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Author Topic: Panic attack type waves?  (Read 5648 times)


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Panic attack type waves?
« on: January 28, 2017, 03:52:06 PM »

Having lots of horrible 'waves' of possible panic or heart things? Had a few odd ones over the last few months but now getting them almost daily. Starts with a bit of a light headed feeling then a horrible feeling starting from diaphragm up through chest and down arms, now making my chest achy/tight. Went to Drs on way home from work the other night as I got it walking to car park (added totally to my walking phobia..) but she took BP, okay, listened to heart and lungs and because I've had clear ecgs, good old anxiety. Now

Been away to a nice hotel last night but couldn't enjoy it through the fear and yes, had two episodes and just made me panic. Convinced it's heart related. On getting home, I thought right, went round the corner for a very short walk to prove I wasn't going to drop dead and got wobbly legs and an episode trying to get back home...panic do you think? Desperately don't want to go down the dark hole again through fear  :'(  OH wouldn't let me shoot off to a&e and said not to be so stupid. I suppose it didn't help that I spent most of my hotel break googling heart and panic sites!!!  :beat:



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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2017, 04:08:16 PM »

Sounds a wee bit like what I've had in recent months.  When mine are bad I end up on all fours for fear of collapsing.  I feel ever so nauseous with mine.  Got an appointment with cardiology in a couple of weeks for 24 hr monitor.  I had similar a number of years ago & it was put down to stress. My job was very stressful at that time. They went away on their own.  However, having said that, the most I've ever had is a few a week, not daily.  GP not convinced it's heart related, but wants to be sure.


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2017, 04:13:03 PM »

Could be adrenaline surges: for me it feels like hot water coursing through my veins.  Now I know what it is I'm not as worried.  Adrenaline = potential for panic attacks  :sigh:


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2017, 05:06:02 PM »

I think it's always wise to get these checked out, however, once they have said your heart is fine from tests etc I think you do have to face reality that it's more than likely fear, surges etc

Mine started at 40, totally out of the blue 5 years before peri started, scared the living daylights out of me.  Dr referred me to cardiology who diagnosed arrhythmia , BBs didn't agree with me but eventually they went only to come back with a vengeance at 45 with peri, referred again, 24hr monitor showed ranges from 40bpm to 140bpm so they did more tests and a scan, same again .... arrhythmia

So now, as much as I hate them, I know my heart is ok, once you get your head round that it really will lessen the anxiety



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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2017, 05:53:17 PM »

Hi, JustJules!

First of all - a hug....... :hug:

Yes, I've definitely experienced this! I had it a lot when I wasn't on HRT, and for me it was definitely adrenal surges. The adrenals are very challenged during menopause, as they take over hormone production from your declining ovaries. Mine were quite literally flogged to death when I wasn't taking anything, but over time it lessened on its own.....

Now every time I mess with my HRT, I have to contend with it again until things settle - which up to now, they haven't really! I've lost the 'knack' of not reacting to these feelings - I got pretty good at it when I wasn't using anything but now if I get hit out of the blue, it floors me despite knowing what it is!

I find stress reduction is key - even 'good' stress such as going away to a nice hotel can set these off, unfortunately! I'm trying to 'go back to basics' and learn how to deal with these again, so that I can hopefully have a bit more of a life!

Breathing exercises (my favourite is 4,7,8) definitely help, as well as keeping blood sugar as steady as possible - when you're hyperventilating or blood sugar is low the body is also in a state of stress and the adrenals respond accordingly! It's also best not to anticipate these feelings - it puts your central nervous system in a constant state of high alert which makes an episode even more likely. Talk about catch 22! :o

I hope this helps a wee bit. xxxxx

« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 02:23:19 PM by Tempest »


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2017, 07:36:36 PM »

You are so right describing them as waves!  It sounds really weird, but I've found it helps me to visualise mine as 'real' waves...I can feel it crashing over me and because I think of it as a wave, it helps me remember it is going to pass. 


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2017, 07:52:52 PM »

That's a brilliant coping mechanism Dorothy, during labour I'd visualise each contraction climbing a mountain, the peak being the most intense part, then once I'd reached it I was coming down slowly and walking to the next mountain.  Got me through long labours without pain relief....I'll have to remember your wave one for when I'm hit again xx


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2017, 10:02:48 PM »

I'm feeling more positive about my funny turns having read about the various symptoms of adrenalin surges from sufferers on here. I try & "blow" mine away. Helps me concentrate. They usually pass within a minute or so.


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2017, 10:53:55 AM »

Thanks ladies. A lot of what you say makes total sense. I can rationalise it and know it is probably the adrenaline surges but when it happens I can't!  I'm worn out just thinking where to start to get rid of it, all my known coping mechanisms have gone out of the window at the moment and everything is done very halfheartedly. Like you Tempest, I think I need to go back to the basics again as there's definitely no magic wand. I've been on the waiting list for months to see a psychiatrist on my request but the appointment has just come through for the normal mental health team so I am disappointed.


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2017, 12:10:14 PM »


Haven't seen you around for a while and was hoping you were ok!

This sounds very much like what I had after my op for a couple of months. In the end I saw a naturopath who gave me lots of supplements to balance hormones and for adrenal support, I think in the end it did help. My hubby was away a lot at the time which didn't help but I kept telling myself if I'm ok once we are together for a while then I know it's nothing serious. I also did some outside work for a couple of weeks  (I normally work from home) and the distraction really helped although I was still getting adrenaline surges they eventually tailed off. I just think now my body took a bashing and knocked the hormones out of whack, things have settled now except flipping hot nights are back but that's the only thing at the moment, touch wood!

The bottom falling out of your stomach feeling is horrible, you feel weird then you start to panic which then makes you feel even weirder and goes round in circles!

I got over it a little by just telling myself it's those stupid hormones as I'd had ecg before the op, they would have kept an eye on heart etc during the op and my doc had a good listen afterwards so I had hoped they hadn't missed anything!

Take care and try not to worry too much, I felt instantly better about it all once I'd read on here that other ladies were also experiencing the same.



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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2017, 01:30:22 PM »

I felt instantly better about it all once I'd read on here that other ladies were also experiencing the same.

So true!  The MM forum is definitely my best coping strategy.  It's so reassuring to read that you are not the only one suffering whatever weird symptom currently annoys you the most.  And to realise that if everyone else is surviving it, you probably will too!


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2017, 02:23:03 PM »

Thanks Wombat - have been 'lurking' a lot as don't want to post and moan so much to be honest as mine is more HA than menopause related but I suppose anxiety is anxiety despite what causes it!

I too am thinking of seeing a Naturopath again.  Saw a very elderly gentleman years ago who was very good but I've seen a new lady advertising lately that sounds really interesting and she does cookery open days etc. so I'd be interested in that sort of thing. 

Adrenaline surges sound different in us all somehow.  Mine are just this horrible sensation that starts creeping up from my tummy but doesn't make my heart race or anything like my old panic attacks used to so because it's different, it's worried me more etc. x


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Re: Panic attack type waves?
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2017, 05:26:07 PM »

Hello Justjules.

So sorry to hear that you are suffering. Your comment about anxiety being anxiety rang a bell with me because I think that when menopausal anxiety descends it looks for a home. For many of us the physical changes mean we focus on illnesses etc but for some of us other considerations get there first, social anxiety for example.

During this journey I've experienced all sorts of strange sensations including severe heart palpitations but I've never worried about them, probably because I was too busy fretting about a social event lol. Some time ago I had some unexplained bleeding and was sent for a hysteroscopy, now some ladies here would have been convinced they had cancer but I was sure there was nothing wrong and it was just that my HRT dose was too high, my panic was how I would cope if my husband wanted us to call into a cafe on they way home from the appointment!

I hope you find a regime that works for you and I wish you well.
