well). If you need chemo, the colon is one of the best places to rapidly absorb it and that predicts good outcome. Take any drugs they offer you to feel more relaxed and good luck!

« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 01:48:25 PM by Menomale »


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2017, 01:51:55 PM »

Thank you each and every one of you for your lovely warm comments.  It's  so lovely to feel supported!  Dancing girl, I read your reply on the other thread and now on here. It's so very kind of you to offer support and I'm so grateful 

Coldethyl I had no idea that the hospital did that if they were concerned so this is really informative information and again thank you!

The consultant suggested valium the night before and the morning of my MRI.  I'm not sure it's the right thing, I'll probably just feel sick but I'll give anything a go as I really HAVE to do this MRI. There is an open one in Aberystwyth and also an even more all singing all dancing one opening in Cardiff next month but the consultant said they are not as good as a normal MRI - I would have thought it better than no MRI at all and would have happily paid to get that type of MRI but they wouldn't let me :(   


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2017, 02:16:13 PM »

I had an MRI many years ago for possible tumour - it isn't the most pleasant of things but doable - I kept my eyes closed and focused on my breathing as best I could and managed it - the staff are aware that ii isn't nice and will be looking out for any signs that you are panicking etc. A Valium may help take the edge of it. Are you used to taking them as you might want to have a trial of one first as they can make you feel a bit weird which might add to your scan anxiety on the day?
As Megamind says, some chemo is actually just a tablet that you take yourself - Marras is just taking something similar for her appendix cancer as she struggled with the infusions as well as the tablets. They really are very good at juggling treatments to help you get least symptoms and best outcomes x


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2017, 02:24:43 PM »

Coldelthyl.. I've never taken valium. I was given a shot of something during the colonoscopy which didn't actually kick in until I got home and I just felt drunk. I couldn't stand and felt fuzzy and had to go to bed for 3 hours.. I'd rather be *normal* and try and manage but I don't know how it will go.   Interesting about the tablets.  I think my neighbour had them too as she wasn't good with the other stuff.   I've read that chemo can be very resistant to colon cancer, a lot of different mixes of different types of chemo are often tried. I've read where people have done their stint of chemo only to find that the cancer is actually worse and the chemo didn't touch it.  I think colon cancer is the worst for this and other cancers are not so resistant. We just can't help reading all this stuff can we!!!


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2017, 02:34:20 PM »

I haven't googled my cancer or asked for any statistical prognosis as I was told by a nurse on the ward that you never find the good news stuff online and a statistic isn't me.
Certainly those I've seen being treat for colon cancer seem to get a variety of mixes but this is true of many cancers as different regimes tackle different aspects of cell division and tumour formation. There are also lots of different types of bowel cancer and this will impact on success of treatment too. Try not to get caught up in the what ifs at this stage as you may not even need further treatment and I've learnt the hard way that you can't unsee or unhear less than positive stuff.


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2017, 03:15:54 PM »

coldethyl - great post - so true.   Lynne888 - really try to resist researching bowel cancer online - like HRT, the horror stories tend to be highlighted.  Once you've had the MRI and they have decided the best treatment, I would then have a few questions written down to ask the doctors or the specialist nurse and get the full truth from them.
We're here to support you so do keep us posted.  DG xxxxxxx


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Re: Newly Diagnosed with Colon Cancer
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2017, 03:47:27 PM »

I would advise not to google or at least until you have all the test results back. You are only scaring yourself reading statistics etc.

It may be that the cancer was contained within the polyp but of course they have to scan and test you to double check that it hasn't spread. In the meantime, try to remain positive that it won't have spread and that the removal of the polyp is all that was needed. You may not need any further treatment.

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